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Any chance after ex has been in another lenghty relationship...


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Me and the ex were together for 2 years. She is now dating someone and has been for 8 months, I have cut contact but when I would speak to her she would always say how it is not that serious. I am wondering if there would be any chances of working things out. I know she still has some feelings for me but I worry they will just fade away and never return since she is occupied with this guy. Anyone have any experience like this? Also her new bf is much older than us 9 yrs on me and 8 on her, I dont know if that would have any play in the matter. I am moving on either way but that hope is still there.

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Dude...I am in the same position sort of-----I was with my girl for 2 years, she broke it off last summer(which devastated me), nevertheless I still love her.

Right now I am going through a situation where she just got back in touch with me after 5 months because something was goin on w/ her.......but she is still with this other guy.

So over the past two weeks I have been talking to her somewhat regularly, but I am afraid I am getting near the friend zone.....which I cant take. She knows how I feel about her and wish we were still together.....

I say that me and you collaborate on this one.......what is your stance w/ her??? Do you guys talk???? Why did you guys break up???

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Hey whats up man,


Well we also broke up last summer. She cheated and fessed up and then things just were not the same. We have gone back and forth numerous times. When she first met this guy I was in shock and said some pretty hurtful things to her. We have hung out and actually hooked up a couple of times. The last time we hooked up was 2 weeks ago, this was after a month of nc. she had said she was thinking about getting back together and I think I just rushed in too quickly which ruined it. The day after we hooked up was very emotional and she was crying and told me how happy she is with this other guy. It is a mess I know. I decided to go no contact all the way and get myself over her before I ever try to get her back. she says a lot has happened and she wants to be independent things like that. I just worry that her and this other guy will end up together, he is 8 years older and a salesman so he is gone most of the time. she tells me the relationship is not that serious. but 8 months is a decent amount of time so it mus be somewhat. She has cheated on him also so I dont know how happy she is with him who knows. I am just wanting to improve myself and hopefully someday things will workout or I will meet another girl.

I am hoping if I go complete no contact and eventually she will miss me enough to want to work things out. Then I will take things slow and be flirty and all that stuff again. i think i may have ruined any chance tho w/ my previous antics. I wish I would have found this site a year ago haha.

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We damn...


Were all in the same situation here. Though I thought I had it bad.


Me & my ex have only been off for a month & a half here, with complete NC(no attempst on ethier side) for almost a month now. But she's with the very guy she cheated on me, pretty much ever since.


I have my doubts, being so young(the works of us being under 25), that our ex's well even look back. Theres just too many single people out there in our age group. So I suggest we all try & move on.


Not going say we don't all love these girls but..what can we honestly do besides move on.


Also...all of you go watch the movie Swingers.

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