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Posts posted by Iwanthim

  1. Hi, I am just posting letting u guyz know that Greg and I havent talk for like 6 weeks now I try calling him like last week or week before but no phone calls back but I didnt leave message bc he does have caller id. But I am moving on but it still does hurt. If I ever get to talk to him again I will tell him how I do feel...My friend that knows him and his family thinks he is worry about the age differences. I am 20 turning 21 in feb and he is 28 that isnt too bad which i thought. bc we think his 24 y/o sister had something to do with this too. bc my friend and his sister n law or arent really friends anymore and she proably siad something to him about me.. so i am just letting it go if its meant to be it will happen when it does. but it really does hurt. i never felted this way towards a guy before...thanks for listening to me about this.. any tips or suggests will help me


    Also I found this web site with GREAT poems and quotes its link removed hope u like it like i do it helps too

  2. Well you guyz proably know my story about greg and all....well we still haven't talk and its showing i been gaining weight bc of it. I am depressed all the time. I try calling him but no answer well my friend try blocking her number still thing but once she unblock her number some1 answer so he isn't talking to me now. But my friend thinks he is in his stage again i want to be alone again but i believe i can change that if we started to get serious. but i will not call him again unless some of u think i should. i am trying to forget about him but thats when i just eat and eat...what should i do

  3. Gosh, I had to say to i would hate that too. If they dont like you for who you are then dont like me when u know have nice tits. I think I would do what your mom said use them...but don't worry about it u will found great guy who likes u for everything.

  4. About 4-5 months ago, I meet this guy name Greg. The reason I did meeting him was bc I went out with one of my best friend sami with one of her friend magan, and magan brother. well he really like me honestly i did like him but never thought of anything. Well he wasn;t going to ask me for my number or anything bc of the age At that time he was 27 and I was 20 that night we drove him home bc his other brother and his wife was there they brought him bc they knew he was going to drink but when he seen me he stop. Well 2 weeks later we all go out again but this time he pays for my meal and his but no elses there was like 10 people with us. well that night we had to take him home again bc of the same thing but not drinking alot just 1 beer. but that night i gave him my number. well about 4 days later he calls me and we talk for such long time hint i was told he doesnt like the phone well he doesnt show it with me we talk alot went out by our self. i was told he spend 20 mins on his hair which there isnt alot to work with lol when he was suppose to get me he got lose and went home to call me and tell me and try to help him found my house and he also ask if its too late to still go i told him ya of course, finally he comes. we had good time. then may 27 was his b-day i send him card and wish him happy b-day. he always seems like he worrys when i do stuff that doesnt seem safe. also i am on some meds bc i had kidney transplant so he said that i shouldnt really drink if the docs says only 1 or 2 day... but now here its been three weeks that last time i talk to him i thought everything was fine i call him on monday night 3 weeks ago and we talk about half hour trying to tell me its ok i will be ok sleeping outside in tent felt good too and he told me that he would call me the next day but here its been three weeks and no phone call so i call him 2 days ago and no one answer and now i am like really upset...i know for fact that he doesnt go out bc that first night i met him his family was shock that he was going to go bc he always stays at home. i know he doesnt have any other one in his life i am really good friend his is sister n law...so i am like upset what should i do call him or not to call...please help me if i do call him i was planing on calling him like 8;30 so advise fast



    Well I call let some of u said and i know it was my choice too. well i call and no1 answer again and i didn;t leave message bc i know he has to be there. I know it runs in his family i dont want to talk stage or do anything...well i guess my life is now over maybe he will call back but just have to wait and see...

  5. well if she talks to u everyday but once month she stops talking to u about week....well maybe this means her monthly friend visit her and she doesn't want to say or do anything wrong i know when my comes i eat alot more and i get bitching even at the guy i like...if this is really bothering u just ask her hope i am right about this....

  6. i dont know if any1 knows what this means or any1 in this forum do this. But I will take chance.


    I was talking to greg guy i like well we got disconnected and i knew he was going to call me back but before he did my sister said she wanted to use the phone i said no he is going to call me back. Well the phone ring i heard it too...Instead giving the phone greg to her message to gave to me "She said that he said that he loved me" I ask her what did he meant and she said exactly i what said that he said i love you. and then i woke up




    What does this mean.....



    Please help

  7. I am sorry that I keep talking about this about I am hopefully u guyz don't mind bc I am going nuts here...Here is the short story I really like this guy name Greg and we been talking but lately we arent talking lot anymore. The last time I didn't talk to him for like 2 weeks then he called me now its the same problem but longer Its been 3 weeks tomorrow I am really upset about this I know I didnt call him either bc he said he will call me so I really want to see how long it does it him to call me or should I say never, I know I should just call but when are guyz like this??

  8. well two people told me two differenet things i don;t know if i should call him or not now...the 1 person said he isnt interesting that really hurts but i guess thats the case any1 have anything else to say thanks to the people who did speak their minds

  9. Well here is this guy i meet march we been talking and went out couple of times. Here it is Monday the last time i talk to him was 2 weeks ago when i last talk to him he said he would call me the next day that would been tuesday well he never call me and i never call him...its been 2 weeks what does this mean?? he doesn't like me or he is waiting for me to call him? should i call or not to call please keep me some answers what u may think this means thanks

  10. I met this guy back in March, like my tell u omg i was soo happy and and felt safe too with him...and its like when i don;t talk to him and get how was before upset and and unsafe and just feel ugly...its like my world is crashing down on top of him...i want to tell him but just scared i don;t want to tell him....what should i do?? he really hasn;t said anything to me...but just the comments he makes i know he does. remember he is 28 and i am 20.

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