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Posts posted by xoxlarixox

  1. hey guys, ok well im not the SHORTEST girl ever, Im 16, turning 17 in september. i think im about 5"2. but i really really would like to be like 5"5. i mean im not asking for much...and I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE LONG LEGS! ...does anyone know how to get taller? i mean, NOT produtcs with hormones n all that...just wut to eat, wut not to eat..etc, stretches that anyone may know or something...thank u soo much guys! bye!!!!

  2. hey guys!!....ok well i have a boyfriend, and we´ve been going out for 5 months, i love him soo much and he loves me, the thing is i sometimes feel he has total control over me, i mean...in a bad way, i sometimes feel like he says something and ill do it, i feel hes the boss of me, and im his lil b**** doing wutever he tells me to do..which is bad..and i honetsly dont want to go all rebel on him, and not do anything he says and talk back to him and get in fights etc cuz i really wnat thsi relationship to last...but im just tired of being the wrong one all the time...and im more tired of him rubbing it in my face that he was right!...so wut i was thinking, is maybe i could switch things around..me be the boss of him...any suggestions??... i mean i dont wnat to train him like a dog or anything, but it would be nice to have a change of things, like soemtiems i could be right about somethings, i dont always have to be the wrong one!or the one he blames things on....please help bye!!! thanx!!

  3. hey...u knwo wut! we all have days like that..well at leats i know i have...and its very common to think of...well...death..because you honetsly think nothing can get better, but honestly it really really can, i was just like you!, and in fact somedays i still am, i mean sometimes my parenst scream at me for eveyrthing, skool is horrible, my boyfriend gets mad at me, i feel lazy and its soo horrible!...i knwo wut u feel....the way i deal with it, is i find soemthing that i love!..for example, i move alot, i mean believe it or not, sicne i was born ive moved to mexico, to england, to cali to vegas and all over! but now that im in a stable place i loove to look back on the things ive experienced, and a thing that really helps me remember all thsoe good times is music, i can relate soo much to music, and fotos of back then, and the happy moments and evrythign i mean it was so great and i wouldnt change it for the world, i mean i love to sit in my room with my door shut, head fones tighly on my ears, volume all the way up, and a stack of fotos in front of me,..im just siitting there looking at all my memories and listening to the music i most loove!!! ITS GREAT AND I LOVE DOING THAT!...it makes me feel relaxed and in a good mood!...but another thing are grades!! god skool sux doenst it!?...i know i know!! it sux soo bad! wut i did to help me, was..( i know this sounds soo pathetically gay and prolly eveyrone has told u to do this, and u just think its the stupidest thing! trust me i know wut u mean but it seriously truly totally helped me..) sit down one day and get a piece of paper and a pen and just write doen your goals...even if ts silly stuff, long term, short term, WHATEVER, just write it down..i mean its gonna be for u so u dont have to show anybod, so dont be embarrassed to write wutever u want down....and keep it soemwhere safe, and whenever ur about to give up on soemthing, just take a look at it..also write down the reasons WHY you want to accopmlish those goals..... and always rememebr my 2 fav phrases in teh world....

    " always take risks!"

    " the one who doesnt try will never win"

    take care hope i helped bye!!!

  4. hey...ok well the worst thing u can do in these situations is cry and not eat, if u want your relationship with him to be a frindship, act like if eveyrthing is TOTALLY fine, say hi to him when u see him , talk to hom abtu your life, what uve been doing at skool, your fmaily, i dunno ANYTHING just make him know that you still trust him with all your secrets, and ask him questions, to hint at him that your interested in his life and also so he know he can still trust you, if u dont see him, call him...and if ur too shy to do all this...theres really no cure for being shy, my one frase that i just love is "ALWAYS take risks" so you should!! and instdead of worrying about your ex, act normal towards him, and either get more friends or find yourself anotehr boy friend, if u have a best female friend rigth now would be the BEST time to spend time with her, or even with a sister, or your mom, a brother...somebody to be there for you, you should hav such a greta varity of friends, boys, girls, family...sooo many, so that in these situations u´ll have someone to talk to, and to not just rely on one person...ok hope i helped...oh and if u truly dont have anyone....or even if u do but u wnat to talk or ask soemone about ANYTHING, ill be here, so PM me or soemthing...i´d love to help you!

