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Need urgent advice with getting intimate with my girlfriend!


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Alright, I have a small dilemma at the moment. I have gone out with my girlfriend for about 3 months now. We've been really romantic together, and we've always enjoyed just each others company, however I want to do more now. I know she is ready to do more as well so here's my problem.. This girl is my first serious relationship. We both love each other very much, and all I've done with her is make out. I've not done much else besides that, infact I've done very little "rubbing" of her with clothes on as well. I'm a shy kind of guy, and haven't done anything more than make out.


I want to know more of step by step of how to finger my girlfriend. Starting off by how to get in her pants and what to do to get her hot, and then how to do it. I know it should mostly be spontaneous, but just give me your best advice so I can feel a little more comfortable. I know tomorrow night we're going to go to the movies and then we're just going to chill We've been there a few times, and last time I think she was going to make a move on me, but we ended up not doing anything. So please give me your best advice, starting from the obvious because I'm very new and I want to do decent and make her happy! Thanks

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Alright class, pay attention, keep you chin up, eyes forward, head straight, pull your desks closer to the front and listen up.


I say you skip the movies, theres really know physical or emotional interaction, take her to dinner, sweet talk to her, tell how pretty she looks, tell her how important she is to you, let her know shes wanted, particularly tomorrow night.. ..., afther that, take her somewhere quiet, any place of soclusion. Now! (cracking knuckles) start off by holding her, sit down, let her sit on your lap, or sitting beside you with your arm around her is also acceptable, talk to her a bit, kiss her on the cheek, tell her how much you love her, start your usual making out, kiss her passionately, gently coress your fingers down her cheek, then down her neck, then a gentle squeeze of zee breast, keep your hand there for a good twenty seconds, don't just rest your hand on it, message it, then slowly move your hand down her waist, swither your hand over her legs, if her legs are crossed, gently, and slowly spread her legs apart, then slowly yet casually, message your way in between her legs, feel her up for a bit, then move your hand to her waist, then slide your hand down zee girls pants, insert your index and middle finget into the vagina at an approximate 90 degree angle....lol....just messin, once hand slides down pants, put one finger in, get her goin, then slide the second finger in, then presto, you've successfully fingered your girl



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Okay I'm a girl and I def. agree what they said only one thing...

do everything up to putting your hand down her pants. my Boyfriend first looked @ me in the eyes and then he said is it okay. I said okay for what and he wanted to know if he could rub it and i said okay. DO NOT SAY YOU ARE GOING TO PUT YOUR FINGER IN HER, HOWEVER I WILL GET TO THAT SO BE CALM!!! okay then you keep kissing her. kiss her neck and rub her chest a little more. stop everything but the keep rubbing down there just not the chest anymore look her deep into the eyes and start to very slowly take ONE of your fingers and feel around with the opening, then start to kiss her like you are really turned on put her hand over your pants on your penis and slowly start to move the finger in. just not the whole finger at once because if she hasn't done anything like that befor it can sometimes hurt the inividual or even be too freeky. then soon as you have spen at least a min. just rubbing and puting it in only about an half an inch put the whole thing in and move it around inside her and take it out one in a while and just rub her. there you should be good from here just listen to what he said too but remember to fallow this and ASK HER IF IT IS OKAY BEFORE GOING DOWN HER PANTS WITH YOUR HAND!!! 8)


love Qtpie87

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Dude all that really matters is you knowing the key signs, I mean she could be a really stiff or a go getter, but all you have to do is read the signs.


One thing that I trully noticed about girls is that they love guys' asses. Does you girl like to grab your ass? I mean if you can answer that then you'll have the answer to the rest of the questions you have. Also, location and timing matters too! don't try to bone her while she is on her period you know what I mean. If she gives you signs and does not want to bone may not be you. IT's PMS man, just keep trying to do more stuff while you guys are making out, feel her tits out , grab ass, what ever that comes next to the boning. Most Most Most important of all, try going down on her girls love that shit man.


Let me know if this works.



Nicoya, I am out

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  • 1 month later...

hey i am a girl i have been figured before. what they are telling you is right. But make sure not to insert all the way the first time it will hurt her. and she will be scared. but besides that after it happens she will love ya more. so don't worry. goodluck.

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