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my girlfriend had a lesbian relationship before she met me

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first off i am a guy. however im not posting this for me. im doing this for my girlfriend who i care very much about. so pelase read and ill explain.


my girlfriend had a lesbian relationship before she met me and during the first month i knew her which i didnt kno at the time, also before we were going out. anyway she is not a lesbian. she is Bi-sexual and certain days she will claim to be 50% for guys and 50% for girls. other days she gets fed up with being that way and trieds to convince herself that she is totally straight which i kno she is not. i have no problem with ehr being bi-sexual. it makes no difference to me i still lvoe her very much, however here in lies the problem.


The girl she had the relationship was her best friend first. she knew her for 2 years before entering a relationship with her. it started with a camping trip when it was extremely cold out andthey needed to stay close to each other to stay warm so they cuddled. my girlfriend is very sensitive about ppl touching her n even gets that way with me a lot. but with the girl she knew it was to stay warm so she had to. then a few days later thegirl said you can kiss me if u want to n my girlfriend did jsutthat n they were together ever since.


now this was not a happy relationship for my girlfriend, although she tries to rationalize that it was. The relationahip lasted 3 years however taking out all of the breakup time it was prolly closer to 1 and a half years of being together. This girl cheated on her 8 times. all with guys, 2 of them being a guy on a webcam that she never actually met before. she left a live person for a webcam. when she left my girlfriend she would ignore her constantly, not take her phone calls or respond to emails or instant messages. she shut my girlfriend completely out of her life.


My girlfriend made a lsit of all the good and the bad about this girl and the bad so outweighed the good. 19 good versus almost 40 bad. yet shestill cant letgo. i kno she does care for me because she tells me that if she had to date ne1 else it would be me and thats y she is with me ow. she tells me im everything she looks for in a guy.


My girlfriend never wanted the breakups. shje felt that she was her soulmate n spent all the time in between breakups crying n upset n trying to get her back. the only reason the girl took her back was because of pity andshe felt bad. she even told my girlfriend this. she told my girlfriend that she only loved her with half her heart. she lied cheated talked behind her back, ignores her and dismisses that my girlfriend is alive yet all my girlfriend wants to do is have her in her life. i dont understand but maybe you can help me help her becuase i truly love her


she wants to get over these feelings but doesnt kno how stating that she not only lost a lover but her bestfriend too and i kno how diffucult that is by seeing ehr like tihsvery day. i need help on hoew to get her over her n stop worrying why her ex is doing this to her.


there are many more details i have because i am the only person she talks to aboutthis so if you need anymore information please ask me and ill give it to you. i really need to help her shes been depressed for 3 months now and gets angry everyday that this girl wont cll her or talk to her.


Thanks for your help

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the best way to get over someone is to not make any contact with them, like calling, or talking. does she still want her as a friend, or does she still like her as a gf? either way, i don't see why she would. this girl was not nice to her by cheating or ignoring her. she's not a good friend either. your gf just needs to let go & it could take awhile. tell her not to call her anymore because that will just make it worse for her. she has you now, so she doesn't have a reason to be depressed, she should be happy that she has someone so caring & she even said that you were all she was looking for in a guy.

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Thanks for the quick reply.


Yes she does want her in the relationship way but knows she cant have it because she will just get hurt again. she wants a friendship with her because she wants her in her life in one way or another because it seems no1 makes her as happy as tihs girl did, not me or ne of her friends. she feels that she cant do ne better than this girl when in actuality she tells me im way better than her. y she cant let go is beyond me and ive been atthis for 3 months now. she wants to be friends again but then she gets upset when the girl doesnt try to touch her or whatever. she gets upset thatthe girl doesnt make moves on her n then is bitchy to whoever is around.


ive tried taking her to go ee her but it only makes her happy for a few hours then the next day shes right back to where she is and it kills me to take her there knowing y she wants to be there but i do it neway for her.


y sheeven wantsto be friends witha personthat didall ofthis to her is beyond me. she says the girl fufills part of her fantasy worls, liek it helps her to hold onto her child hood becauseshe is only 18. she says shes a differentperson around her and ive seen t myself. she said its because she can act immature andthe girl would do it with her.


she also used to roleplay withthe girl, both sexual roleplays and regular ones, like solving problems thru character because it helped herto express her true feelings. ive tried doing it with her but all i hear is no1 is as good as her n she says that is another reason y she cant let go..



please ne thoughts????/


im desperate. thank you

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how does this make you feel? your gf is still in love with her ex & her ex makes her happiest... why would you want to be with her? i know you probably like her & care about her, but she's not being fair to you. she has a great guy, but yet she still wants her ex back. would she, or has she ever cheated on you with her ex? it seems to me like she would if her ex gave her another chance. you have done so much for her & she can't be happiest with you. does she not care about your feelings? she is so honest about all of this & tells you how her ex fulfills all of her fantasies.... this is crazy to me. i would never tell my bf something like that, only because i don't feel like any other guy would make me happier, or would fulfill any part of my life that he can't. maybe im misunderstanding the whole thing, but im only saying what i understand from your post. you need to find out why you still want to be with someone like her...

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i honestly dont kno. i mean i o love her. its a feeling not oneother girl has ever given me before. when she is happy she s the best person in thewworld. i feel like im floating butswhen she is sad its horrible. i guess i want her to be happy again cause that was the best. but she was only happy with her. i told her i wouldnt abandon her and i wont. but i dont kno how to stop lovingher. ud think that after i saw the good id be in love but when i saw the bad id run for the hills but i stuck with her. rhick n thin because i do love her. she would never cheat on me no. she would break up ith me even beforeshe kissed someoneelse let alonethe girl. but the girl has made it clear she doesnt love her n doesnt want to be with her in that way.

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i feel that if i stayed away id be leaving her and abandoning her n i dont want her to think that.


i lvoe her oo much to hurt her. and yes she talks about it n its weird but i encourage herto tlk aobut it cause im the only one she can talk to. so it helps her vent a bit i guess

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and you are right i have done a lot for her. i put my life on hold for the past 3 monthsfor her. that includes time b4 we were seeing each other. ie drove her to her exx's house ive stopped working andseeing friends ivestopped playing hockeyat one point. i stopped being me for her n tried to help her. i made sure she ate before i did if we didnt have enough money. i always took carew of her. so ur right i do do everything for her. and no i odnt kno y i still care but i do

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okay...I am going to be very blunt

I apologize if my words hurt your feelings...but this might help:

She is probably addicted to her ex-girlfriend.

You are probably addicted to her.

BOTH of you want what you CANNOT have...and this is probably why you are so attracted to one another.


You are NOT going to have a healthy relationship with her...she has issues and problems to work through. She has NOT healed over her breakup, and is NOT ready for another relationship...this is obvious.


You are caretaking...which is not empowering for her, nor is it healthy for you.


If she truly wants to let go of this woman...and it sounds like she does NOT want to...she would have to cease ALL contact.


You are NOT in her heart, this woman is...there is no room for you right now. Maybe later on she will be ready for what you have to offer, but right now she is emotionally UNAVAILABLE.


stop hitting your head against the wall...there are women out there who would want you...but this woman does NOT

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