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Posts posted by Sentohottie

  1. Yea, I started google-ing it right away. But I thought maybe you had something up your sleeve.


    I prefer working with kids too....well, I guess my age of preference is Jr High/Middle School. Those kids are just beginning their adult lives, and they are so confused. And it seems like all the REJECT teachers get thrown into that age group. And boy do most of those teachers suck!


    Thanks for the advice. I'm totally up for anything more to offer...especially with how to deal with brown-nosers, since I"m not coming up with too much yet.

  2. Well, I would SO love to move on to bigger and better things, and I wouldn't mind giving the training thing another shot, but I only have 6 months of experience, and most places ask for 2 years. *sigh* That book sounds interesting. Is there any websites that would provide the same information? I really really really have a hard time dealing with brown-nosers. In my classes, I don't let the brown-nosing blind my vision, and to be honest, those are some of thw worst agents I've ever had.




    A technical writer? What is that exactly? I'm a technical trainer, so it doesn't sound too far away.....but maybe it is. I like hearing the opinion of someone else that really enjoys teaching.

  3. Personally, I can see why it would bother her. It's the possible thought that you don't trust her. Think of your situation in a plot for a chick flick. How would it have been handled? (Not saying that would be the right way to handle it, but it may help you understand why she thought what she did)


    As a final suggestion, it probably would have worked better if it would have been HER idea.

  4. I have ALWAYS wanted to be a teacher! Ever since the 3rd grade. (Literally) However, due to family, I have been unable to go back to school to get my degree. So I get experience from the jobs that I have. Currently, I have been working at the same company for 6 years now


    Well, I recently was offered a job as a trainer, which is as close to being a teacher as you can get. I was SO excited, I was finally going to learn classroom management, and how to handle certain situations. I've totally over-succeeded in every job I've ever had, and this one, I knew I would excell at as well.


    Well, it started out well, only it was a busy time for the company, and my boss didn't have time to give me help, because he was LITERALLY too busy. He eventually hired someone under him to help him out, and now I get feedback and help. The only problem, is now it's 6 months into the job, and I feel like I am constantly failing. I HAVE NEVER FAILED A JOB IN MY LIFE! And no matter how hard I try, I'm not doing any better!!


    I love the training part, but it's everything else that is so frustrating. Both of my supervisors contradict themselves, and when I have a good idea to suggest, it's totally denied because "it's not in the right format"


    And then there is a gentleman that I work with, that is a TOTAL brown-noser, and he only came on a few months ago. But he goes to lunch with both of my supervisors, jokes around with them, and overall, does a better job. But when I try to work with him, he makes me feel SO inferior. He, my original supervisor and I was invited to a company lunch one days, and I caught a ride with them. All the way up, they talked and talked, and the moment I even tried to join in the conversation, there was complete silence, like I just interrupted.


    Now I'm miserable. Here I have my dream job, and I am failing in it, and every day I try to do better, even thinking of better ways to do things as I go to bed. I WANT to succeed, and I have ALWAYS succeeded. Why can't I do it with this job? I don't know how to handle these people. I just want to learn how to teach. I hate brown-nosers that succeed, and I refuse to be one.

  5. Getting onto this sight and venting was probably one of the better things you could do. Here is a suggestion....try to think of what can help you (within reason of course) and remember it. Maybe in the future, you will have someone in your same shoes on this website, and they will need some advice. Maybe you will have a small idea to help them through what you had such a hard time with.

  6. Yikes, you are really in a tough position. If he really is under a lot of stress, then sticking by him is the best thing to do.


    Ask yourself, does he honestly love you? Minus your sex life...does he love you? Ask the same thing about yourself...do you really love him. Although, I think we already know that answer is going to be "yes".


    If this is the case, you need to stick together through thick and thin. This means that even if he isn't giving you very much, be patient.


    If you really think he is fooling around with someone else, then maybe you should start looking for proof. Don't look too hard though, because you can find something questionable with even the most innocent husband if you look hard enough. But if you dont' find anything....dont' dwell on it. If he is actually cheating on you, it WILL come out eventually.

  7. Well, for one thing, you need to not be so up-tight when he talks about his exes....reason being, chances anyone you have a relationship in the future is going to have an ex or two....or three....or more! Learn to deal with it, and try to be workable with it. And most importantly, dont' compare yourself, or you will always find yourself lacking.


    Try to be a step above the rest. Maybe your not his type in certain ways, but you are in SOME way or you wouldn't be in a relationship. Find out what it was that first brought him to you, and then flaunt it like crazy. Make yourself more sexy and more confident than those other girls. What guy can resist that??

  8. First of all, even though you love him a lot, make sure your relationship with Shane is worth it. I'm not saying he's a bad guy, but sometimes its hard to get the guys who get incarsarated, to level out and be the good husband and/or father that we are eventually looking for.


    As for the other guys, I don't see any issues with just being straight with them. With Dimas, it sounds like he is being shallow, and there might be more to the story. Maybe you should go talk to Dimas without Cole there, or any huge distractions. Like take him for a walk in the park so that you guys have a bit of privacy, and if he wants to spill something to you, he can. I'm not saying he will, but its a possibility. If you judge him right now, you might be doing just what he might be dong to you.


