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Posts posted by Rangoo

  1. You admit you don't like the guy you are with, so break up with him....no point in continuing the relationship.....Or, is the truth, you don't know if this other relationship is gona work out and you want to keep the old boy friend for insurance. Not good. Are you afraid of being alone? That is very common.


    If you're not afraid, then break up with the boy and see what happens with the other. If it doesnt work, at least you are free to find someone else....and your present boyfriend, will be free to find someone else.

  2. when you apply for a job do you drop a note to them after the interview and restate why you are perfect for the job....It can be as simply as an e-mail.


    If you don't get the job, maybe call and ask what can you do to prepare better for future chances at a position. Take that and learn from it....


    How do you come accross in the interview, because you are talented does not get you the job. You must be clean, well dressed, well groomed ( doesnt mean you can't have long hair, but have it tied up), if you have tongue ring, take the sucker out). Pay attention to what they say, restate what they have said so that they can see you are paying attention. Look them in the eye, sit straight....all those things are very important to the person doing the hiring....and most important, don't compain about how you didnt get another job because of blah blah blah.....

  3. It's really not a big deal that your Dad was watching these films. Most men I know do watch them and take care of business at the same time. There is nothing shameful or dirty about that.....


    Maybe there is not as much sex in his life now, and this is his why of dealing with it...



    Be thankful your Dad stays at home and does that, I know some of my kids friends Dads just go to bars all the time and hope to hook up with a bar fly or worse.


    So in that text it's not bad. If it continues to bug you say something..or really just wait a few days and the feelings you are having will go away.


    Then when you are a grown up woman one day, tell your Dad about the day that you found out he was healthy sexually....

  4. It's really not an issue, there is no reason to tell her that you have had sex before. If she asks tell her the truth, there is no shame in having had sex with another person before your relationship with the lady you are with now. Only if you are screwing around while with her. The of course you tell her!


    Best of luck, and you know what, if she cares about you...it won't matter it isnt like you slept with the whole women's softball team at school!

  5. I have been married a long time, kids are in high school and my wife and I don't have any kind of relationship. I sleep in my own bedroom and have not had a visitor in a long while, if you know what I mean .


    My question is, are my kids old enough to handle me leaving. I have stayed for years because of my love for them. But know they are starting to live their own lives and in just a short time 3 years, my wife and I will be alone. Should I stay for the next three years and move, or should I bite the bullet and leave now.


    We tried talking to a therapist a few years ago, but my wife stopped because she felt it wasnt going anywhere, meaning she didnt like the direction it was going. Very controlling. I suggested it recently and she stated she would go, but only because if we broke up, she didnt want everyone to know that she didnt try....great reasoning.


    Last question is should I move out of the house if I decide to leave or force the sale of the house. I have heard that I would lose a lot of leverage if I left.... Thanks

  6. My friend, what a horrible mess you have found yourself in. Good thing you had a friend who was able to help you get through that day.


    It sounds like she has multible issues, depression, drunk, and low self esteem. She needs help from a professional, which only she can decide to do.


    Please don't blame Zoloft for the change in your girfriend. Zoloft can in some cases lower your sexual drive, but in my case it didn't, it make me feel better in general which in turn made me a horny devil all the time...too bad the wife isn't interested, she doesn't know what's she's missing....LOL


    Also Zoloft loses much of its strength if the person drinks, I know when I drink the effect hurts the good from the drug. The drug does no good if the person drinks.


    Best of luck my friend!

  7. Lordy Darling,


    Tis a shame that the lad won't go South for you. Part of making love is the pleasure that I see when my pardner is getting off on what I am doing to her. Have you really sat down with that certain someone to find out why? Maybe make a game of it, have some special toys to get things going and maybe he will head South and stay there

  8. My friend, if you have not been able to give her the "BIG O" relax. Maybe you're trying to hard. Start slow, spend a lot of time just laying with her, kissing her, telling her how much you enjoy being with her. Be playful. This really helps take a woman down the path of pleasure. Then and most important ask her what makes her feel good. Then do it, and continue to ask is this the why that you like this or that.....It will work wonders....


    Let me know if this works.....they are then lots of other paths

  9. Lordy, you can do it anywhere, just like women. Think of a place and I am sure that someone has been there before. Most younger guys start out in bed and move on from there. A private place. But as all the movies show...bathrooms are also around for another reason then just shaving.


    When your boyfriend comes, he is no different then anyother guy. This is normal......I hope that the two of you are using protection, right?

  10. Wow, a lot happened in a short time. Have you guys been getting along? What gave you the impluse to search through his chats. You must have been looking for something.


    It appears he is ready to do the unthinkable, so quick action is really important. Tell him how hurt you are, and ask him directly what has caused him to want to do this.....next stop see someone that is able to work with couples.....sorry good luck.

  11. Why are u checking up on him....? What is so wrong at lookin at porn. I have said before, I have done it in the past because it is a lot better then cheating on your spouse. Why is he lying....he is embarrassed at having been caught. There is something else going on, you say that he has you at home, but how is the sex life. Is he happy R U happy.... Just because you are happy with the sex life maybe he is not.....It's time that you sit down with him and talk to him about everything but the porn and find out what is realing going on....The porn will just make him go into a defensive mode. Good Luck. 0X

  12. Well, it depends, early when I would be dating someone I would go to places to allow for a lot of fun. Places to relax and enjoy each other. Places when something would occupy the the quiet times when you didn't know what to say to each other.


    I used to go outside concerts that were free. Didn't have to be even music you liked. Just spread a blanket, have some wine and some brie....then good times would flow. Do social things where there are other people around are great. Gives you something to talk about.


    Taking someone to a place they both of you have never been is great also. Gives you something again to talk about. Stay away from loud bars...in the beginning, can't talk and everyone is trying to look cool.....LOL

  13. Pink,


    There is nothing wrong with flirting, the touch thing is important. Young guys, heck old guys (like me) always feel a certain spark when touched by the opposite sex. So, try the 2 touch rule. Be yourself it's healthy, but remember those 16 year old boys are raging!

  14. Well, if he is lying about it....maybe he somehow feels that it's wrong and you will be angry about it. Do the two of you have time to be together for yourselves. Are you regularly having sex. Maybe with the young child neither one of you has had much time. Porn is an escape I know that from experience. I use it when I have too. It is much better then cheating.... I am in a situation where sex does not happen, so porn allows me to stay..... sad but true.


    Try talking to him about having more time together.....tell him that the porn does not bother you, ask him what about it does he like, maybe he will open up and tell you.....and you too can fullfill both your needs.....

    Good Luck! 0X

  15. Yes, the hard part is over.....You have met the parents, think of the movie MEET THE PARENTS.....you had it easy....!! I think she is just shy about taking that next step, you are a friend....that is hard for girls and guys to make that next step.....Take it....!

  16. My friend, your date sounds like thousands that I have heard about.....including mine. First dates are tough, you both go out on the date because there was something there......that first date is really just kinda finding out if what you liked in that person is really there. Both of you could have been so scared....that you really werent yourselves. Just be cool wait a day and call and say I had a good time, and would like to get together again soon.

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