  5. hey...wow you sound like a buys man..and i have just teh right thing for u...well i hope it helsp anyway...ok, well obviously im not going to tell u to leave work to do push ups and sit ups at a gym, but wut i AM going to tell u, is to try to change some things in your daily schedule...first things first, FOOD, first of all DONT EAT JUNK FOOD, it is soo bad for you!, it has so much grease and colestorol, yuk! if your truly want to keep in shape you will make a promise to yourself to stop eating that junk!, instead, i recomend you buy, slim fast milkshakes, i know your not trying to loose wait, and slim fast, honestly does not do that, but it is GREAT for a healthy snack, insetad of some french fries and a coke, drink one of these milkshakes and you´ll really feel better, well in my case when i feel better when i have a protein shake in me than when i have greasy french fries....and, those shakes count for a WHOLE meal, so if your really in a hurry you can trade one or 2 of thsoe milkshakes, dpepnding your size and hunger for a whole hamburger and french fries!...next try instead of driving to the store next time..try walking...or go to work riding a bike..that way you´ll be exercising while going somwehre....and also with teh shakes, you wont be spending so much time going to a mc donalds and ordering your food and blah blah blah, which should give you more time to do some excersises...do sit ups and pushups..those r the main things, and it should tone your stomach and arms, which are the most popular places to have muscles in...and looks really good when u take your shirt off lol...i hope this all helped for u...bye!....PM me if u have any questions!

  6. hey..i totally understand u!....i use to do the saym thing..in fact, i use to say yes, and then break up with them on the second date..whihc was horrible..and i nvr could figure out y...but about 5 months ago i figured it out...my problem was that i didnt know the guy enough to date him...that and plus i liked flirting with alot of guys that when they asked me out i said no because i didnt want to be in a "cage" ..my advice to you....is WAIT, just let time do all the healing, and while that time is doing its job, wut YOU have to do, is really get to know the guy, or guys...let one of them be your bets friend, and even hook up with him if u want, make him your boyfriend, but just dotn make it OFFICIAL, and once you think ur ready, tell him u want to be his gf..and voila!....but the main key here is time..and you CANNOT look for a relationsip right away..your missing a step...FRIDNSHIP...first look for a frindship then let that lead to a relationship....ok?....pm me if u have any questions....bye!! hope i helped

  7. OMG!! i just realized your the girl that i sent soem advice to....of your guy that u liked and...well im sure u rememebr me...but wow...wut a coinsidence...that u moved to the place where i lived in!....well just wanted to say again..and u know me...if u have any questions on anything ill answer them....whoa..tahst just soo weird...ok well g2g babe ttyl! take care!...o and oen question..hwo come u moved to henderson..and where did u move from?..ok bye!

  8. hey....sry, i dont go to coronado high, but i just wanted to say that i use to live in henderson, i use to go to silverado high, and i just though it was cool that u moved there..its a really nice place, id love to stay in touch with u, cuz eventully im sure you´ll meet ppl from other skools and it would be tight to see if we both new teh saym ppl....but henderson is a really great place...well i loved it, i had SOO much fun!...and if u have any questions of...i udnno WHATEVER...henderson, the strip, the people...or anythign else... id be really glad to answer all your questions, if i can...lol..ok see ya bye!

  9. my boyfriend and i have been dating for 4 months...but lately he´s constantly been nagging at me that im the one that nvr does anything for the relationship, and i supposedly "never want to see him", he´s even starting to doubt if i love him, maybe hes joking but i dunno!...and he says he loves me and he wants to marry me and eveyrthing, and i do too, exept...lately ive felt a little overwhelmed by his presense...he´s VERY possesive..i see him everyday of the week, and WEEKENDS and yet he STILL comes to me saying we dont see each other often....and he gets jealus cuz ii spend time with one of my close male friends and he just starts telling me alot of things like if he were my dad or something...i dont like it..and i really dont want to confront him with it because i know it will just make him angry...but i love him soo muich and i couldnt possibly break up with him....any suggestions??? PLEASE HELP!!

