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  1. she won't talk to me in that way it's like she's affriad of showing that mutch emmotion's and she's hurt me big time i had to delete her number so i would'nt text her beacuse i really like her and i don't want to scare her away but she's a real attension seaker aswell and i no other bloke's would gladly give it i want to but i think if i do that then she'l just make me play her game and i ant goin down that road again but i tink she is a really nice girl what do i do
  2. Hay dude il be honest talk to girl's like ur talkin to ur mum don't go bye look's cos they are only benafical and every one get's rinkel's and have confience in your self and what ur talkin about cos it's only a person don't be intimadated bye them . Good no's i was for some time until i asked me mam and that's what she said to me what i just said .. hope this help's
  3. Hi im new . i was wondering f any one could give me some advice ive been seein this girl for 4 months on and off and weve brokein up twice but over the most stupid off thing's now i really like this girl in fact im crazy about her now ive been putting emotional stress and i no now to back off should i of let thing's run it's course and see what happens cause i really do like her but then i feel i can't be bothered witth her cause she can be so selfish and stuck up but i really do like her a lot she make's me laugh and we are very honest with each other which is important to me doe's any one no what i meen ???? ps there is a 4 year age gap im 22 and she's 18 would it be because maybe she's not sure what she want's or maybe i like her load's but i don't like being arsed around any help would be greatly apprecated thank's
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