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Hi December,


Some of favs were...




One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.


For Whom The Bell Tolls


The Grapes of Wrath




David Copperfield. (long)


Huckleberry Finn.


War Of The Worlds


Treasure Island


Robinson Crueso


The Hunchback of Notredame


The Call of the Wild.


I like fiction classics and mid 20th century as you can see.

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are you male or female?

i just read Veil of Roses & it was fabulous. definitely more of a woman's book, though some men may enjoy it. it's about an iranian woman who moves to the US & is forced to either find a husband in 90 days or go back to the corrupt iran. i really learned a lot about the culture & at the same time, it was an easy read

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are you male or female?

i just read Veil of Roses & it was fabulous. definitely more of a woman's book, though some men may enjoy it. it's about an iranian woman who moves to the US & is forced to either find a husband in 90 days or go back to the corrupt iran. i really learned a lot about the culture & at the same time, it was an easy read


thanks. im female. yeah i like more of woman's book, actually.

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Ok, none of these are classic women's books or classic romances (i just don't know enough to recommend, sorry!), but


For a romance with a difference:

Like Water for Chocolate, by Laura Esquivel

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It's a bit surreal, don't read it if you don't like that


and to stay in the Latin American area:

"Daughter of Fortune" and its sequel "A portrait in Sepia" by Isabel Allende, link removed


I don't suppose there's any chance you haven't read "Shadow of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon yet? If not: I don't think it quite merits the hype, but still quite intriguing & exciting with extra added tragic love story! link removed


... I'll post more if I think of any....

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Ok, none of these are classic women's books or classic romances (i just don't know enough to recommend, sorry!), but


For a romance with a difference:

Like Water for Chocolate, by Laura Esquivel

link removed

It's a bit surreal, don't read it if you don't like that


and to stay in the Latin American area:

"Daughter of Fortune" and its sequel "A portrait in Sepia" by Isabel Allende, link removed


I don't suppose there's any chance you haven't read "Shadow of the Wind" by Carlos Ruiz Zafon yet? If not: I don't think it quite merits the hype, but still quite intriguing & exciting with extra added tragic love story! link removed


... I'll post more if I think of any....


thanks Charlit

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Do you like fantasy or sci-fi?


Eyes of Crow by Jeri Smith-Ready (fantasy and romance)


Symphony of the Ages by Elizabeth Haydon (lovely series with unusual magics and characters. The first book in the series is called Rhapsody).


Neanderthal Parallax by Robert J Sawyer (What would happen if Neanderthals were the dominant human instead of us? And what would happen if the two parallel worlds met? And what would happen if a Neanderthal and a human fell in love?) First book in the trilogy is "Hominids"

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Do you like fantasy or sci-fi?


Eyes of Crow by Jeri Smith-Ready (fantasy and romance)


Symphony of the Ages by Elizabeth Haydon (lovely series with unusual magics and characters. The first book in the series is called Rhapsody).


Neanderthal Parallax by Robert J Sawyer (What would happen if Neanderthals were the dominant human instead of us? And what would happen if the two parallel worlds met? And what would happen if a Neanderthal and a human fell in love?) First book in the trilogy is "Hominids"


thanks . i prefer fantasy and romance. please keep me updated if you know more book references. i do book collections .

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ooh, fantasy and romance? In that case, do you know the Kushiel trilogy by Jacqueline Carey? Fantasy, romance and kink! They're called Kushiel's Dart, Kushiel's Chosen and kushiel's Avatar. And if you're not into kink and skip those parts you still have a very enjoyable read!

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