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  1. Heck yea, girl!! Tell it like it is!! My fiance' and I were struggling with the same problem when our son was 6mon and on.....It was aweful....right around the time when he was about to turn one I had had enough, he was never home...the fact that he works nights made it worse....all he would do was sleep all day work all night, repeat, and on his days off he would run off in the middle of the night with his buddies...I finally got sick of it and told him how I felt about it, and that I wasn't going to live like that anymore so I told him to shape up or ship out....we ended up splitting from each other for 6mon...until he finally realized that he needed us..and he really wanted to be there for us, so I tested him, and he came out true...usually they need a little slap in the face, most men do. Im not saying go to the extreme I did...it was hell for 6mon without him...but you need to let him know its really not fair to you at all....there has to be family time, his friend time and your time...and your together alone time..and it all has to be balanced, one can't be missing or the whole thing goes off balance.
  2. I have been in my relationship with my fiance' for almost 3yrs now and we have a beautiful son and are a very young couple. We are only both 22....but we have like a zilch sex life, it seems like we never want anything to do with each other intimitley and when either of us might have an incling the other is a hell no.....but it wasn't always so. Sometimes I feel that having our son has royally thrown our sex life down the drain...I've gained some extra poundage that I can't seem to get rid of and well that just makes me think its my fault. We don't have a bad relationship either...its just like we are living together as best friends...its very odd. We love each other but aren't interested at all in each other sexually. Is this normal??
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