  10. hey!...ok so i have a bf and i love him to death!! when i see him on a bad day, that day becomes a GREAT day and he makes me soo happy in soo many ways...(not talking about sex here, although he does make me happy in that way too lol) but im talking TRUE LOVE here...and the problem is i love him sooo much and im always hugging him and kissing him, and he says he never gets tired of it, that he loves it when girls r like that...so thats not a problem but i just feel like i dont show him how much i love him....do u guys have any suggestions?..maybe wut an ex did to u in the past that made u tell they really loved u or maybe even something YOU did to a partner and really felt u showed your love to them?....please help guys cuz ive felt this for a while...and words dont cut it..i need more than that..and please dont put anything sexual...im talking true romantic old fashion LOVE thanx! bye!!

  11. help! ok well ive been a shy girl all my life and now that i have a bf and he wants me to open up to him, its soo hard! he always tells me to express my feelings with him, and i wish i could but i cant...my tongue gets in a knot and i cant talk..also im trying to find my inner self, cuz when ppl ask me things my answer is always I DONT KNOW and i hate that answer! im so sick of it! i want to know wut i do or dont like, wat i want and dont want, also im scared of wut ppl might think of me...and i dont want that..i want to stop being shy and be outgoing and to not give a dam wut ppl think about me....actually ive been gettign better, i was a lot shier before but i wish i was more outgoing....any suggestions!?..please help!....

  12. TOTALLY normal...some guys r really sentimental...and if he DOES have a tear down his face...just hug him or hold his hand...and tell him he´s brave to let his emotions out, because most guys cant do that....also...keep that guy...i would!...well i mean it can be kinda bad in some ocasions whne u guys fight or something he might cry and then u really wouldnt know wut to do...but overall theyre really nice guys, honestly i think theyre better as friends not boyfriends, but if u do have him as a bf thats great too cuz it means he´ll alawyas be really sweet and kind! and just think of it this way too....everybody has cried at least once right?? WUTS WRONG WITH CRYING!!?...y is it so weird when it comes from a guy!!??? it shouldnt be! so its totally natural and normal..make sure u treat him with all the love and kindness he could get...he´s one of the boys that needs those kind of things...hope it helped bye!

  13. hey..well...im guessing ur a guy that has long hair....definatley DOWN....it looks sexier...but not in your face down...i mean get it out of your face but dont tie it back..it looks sexy down..make sure its clean...and it doesnt have dandruff...(use head and shoulders!) make sure u comb it and it´ll look really sexy....oh and...no side burns! bye!

  14. hey...ok im a girl...and well i think the best thing that my boyfriend does when were doin it...is fingering me..but with his thumb...and if u have fingered your girlfriend...well..heres soem pointers..some ppl in the past when they fingered me they moved theyre whole hand and it just felt like a big mess...but this guy does it REALLY well, and he just moves his finger inside of me and ocasionally he moves his hand in and out.... its sometimes just logical things...just think...when 2 ppl r having sex wut movement do they make]? and try and copy it but with other things..( fingers..etc) and baout not knwoing where the clitoris is..i know but its hard to explain especially over the internet...but look..


    if that doesnt work go to link removed go to images and type "clitoris" and u´ll see some diagrams there, and then just click on one...and other things than can turn a girl on r simple things liek kissing her on her neck or breathing hard in her ear ...not too hard though!! it turns me on when my bf moans in my ear....other things to try...

    anal sex (use condom it gets messy!)

    69 (both of u at the same time...try laying sideways its easier)

    for something more creative..give her a stripties!

    when she´s making you horny squeeze your hand on her thigh or shoulder and moan or pull her closer to u and moan....hey! it turns ME on!

    when you guys r kissing hold her head, put your fingers through her hair..make it sexy!

