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Does my best guy friend like me?

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I've been friends with this guy for about a year and a half and we're really close friends. Lately though, he's been acting differently around me. He flirts with me even more, gets mad when I talk about guys, and even got mad that I was flirting with his friend! (woops, my bad..., hey, he's hott!) Then this incident happened between one of my friends and now we're even closer than before. Everyone thinks we're going out, but we aint. I used to like him and I told him, but nothin' happened 'cause I told him that I sorta didn't wanted our friendship to be different. Now though, he's even more nice to me, hugs me even more, and when his friends ask him what he thinks of another grl in front of me, he says something negative about her, and so now I don't know what's going on. I alwayz flirt with him, but that's just how we are. Everyone thinks we are going out, or we both like each other. My close friends even think that too! I have no clue what's goin' on now. Does he like me or something?

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Sounds to me like he is definitely interested in you. Guys aren't protective for no reason. I'm more unclear about how you feel toward him... You say you don't want to be more than friends but your friends know you best and they think you like him. I think they are pretty on cue. If you think it will ruin your friendship, I would make it crystal clear to him. Then he wouldn't be trying to win you over. I would also stop flirting with him. It's sends him mixed signals, and you don't want to be confusing, it only gets you in trouble and a bad rep. Establish your feelings and move on from there. If you are ready to admit to yourself that you are interested, then I would keep on flirting and show him that you are. Don't waste your time playing silly mind games...

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Gawd, Mermayd is all over the place ... she thinks like me and yes, I go along with her once again.


My addition is though that you not only need to find out how you really feel about him, but also what you expect from him and what you expect out of a relation with him. Wether it'll be 'just' friendship (why not?) or more. I do a lot of writing when it comes to love and relation issues. I write down my needs, expectations and feelings so I have something to refer back, too. Scary, eh? But... it works!


I hope this was of help for you. Good luck finding out!


~ SwingFox ~

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If you are intresed back, go for it. You might find that he and you are perfect togerther and make each other happy.


If you are not and still want to be friends with him, be careful how you go about telling him this fact. and don't use phrase like "I just want to be friends" and "Your not my type". Speak to him about you feeling and why you dont like him that way and be honest and let him have his say. But most important is be hostest. Nothing destroys a friendship quicker than a lie.


But either way good luck.

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