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  1. jayne,im really feeling 4u,im going thru the same thing myself,no1 can tell u how long ths will take,but knw ths..woteva the circumstances of ur split,whoeva ended it,u r a good and loving person.even tho u probably dnt even WANT any1 else rite nw,u deserve and WILL meet sum jst as special as u,and make each other very happy.ur holding on 2 hope that maybe sumday u will get bk 2gether?uve got 2 let ths go my darling,it will keep u in its grip 4 years 2 come,and u cld unintentionally spoil any chances of being happy with any1 else.i always find that as much as we love them,and no matter how absolutely heart wrenching it is 2 accept,its over.uve got 1 life hunny,and the whole world is missing out on ur smile.its time 2 start picking up those pieces and rebuilding ur heart&life,the benefits will be so worth it,1 tiny step at a time.its ok 2 cry,its ok 2 feel bad,but we cnt let ourselves get caught in the neverending circle of misery.u sound far 2 lovely 4 that.jst remember the good times u had with fondness,and think that its better 2 have known that feeling of pure love than 2 have gone thru life perhaps having never felt it?i truly wish u well jayne.xxx
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