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Workplace Friendships


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Well I've recently studied the signs of interest through body contact.


There is this girl at work who goes on break and leaves the breakroom before I do.


When she gets up to leave, I look at her, and she maintains eye contact for a good 5 seconds.


Today she did that and right when she got to the exit, she turned around and smiled at me.


I'm physically attracted to this girl and I've been this way ever since she started working there over a year ago.


The dilemma is I want to get her alone just to say hi, but I don't want to do it in a way that is offensive. We work in different departments and really only see each other when we go on break.


I think she'd make a great friend and if it turned into more than that, I'd be fine with it also.


How can I break the ice?

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Build up to it. Start by when you see her, jsut saying hello or hi or good morning/afternoon. After a short while, add a "how are you." After some more time, drop in a comment, like "I like your ..." (never use principal articles of clothing (pants, shirts, etc.). Intersperse times when you seem to not notice her and are busy doing other things. Soon, she will want to talk.

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