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I cant figure out why she thinks this is what she want's

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I have been broken up with my girlfriend for two weks now which was my doing because of problems with her ex boyfriend. What happened is we had broken up over this guy more than once and it was because she was affraid of how I would react. Anyway she went out with this guy for 4 years and everytime we broke up she would go hang out with him. She told me everytime we got back together that they where friends. We always got back together within a week but this time is different. It has been two weeks and she told me not to call her and to leave her alone. I think that she still has feelings for this person because she is with him everyday and doesnt ever care if she doesnt talk to me and that hurts because she knows how upset I am but doesnt seem to care. What I am wondering is does anyone think that she might be wanting to give him another try. He has asked her to get back together but she said she wasnt over me yet so I thinking she wants no contact with me so she can get over me and give him another try. I really miss her and I am trying very hard not to call her or let her see me but I feel like I am just giving up and letting her figure this out for herself. I told her that I would be here for her if she ever comes back but this time I dont think she will and that makes me want to fight for her. I dont understand why she thinks it will work with this guy they tried before and it didnt so why is she so willing to give me up over him. I have never felt so replaced and rejected in all my life. I am 31 and she is 23 and I know that we have different views riight now but I know that I love her and she told me for the last year and a half that she loved me and she was there for me everyday. Everything was good between us most of the time and then one day about 8 months ago he came to her work and told her that he miss's her annd ever since then things just didn't seem the same. I am very confused about why it is so easy for her to not talk to me and not see me. I am hopeing that by me giving her space and letting her fall if she has to maybe she will come back to me but it is so hard. I know she has a lot of growing up to do and she needs to figure out what she wants. I just dont understand the way women think sometimes and I am scared of what will happen if i dont contact her, will she think I have moved on and dont care anymore? What can I do to let her know that I am here and waiting for her to clear her head or is she just trying to figure out if this guy makes her happier than I do. Please help I am so confused and It gets harder everyday that goes by that my phone doesnt ring. What do I do?

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It's unfortunate that your going through this. Though she may have been with you for awhile, maybe she never got over her ex-boyfriend. She probably is confused over what she wants. On one hand she has you but on the other hand she has an ex-boyfriend that she might not have gotten over. These things happen sometimes. She is probably figuring out what's best for herself. The best that you can do is to tell her how you feel about her and then let her go. If you pressure her too much you'll just push her away from you. Though she may go back to the ex-boyfriend, something did happen for them to break up so maybe all is not lost. Give it some time and see what happens.

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