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Posts posted by dikaia880

  1. Better than telling her is showing her...Whether they know it or not girls are amazing at picking up body language...If you really like her your body language will show it...the main thing to work on with body language is confidence or at least showing confidence...

    Good posture, good eye contact, mimicking what she does (don't go overboard with that one), smiling (always, always, always smile!!!!) if standing feet at shoulder width, feet slighty facing outward...do not ever cross your arms!!!

    If sitting down lean towards her, it shows interest...


    Slight contact...a touch to the shoulder, arm, ect. (again nothing overboard, and nothing too early)


    It's going to feel weird but practice on yourself in a mirror and with every person you see...Say hi with a smile to every girl you see, a great confidence builder and will put you in a good mood....

  2. I hear this many times...After a break-up some couples try to get back together, many times the "re-kindled" relationship fails not long after it started. I hear a lot that one person or the other, is having issues with trusting the person that left them (i.e. he/she left me once, how do I forgive (and forget) that, how do i open up to them again?)


    What advice do you have for this issue?



  3. There is a background of alcoholism on my father's side of the family...

    I'm a smoker, and have had a very hard time quitting...but alcohol is not an addiction of mine, though I do drink.


    Thats sort of what I'm worried about, being put on something that makes me feel great and then not being able to get on without it... I mean Ive made it almost 25 yrs not being on something. Right now I've had three of the pills today, I'm supposed to have three to four daily and was told not to take it after 6 pm...I probably should have waited longer to take the third. I'm really afraid of getting addicted to this stuff. Not to mention I hate the "fake" feeling of being awake, no matter how good and awake it may or may not make me feel, I'll still feel like I rely on the drug to feel that way...I suppose if I have to be on it for life, theres no real addiction problem, but what if I've been misdiagnosed?

  4. I Suppose I should clarify,


    The doctor I am talking about is a sleep specialist, at one of the top sleep center in the US. The head doctor, who always comes in before i leave, is one of the most respected sleep specialists in the world, the problem is I never felt like I had enough time with him, just the other doctors who are young and seem to want to get through things as quick as possible. I've been through all the testing for apnea, and all the rest. For Narcolepsy they run "nap tests" these tests came back negative (but ro positively negative) The problems I experience are nodding off in meetings, strong urges to sleep when driving, sitting at my desk, classes, things like that...


    I asked abotu side effects, he was sort of short with me on the answer, I think that is what i was most wondering about...

    For the next couple weeks I call in once a week and they determine if I'm getting enough dosage. once an adequate dosage is determined that will be my prescription. The doctor said they encourage patients to vary the dosage depending on need, for example if I have a day full of meetings, take an extra dose, if I'm going to be outside and active all day, don't take any at all...

    It's frustrating at the very least...There is a drug called Provigil (modanafil) that is one pill a day, and highly effective...I asked him about that and he sort of said we don't prescribe that much...

    Do I have a right to ask for such a drug instead of ritalin? I'm am worried that ritalin is addictive (I've heard that) provigil is supposed to not be addictive...

    I will be on some sort of medication for the rest of my life...

    I move in saturday to a different state and they have given me the name a of a doctor there that actually trained where I was. I will see him sometime in the next week or two.

  5. Well Apnea is not my condition...Most likely Mild Narcolepsy, which is where the mind's sleep state and wakeful state intereput each other when it should be sleep state at night, wake state at day...but mine mix and match causing me strong urges to fall asleep...


    I worry about Ritalin, because I've heard it causes depression,

    I also don't like being on drugs...I'm wide awake right now becuase of the ritalin, but I feel like I'm cheating or something...

  6. I've been seeing a sleep doctor the past month or so to figure out why I'm always feeling like taking a nap or falling alseep when i shouldn't be...


    They ruled out sleep apnea, and say I have a compelling case for mild Narcolepsy, or idiopathic hypersomnia (idiopathic means unknown...so they say we don't know why your tired when they say that basically)


    Well they put me on Ritalin yesterday, it's a central nervous system stimulant, but other than that I always thought it was just for ADHD and I am wondering more about Ritalin...


    Has anyone been on it, what dose, side effects? anything you know about it would be helpful...my doctor wasn't answering my questions very well yesterday so i gave up and figured I'd find some people out here...Thanks!

  7. It all depends one what time your talking about...

    If I'm running to the mall...I'm wearing shorts, a tee-shirt, and a hat...

    If I'm going out with a girl, out to the bars, stuff like that I'll get a little more dressed up, nice pair of jeans, nice shirt, no hat...


    If I have a date with my (hypothetical LOL) girlfriend, I try to match what she's wearing (i.e. the more dressed up she gets the more I get)


    If I have a date with a new girl, I try to overdress, you can't go wrong overdressing...


    My roommates wedding was this weekend, Our tux's were very very elegant and all that...I love getting dressed up I love wearing a suit, but men don't have enough excuses to wear them...I'm not going to run around to bars in a suit...

  8. I don't necessarily think it's a virgin thing...

    For me I want a sweet innocent girl, who's not afraid to tear it up in bed at times (but only with me, of course) That doesn't mean she can't have slept with other guys...

