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Ask a friend (girl who i've had a crush on for the longest time) to dance at prom?


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I just had to post something because I can't keep it in me. Tonight is the night, I'm going to ask her for a dance (slow dance obviously). I've never really slow-danced before so any tips?


I'm really nervous, we're gonna be hanging out together at an afterparty until tomorrow morning and again hanging out the for most of the day tomorrow, so if anything awkward happens its gonna really suck. That's what I'm really worried about.


Also there is this guy (who doesn't like the girl) but you know hes the ladies man type, like they're always all over him and he intimidates me. She's sitting at a different table than me so when a slow song starts I'm going to have to walk over there which will be weird. Hopefully, I'm hanging around her area when a slow song starts and I can ask her to a dance right from there holy so much thinking behind this

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Slow dancing is the easiest thing in the world. Its like a slightly moving hug. lol


You just walk up to her with confidence and ask her to dance. Dont worry about who is watching or what she will say just ask her. Then when she says yes, you lead her out to the dance floor and start dancing. Its that simple.

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A guy friend did this to me at prom and it was awkward because I knew he liked me and I didn't want to lead him on. Just walk over to her and ask. Don't let that guy intimidate you every school has those guys and he'll find someone else to dance with. Dancing its self isn't hard. There's no "way" to dance it just comes naturally.

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See this is my position. I'm that guy. So did you dance with him?


Thx all three of you

I did dance with him I meant I wasn't gonna shoot him down infront of everyone he's my friend. So yeah I danced with him but I never dated him and were still like best friends.

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oh well this was a sad story...yesterday night the first slow song she danced with the guy that gave her her coursage ( WHICH I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW WAS HAPPENING) , then second/third slow song i searched for like but couldn't see her quick enough so I asked two other girls and then I was focued keeping an eye on her for the next slow song and our stupid limo times got messed up so the limo came early. SO we had to leave early and i never got my dance with her........................................................


I spent the night with her and friends and today with her and friends, so I didn't think about it too much but now that I'm not around her anymore I can't stop thinking about it. I was waiting for that moment for SOO LONG, that one last dance before we headed off from highschool. On a side note she is going to the same college as me so its ok. BUT I don't think I will ever get that dance now


I'm also kind of pissed off that I didn't know about the coursage thing with the other guy (presumbly her date) but like kind of as friends. It was pretty causal between them throughout the night, you couldn't really tell they came together. Until they had the first slow dance together. BUT the fact that I found out when we got into the limo with her holding a boutinere and the guy holding a coursage broke my heart!!! How come no one told me anything I felt so ..........holy!!


I just had to rant about this because it's in me and its truly breaking me apart. I'm even considering just seperating from her for the longest time until later in summer, because I'm also going to be on vacation starting next week (as in not really talking with her for long, but if she msgs I reply "hi" bak etc...keep it very light although she'll pick up somethings wrong, but NO WAY in hell would I tell her what's really wrong).


Since I'm going on about this I might as well throw in that yesterday night she kept getting calls from this guy, from this group of friends I know, so knowing that something might even be happening there is also killing me...this girl really doesn't know how much hurt she is causing me because around her I act all normal. BUT at the same time when I'm around her for the most part she brings a smile to my face. ---> and thus why it is just so hard for me to let her go like there is nothing there.

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