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HELP!!! I asked her out and she said.....


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First, before I get to what she said, hello everyone!

Now when I asked her out she said....."I'll see", but in a voice wher I don't know if she's saying yes or no. THere was a little enthusiam in her voice, but not a ton. Does that favor a yes or a no? Anyway, I feel I have"outsmarted" her because the other day she said she "had a boyfriend", but I asked her the wrong type of question. Now I asked her the right question and she says a completely different answer. Do you guys and gals feel that this favors a yes or a no? I get along with her and am in around half of her classes, but I'm not "buddies with her", which I feel is good. Thanks for the help.

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Honestly, you lost me at the "outsmarted" part. So if I am way off in my advice please forgive me. I think that her answer means just what it says. I dont think its a yes or a no. definitely dont pressure her for an answer. People dont like pressure. If she sounds hesitant, look for someone who is confident that they want to go out with you. There are plenty of attractive women out there who would probably jump at the chance, if you asked them out. Also, did you say that she said she has a boyfriend? If so please do youreself a favor and find someone who is single.



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hey there, well lemme say it probly favors "yes", but that isnt for sure it probly depends on three or four other things. I would just wait to see what she sais, and the phrase "outsmarted" worrys me dont try to outsamrt her she either likes you or she doesnt okay? well hope I helped.

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I would have to say that if she gave you such a lukewarm answer as "I'll see," she's not very interested.....sorry to be the bearer of bad news! And yes, the b/f thing does throw in some confusion as well. I'd go with the above response and just skip this girl....if someone asks me out and I have to say "I'll see", there's something wrong with that picture!

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Hey DaXMan, Welcome to the club.


As far as your post is concerned, I would have to say (if this just happened today), that you should see what happens tomorrow and try to make alot of eye contact with her, for more on that see my eye-contact post from some time back, you will have to search for it. If you can't find it, Private Message me and I will send you all you need to know.

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I got both good/bad news. The bad is that she is going out with someone.

The good is that when she's single again, she would probably say yes to me.


She told me that she just started going out with someone (1-2 weeks), but that if (I hope that's when, and quickly), she may like to go out with me. After scoping the scene, I can make some educated guesses on who she's going out with (the canidates won't be going out with her too long, I hope), I can prepare (I'm in 10th grade) and jump on the opportunity when she beraks up with the person. JOKE: She told me she felt a bit sick. (must be from her new boyfriend)


Thank you all for the advice and helping me know what certain things mean. And JohnDoe, good article on the eye contact. 8) 8)

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