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After Break up - What do most girls want?


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I agree with you on all that. This NC is making me stronger then before and I'm glad I did it, but I do miss talking to her...we were pretty close after the break up. She does think I'll wait forever and she does need to know she can lose me and something special. She'll realize that sooner or later but I can wait a little right now, I'm in no rush. Time sucks but she is worth the wait and time.


As much as this helping me out, I hope it helps our relationship and her thinking about me. Hope she wonders about me more because she is not hearing from me. Making her miss talking to me or something in that matter. That would make me feel very good but I am getting stronger and becoming a better person for the future.


I'm doing the NC right now and its been the 7th day. Hope this helps for me and her. Hope its making the situation better our relationship stronger in way. Its making me stronger though...


Well thanks for advice and keep it coming! Its makes me feel much better and gets more knowledge in my head.

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You seem to do alot of talking for her, in all of your posts its always "she" and "us" but hardly ever "me or "I". if she never came back or talked to you again, you would not be ready for that move by her, because u have put all hope in getting back together. She knows this, and is taking it to her advantage, u need to do something to show her u arent there, something like either not going to her birthday thing, or turning up late, or leaving early, but if u go there, have a great time, but nothing "relationshipy" (new word sounds cool!) happens, then she knows she has u as a friend, but also if she cant find a new guy, someone to fall back on. NC means u arent talking, but doesnt mean u arent accessible to her.


just a few thoughts

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As much as this helping me out, I hope it helps our relationship and her thinking about me. Hope she wonders about me more because she is not hearing from me. Making her miss talking to me or something in that matter. That would make me very good but I am getting stronger and becoming a better person for the future.


I'm doing the NC right now and its been the 7th day. Hope this helps for me and her. Hope its making the situation better our relationship stronger in way. Its making me stronger though...


Mate, I know we all secretly wish that NC will make our ex miss us and eventually want to be with us again. I admit it, I have that secret wish too but still, NC should primarily be used for YOU and you alone.

You are still hoping it would help you and her. Forget about her for now. Focus on you.


Work on being a better and emotionally stronger man. That way if she comes back one day or you meet someone else you will be the attractive man you always wanted to be and your new relationship will be way better than any previous one.

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I'm not trying to talk for her but its all the things she has told me, my family, and her family. Right now, both families think we went back out because there was a good chance we'll back together. Plus both families love each other and us.


But I do understand she needs to know she has a chance she can lose me. I also have to show her I'm happy because last time I showed her I was a little down and I'm not doing that no more. The NC has been going good, I can manage to not talk to her at all.


For the birthday, I have to go but come as a friend. Just to show I still care about her and it will be the first birthday with me. Plus she came to mine, I think it wouldn't be a great idea if I didn't come to hers. We are pretty close since the break up, but kinda ruined that by bringing up the relationship which made me go in the NC so I can't ruin anything anymore.


This is my first pain, I'm trying to learn many things to help my situation and it has helped a lot. Thanks...

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Mate, I know we all secretly wish that NC will make our ex miss us and eventually want to be with us again. I admit it, I have that secret wish too but still, NC should primarily be used for YOU and you alone.

You are still hoping it would help you and her. Forget about her for now. Focus on you.


Work on being a better and emotionally stronger man. That way if she comes back one day or you meet someone else you will be the attractive man you always wanted to be and your new relationship will be way better than any previous one.


I agree, I think I'm becoming stronger then before. Like I said, this is my first pain so I don't have much knowledge or experience on what to do but you guys are making it better.


I been doing some stuff for me today actually, went out and bought some clothes. Went to a buddies house and couldn't stop laughing at one point. I understand more that this is NC is about myself and not her but still gotta have that wishful thinking in the back of my mind, nothing is wrong with that I assume. But I'm doing all I can to make me a stronger/better person for my future. I'll be able to handle anything that happens next.

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