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Everything posted by AloneNotLonely

  1. I'm in my thirties and can't honestly say I've ever been in love. I've seen many people I know that are traditionally level-headed do some very unrational things in the name of love. I don't get it. I don't persue relationships, nor desire one. With my age, my options are very limited and very unappealing. I don't care to be a father and with that step-father. I've always viewed a single mother as the most dangerous type of single women - They're not just looking for love, but also a father for their child (children). The rest I've met are either desperate, psychotic, or a little of both. So, I've completely given up on a search because my life isn't so bad. In fact, I rather enjoy it. I feel like I'm watching a comedy everyday. So what I am asking is two-fold: Why would I want to change? -and- What would be the odds of me finding someone if I did? I'd really would like someone to shed some light on this. Thanks...
  2. What they are doing isn't technically wrong. I think they're just trying to figure out just who I am. I'm who they see everyday, but I guess they can't accept that. For the few that I've told (what I've said above), I always got the impression that they didn't believe me - they can't relate to me and a few have actually said that. So right now, I'd rather not go down that road - it's old and tired and the results are always the same. In the end, it's always a waste of time and quite frankly I'm getting tired of going through the motions. The thing that's making me uncomfortable is their coy way of asking - thinking that there's more to me than what I've told them. It's like they're trying to steer me down a road that doesn't exist with their questions. Overall, I just don't get why they think I would lie to them.
  3. My life is pretty simple - I work, I go home. Here recently, co-workers seem to be prying, indirectly, about my life. Even though there's not much to say about it, I don't appreciate their tactics - otherwise, I get along with them fine. I know that I'm not a typical male my age (I'm 30). I don't apoligize for who I am. I don't date much (or really at all) - two short terms in the last ten years. I don't talk on the telephone to anyone on a frequent basis. I live alone with my two dogs and I don't go out unless I really have to. I'm not depressed or feel a need to change - I'm content with my life. I'd really like to put an end to their prying without having to justify myself in the process. What should I do?
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