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The Good News...& The Not So Good...

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OK, first the good news: Once you move on your ex is likely to try & get you back.

The bad news: Once you move on you probably won't want them back.

So, either way, you probably don't end up together, but at least you have the satisfaction of being the one to say, "No thanks...".

My (very) new thing may or may not work out, but it served the purpose of breaking the spell my ex had over me & I have to believe that happened for a reason.

Now when my ex calls (& he calls often) I know he can hear how happy I am & that I've emotionally un-hooked from him. He tries to talk about "us" and how he wishes we were back together, but I change the subject & remind him that things work out for the best in the long run. I'm not trying to deliberately hurt him, but it does give me some sense of poetic justice that this man is finally having to acknowledge that he lost someone great.

Definitely a bittersweet feeling, but still better than feeling like I didn't matter in his life at all.

Funny how getting to know someone great (who also thinks you're great!) changes your perspective. I will always wish my ex well, but I know now that he's not the one I want to be with.

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you go girl

im glad that you have decided that he wasnt the one you want, and have let yourself free of the pain. it is hard to become emotionally detatched from the ones you love, and most of the time we still remain with that small feeling of want or desire.


im sorry to second your statements made about good and bad, they are very much true.


anyway dont hurt him too much emotionally, he could be or want to remain great friends with you.


anyway i wish you the best with your future and may you find the right person for you.



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