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shy guy needs to find out


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Wasup LilScared !


You like her......So you want to know if she likes you. How do you know she is shy. If she is shy and she likes you , defenetly she send you some tips about that. Maybe you didnt notice that....


Try asking her note book to copy something , or ask her to help you. If she likes you you would notice......


Trust me....

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Get to know one of her friends and find out if she likes you. This is a more sneaky method but it can be very effective. Or maybe just get one of your buddies to either ask her if she likes you, or get a buddy to tell her you like her, and you should be able to tell by her response if the feeling is mutual or not.



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wow wow,


make her cry? Why would you make her cry? There is no reason to be shy! Asking a girl out is a normal thing to do and you shouldn't be shy about it. Just go for it and do it. Even girls that will turn you down will respect you for your direct approach.


SO, stop doubting and go for it. You have the 'no' already, the only thing that can change is changing it in a yes!

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the best thing for me to tell you is just to ask her out the worse thing she will say is "no" and I know that hurts but just try it. Becouse if you put it off to long you will miss your chance. (I know this one from experance) I hope the best of luck to you and keep us posted .

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