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Just wanna be sure, i gonna make decision after this........

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Hie, I like this girl. The Good Signs she shows is

1) She Likes to turn back looking at me altough i sit behind her

2) She start to wear ring on index finger after 2-3 weeks i started wearing a ring on my index finger

3) She would talk abt us wearing same colour shirts if we do

4) She loves to ask whether i still going out with my Ex or any other girls and asking who i like- Almost every week 2-3 times

5) She likes to mirror my body langguage

6) She tell me all her "secrets" to me and told me not to tell others although to me it is just some minor stuffs

7) Msg me out of the blue

8) she forward e-mail to onli 3 person, 2 of her best frens and me onli

9) She likes to laugh when i am talking which don seems funny to me

10)She likes to come and hang around with my buddies and stand beside me


Bad Signs is

1) when i ask her out she always have plans- total 3 times, once cos have to pack shifting house da next day, second is her new house painting day, third is her new funiture in coming that day and i finally gave up.... she ask me out da next 2 week but i am busy

2)I ask her to go swimming, she say she is shy to go swimmnig with guys

3) she don talk much to me in school, when she comes to my buddies, my frens ask her too many question and have no time to talk to me. but when she see me alone she will come and talk to me.

4) She never called me

5) 1 time when she tease me over Msn Chat that this girl who likes me is not bad, can consider to be my gf- I shot back that she also not bad, and i can also consider her. she said if i like her, she can't stop me but there are other girls who will suit me better

6) She ask me again who i like now???, after i told her that don talk abt my EX already cos she da history and i've moved on already. I ans Her back "U". she just smile and laugh.



Plz Gimme at least 3 replies and i decide to go after her or forget her and move on...

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It seems to me like this girl is just being a friend and a good one at that.


You mentioned that she looks back at you frequently but you didn't say anything about any eye contact. Nor did you say if the eye contact is deep or strong.


If you are getting the eye contact then the signs are good but if it's just casual eye contact like a normal friend then forget it.

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I say go for the 4th. Depending on her age...she might just be shy. I mean it seems like she had valid excuses... If i had to move, paint my house and get new furniture i would say no too.... and swimming ...well it should be of no surprise that soem girls are less comfortable with their bodies, esp in front of males...


I think you should be honest and direct. Tell her that you think she is a nice girl and that you would like the opportunity to get to know her better one on one, if she would be interested in going out to a movie, for a walk, ice cream whenever it's most convenient for her.


If after taht you made it clear what ur inetentions where and said "Whenever it's most convenient for her" she still says no ... move on..


See what she says.... u have nothing to lose and more to gain... (like sanity and not having to wonder "what if").


Go for it...


Good luck

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