    Remember, if you assume, you only make an *** of "u" and "me".

  9. You guys are all great!! But I need more feedback...if that is ok with everyone.


    I live next to a city that is VERY rich. I do work out at a gym every morning, but most of the women are snobby, and when I try saying "HI" or striking up a conversation, they snub me off. Yes, my work has other functions, but its not very often, and like I mentioned before, there are mostly guys.


    K8tie Kool, I would love to trade up. Making friends with guys is actually SUPER easy as long as they are not "horn-dogs". For the most part, they are easy going, and you don't have to worry about them gossiping behind yoru back (for the most part). Just start chatting with some, just friendly chatter...(don't look for any sort of relationship). To be honest, its easier to be silly and make mistakes around guys because they won't care as much as soon as they get to know you just a little.


    Where are some other pleces I can meet other chicks? I"m thinking a club, but that might not be the best idea because girls don't go to clubs looking for girls, unless they are lesbians, and I'm not one of those.


    More advice...please!!!

  10. That is a good point Swift44. I guess I was looking at it from a girl's "long-term" perspective. A guy who puts his family first when he is young, will more than likely do the same in the future. But to a certain extent he should keep personal things between you and him. Maybe YOU should initiate someting that will allow you to come to an agreement/comprimise.

  11. Have you ever heard of "Dharma and Greg"? It is like one of the BEST tv shows about a married couple. The wife is totally weird, and the guy is a lawyer trying to figure her out....or something like that. But anyway, the MAIN point is that their sex life totally stays alive, and this is where I have got a lot of my ideas for twisting things up a bit. Nobody likes the same old thing. Email your husband sexy little notes with little hints...or inuendos that only you and him might understand. When driving in a car, attempt to start something jokingly. Totally make the whole idea fun.


    I think every husband gets to the point at on point or another where their wife wants it more than he does. If you want other quirky ideas...I've got a ton of them.

  12. Alright, this might sound kind of silly, but I don't know how to make friends with girls. I have always made friends with guys, and the work environment is mostly guys. Before I was married, I would go hang out with guys, and go to guy activities being the only girl. I would play sports with the guys as well. Any other girls that came along were like total wimps!!! Scared of the ball, or acting all gossipy, and "my nail broke."


    Well, I like looking good, and not breaking nails and all, but for the most part, I just want to take it easy and have a good time. The only girlfriends I had left from High School have basically ditched me. So now, I have my husband, and my husbands friends, but sometimes, I just want to get out and do a girl thing.....but I have no girls to do it with. (Of course there's my little sis...but she is a little young to do what I want to do sometimes)


    Now that I'm married, any friends I have made at work are guys, and I keep them at a distance. I don't want to get my husband thinking that I'm cheating or even put myself in any such situation. But how do I meet other girls then? Any suggestions at all?


    I swear there is something wrong with me!!

  13. This is normal, and can happen to anyone. I agree, it sounds like he is shallow, and yet you still care. Try getting out of the house with some girlfriends and go meet some new guys. Find someone better already. There is nothing there, and if there will be, then it will come into play at a later time.


    Dwelling on what seems to be a lost cause only causes depressed thoughts and the refusal to move on and have fun with the life you have. You are single...flaunt it!!! Make it a personal challenge to find someone else.

  14. Part of this comes from age. If he is over the age of 18, he needs to start letting go...after all, that is what is considered a legal adult (even though they can't drink yet)


    However, if he is still under 18, then this just goes to show that he has a good relationship with his family. Most teenagers of that age don't talk to their family like that.

  15. I've heard of a couple relationships that work out with career being number one. There is a guy who works in my husbads department, and does a lot of computer stuff for a lot of money. His wife is like a travel agent or something. They don't have any kids. Well, his wife spends here entire work week out in other places in the United States (sometimes to other countries) while he spends his work week here. I don't even think they see each other that often. On the weekends, he flies out to wherever her job has her at the time (For example, Hawaii) and spends the weekend with her. That way they get to see the world.


    However, in my opinion, if you focus on your carrer over a personal relationship, you are missing out on a HUGE part of life. When you get older, you are going to start wanting to have a best friend to go home to, and someone who loves and cares for you. You will wish you will have a family of your own. A kid maybe, that is all excited to see you come home, and runs up and gives you a hug. Something that if it really happened, you wouldn't give up for even the BEST job in the world.

  16. Yikes...my little sister is your exact age and grade, and is having the exact same issue 8)

    I wouldn't suggest having your friends go and tell him you like him anymore. It might scare him off. If it comes from anyone, it should come from you That way you have a better chance.


    Emotional had some great ideas. definitely try those and I'm sure you will find out where you stand real quick. After all, at this age, guys are WAY confusing too

  17. Actually, if you really wanted to, you could find a study to prove just about anything. I personally don't like to rely on studies too much because there is always something out there that can prove otherwise.

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