    I think it's more about politeness...My ex was very sweet and very 'innocent' a very caring person...When we were alone it would be a little different...

    She also had this fiesty, smart-ass streak in her that I loved...I think a lot of guys like fiesty girls...I don't want to be in control of someone...that would get old..


    Beec has a good point about the motherhood aspect....I'm thinking that men are naturally attracted to more nurturing, sweet, innocent, ect. girls because they're the mothers...thats nature

  9. Sort of Sounds like me...we were long distance, and I decided right after she broke up with me to move back to her town (my old college town) to go to grad school...at first she's all missing me and messing with my head asking when I'd move back..now we haven't talked much but I move back there in a week and I know that I'll have face-to-face chances, just like you...We just need to keep it slow...Theres a chance that your ex thought it would be long distance and didn't want to deal with it...(pretty sure thats what happened to my ex, I think she got sick of missing me all the time)


    Take it slow and see what happens...and if nothing, remember that theres a lot of other girls out there around a college town!!!


    Good Luck with your job and the ex!!!

  10. Tough ages...19yr old guy to a 16 yr old girl, sure that works out a lot...

    But a 16yr old gu to 19yr old girl, most likely won't happen...


    She's in college and she's got all this stuff going on, no offense, but you'd have to be the coolest guy around for her to even consider trying it...


    She may like you and you might even get a fling or two out of it...but dating most likely won't happen...With that said...

    Once you get to college that age thing flies out the window a bit...


    When I was 19 I dated a 21 yr old...when I was 20, I dated a 24 yr old...

    So who knows...build a decent friendship with a lot of flirting and sexually tension and by the time you get to college or right before you could be in for much more than friendship


    Good Luck!

  11. There's a singer, Matt Nathanson, he's not hugely popular yet, but I think he'll be pretty well known one of these days...He's touring with O.A.R a lot...

    He said "I've realised life isn't about big wins. It's a lot like taking a walk, sometimes you're going uphill, sometimes your going downhill...the idea is to enjoy it as best you can..."

    ~Matt Nathanson

  12. She's not over her ex, thats why she listens to him when he doesn't like the idea of you two, even though he has an new girl...


    give and take emotionally, give a little then back away, keep her wanting more...keep any contact fun, but short...


    it's probably going to be awhile until she's over her ex, but she's still holding on to him...and he's controlling that a bit...


    Go out meet other girls, but don't necessarily give up on this one...

  13. My ex is still in my dreams 7 months later...but the dreams have become less nightmarish, or at least they don't bother me like they used to...I used to wake up depressed after a dream...now I wake up sort of thinking "ah it was nice to see her..." okay point is they probably won't last that long but if they do, like they have for me, they become different, sweeter dreams that won't really bother you...

  14. You bring up a great point, for months I would do very little at work except come here to get and try to give advice...It does keep you thinking of the ex sometimes and dwelling... This site is unbelievable for the power it has to help people find solutions to their problems, but when your still hung up on an ex you should start to limit you visits, get here when you need to get support.... We all say you have to work on yourself, go out, get to the gym, read a good book, ect...but you can't do those things if your sitting on this forum day in and day out..


    So, everyone, stick around this site...but use it sparingly, don't let this site become the thing that fills the void left by an ex...

  15. I think some of you other procrastinators will agree with me...we work really well under pressure (after all we have years of experience pushing things to the last minute and have no choice but to work under pressure.)


    As for the college thing...I procrastinated my decision to go back to grad school, but once I just said to myself "This is what you want, quit second guessing yourself and get it done..." things started to fall into place for me and now I'm a week away from moving...Good luck...you should go to school do those things you want, you want to do them so do them!!!

  16. I don't really have a solution for you...But I do feel the same way at times...I have a good job, a good life, I suppose you could say I'm content...but I've never wanted to live content...A lot of people our age (i think you're 22 if I read your post right) go through this...There are books about quarter life crisis...I haven't checked any of them out yet, but if you go to the book store you'll be able to find something. I don't know if it will a ton or not at all...But trust me your not the only one that feels like you do...

  17. Deciding to let go and trust your gut is a hard thing to do...I, like you, don't always follow my gut because it just seems like it's to easy to just follow your gut...Some say the only thing you can do is follow your gut. I guess I can't really give an answer on that one...


    I think to think dreams are God's way of communicating back to us, not always, but at least some of the times...


    At the very least dreams ar eyour subconsious talking...if it's telling you to change something it's becuase deep in your head you know you need to change...maybe try listening to you dreams on that one...

  18. I really don't believe the chances of things not working out are that bad...

    The majority don't give it another go, but I think that once they do give it another go it's 50-50...could go either way...

    Another thing is that I don't think relationships can be broken down like It'll never work or it's a sure thing...each one is so different and dynamic from the rest that theres no way of putting any sort of percentage on it...that's why i say it's 50-50...

    Good luck Amasa!!!!

  19. Tell him it's over...

    Change your phone number and email if you have to...Do not listen to his "I'm sorry.." crap...

    This is a bad guy and will hurt you more than he already has if you let it go on...


    Just tell him it's done...and I know it's not easy, but move on, go out with friends, work out, do anything but talk to him...


    I wish you the best of luck...

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