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Having a setback, advice would be great...


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Well I was doing nc with the ex I actually lost track of the amount of time because I thought counting it would make me think about her too much so I just did it and tried to keep my mind occupied while bettering myself. While on friday I started getting phone calls from a number I did not know so I did not answer. Then at 230am I got a restricted phone call and answered it as it startled me from sleep. It was my ex gf who had dumped me previously and is now dating someone 9 yrs older than us. She sounded drunk and really miserable. We had a kind light convo, she did give me some clues she wanted to work things out but obviously did not come out and say anything. For example I am contemplating going to Officer Candidate School for the Air Force which would be a great opportunity and I would be relocating. I mentioned this to her and she begged me not to leave. I responded with how is it fair that you keep me down while you date someone else. She just seemed really sad, saying she has not had fun since we broke up...blah blah blah, I ended the convo as I had to be to the airport at 4am. I just returned from Florida yesterday and I thought for sure she would try and contact me and now I am analyzing everything. I am going back to no contact but I am just wondering others opinions on this situation. Thank you.

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No matter what happens, persue your goals and don't let anything get in the way, she left you, and is now dating some older guy, then she calls you outta nowhere to complain that things are'nt working etc. It sounds like shes playing games and is trying to get into your head, I would stick with the NC and live your life, move on and try to avoid letting her prevent you from further bettering your life.

The only thing she is trying to do is bring you down, at least thats how it looks.

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