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im bi and scared to death to come out but it. I go to a GLBT and say im just ther supportin because it scares me even thought in best buddys with one the girls to let them know im bi. what do i do? i told them i was straight but im not really. i am partially sleeping with my roommate at this moment....I am just so confused about everything.......my roommate is in love with me and i don't know....i just want to come clean to the group....but im still scared....even to tell my friends and family... im afried of rejection and haterd towards me.. i already had so much tourcher in my life with namecalling rejection and all. This with the addition of stress of school has got me to the point of not sleeping, not wanting to eat, or to live, and if it was not for my room mate, true friend and love. i would have done a lot more horrible things to myself then i did this past week.

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Ok why do you feel as you have to tell anyone, it's not really anyone's business but your own?


But if you feel as you have to say something them, would stat of but next time you in your group of friends just talking about different topics, bring up one by saying what would you guys do if you found out one of your mates was bi and see there reaction and from there you should see what you have to do..

So relax and take it slow.

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I haven't been in your situation, so I can't really understand it. But I myself am kind of bi curious. I've always thought that if I was and I told any of my friends and they decided to not be my friends that they were never friends in the first place, who wants to keep people around like that? Wouldn't you like to be free and have this off your mind? to not have to worry about what people think anymore? Be proud of who you are. As for your family, I can imagine it might take a little while for them to accept, but I'm certain they would embrace it with time. Sometimes you just have to decide that you're not going to care what other people think any more and free yourself out of your cage where you are trying to fit what others want or expect you to be. Best of luck to you, I'm sure it will be ok.

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Don't be afraid to be who you are. We are taught what is considered "normal" in regard to sexuality, and if we have any inkling that our feelings aren't normal then we're made to believe we are weird and bad and whatever else. Don't subscribe to that negative thinking. You are YOU, and if you are bisexual, then stop feeling bad about yourself. Be glad you are learning more about who you are, and be glad you can be honest and truthful to yourself. Sometimes it's easiest to confide in someone you don't know so personally, someone who doesn't have such a presense in your life. Or talk to the GLBT leader, if that person is a caring and trustworthy adult. You could find your local PFLAG chapter and ask to speak to someone about your situation. When my best friend told me he was bisexual, I was a little confused and needed to talk to someone anonymously, and I got in touch with a very nice older woman whose daughter happened to be gay. There are many safe resources and outlets for you, just look around a little, check the phonebook, look online. Good luck.


P.S. Never be ashamed of who you are. You have just as much right to live as you wish as the next person. Be true to yourself!



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