    .....ok thats all i could think of now....but if u have any questions about anything..even something thats not here dont be afraid to PM me i check my msg´s every day and i would love to help ANYONE out ok?bye!!! hope i helped

  15. ok i have a bf and u know what most buggs me about boys....or about him anyway...is that whenever he has a problem or hes mad and i can tell he´s mad and i ask him " whats wrong?" he just sighs and says "nothing!" and then i ask him again and he says the saym thing, WHY DO BOYS DO THAT!?? y dont they just tell us wuts wrong so we can help, then the worst thing is theyre mad trhough out the whole day and u have NO IDEA why! cuz he wont tell u...and to make it worst...once i ask again and he goes " u know exactly y im mad so y r u asking!?"....and i said "im aksing so we can talk about it" and he didnt say anything...and hes always the one telling me...that i don´t express my feeling with him enough and then he goes and does soemthing like that....is there anythign i can do so he opens up....or is there anyone who can tell me y guys r like this??? cuz a gf has the saym problem as me too

  16. thats teh horrible thing...hes my firts boyfriend so ive never been broken hearted!! and i really really dont want to find out wut it feels like!! when we get into a simple argument i spend the rest of the night crying!! i cant imagine how it will be if we break up....but when i think logically im like..." is this really gonna last?" and it really seems too good to be true!!...i hope it really does last!!!! lets hope that some powerful force will keep us all together....love is a beautiful thing isnt it ladies?

  17. hey qt...ok well ok first things first...YES ask him out to the dance....TOTALLY! u have no reason not to....my boyfriend alawyas tells me to never regret and to ALWAYS take chances...always..even if they dont work out u knwo u gave it a shot...wut if this guy ends up to be your husband...ok i may be going to an extent but wut if he does..and wut if u guys end up being the cuttest cuple EVER....but if u dont take that risk you´ll never know will you!?...and if he ends up saying no...well DONT WORRY....we ALL make mistakes...ALL OF US...and i think mistakes are GREAT, theyre what makes us, US. we learn from our mistakes right? say u dont knwo wut fire is..u see it and u like it and u put your hand in it and u get burnt, next time u see fire u´ll know that its a pretty thing but only for seeing not for touching because u know u got burnt...do u get wut im saying??....so definatley ASK HIM!


    hmm...if you do decide to ask him, which i think u should, dont ask him in a public place...just incase he says no, im just avoiding you some embarrasment....that is if he says no..just to be safe i would ask him in private....ok so u have to do a cute way....hmm....if he has a locker, stick a flower in the locker attached with a note that says " turn around" u should be watching him while he goes to his locker and when he reads the note he´ll turn around u´ll be standing there and then say to him ¨joe..will u like to go to teh dance with me?"...if he doenst have a locker do the saym thing but in his notebook or on his desk that says "look to the door" or osmething like that....that seems cute to me...ok bye hope i helped!!

  18. how do u do that? stay in love together forever? i love my bf so much and i seriously cant think about living with out him...i see him everyday in classes n stuff...and we say were ognan get married and i hoep we do i mena there is no other person in this world that i would rather spend the rest of my life with....but im just so scared about losing him...god i hope i never loose him....and inclusivly sometimes i let him get his way when i dont necesarily agree but i do it just becasue i cant stand the thought of him breaking up with me....is that bad?

  19. yea i know!...i have a boyfriend now, hes my first real boyfriend and i sooo wish i could have waited and lost my virginity to him, someone i really love....and not when i was 15, and dumb...the sad thing is i didnt even care that i lost it to him, at the time i mean....i thought i was so cool cuz i wasnt a virgin anymore..ugh...i wish i took it more serioiusly, we used a condom and everything but wut if i had gotten pregnant..i guess u never realize how bad things r until u look bak on them...

  20. i think i know wut her dream about the pool means...maybe ask her if she had liked you for a long time before...because if she did then her dream makes sense....because it symbolizes how she wanted to get to you but she couldnt, and instead you asked her out..meaning you got to her first...am i kinda making sense?...the otehr thing it might mean...its kind of a bad thing but ill tell u anyway...it might mean a slight separation, you FROM her....because maybe in the end she´ll end up loving you and you´ll leave her....and she´ll be "swimming" to you but when she gets there, you wont be there....so ALWAYS LOVE HER, to try and avoid that awful situation ok? and always talk to her dont get in fights...fights never solve things, TALKING DOES,


    3 things needed in a relationship: comunication, honesty and trust!!!

  21. hey...ok well first of all...dont ever compare between gf´s its such a bad habbit , people are SO different, everyone has their good qualities and bad ones, and by comparing them your letting your brain tell u that what one girl did was bad and the other is good, when in reality neither is good nor bad theyre just different, so never compare!! second of all, i totally can understand why you would have mixed feelings about your gf, she back stabbed u, and hard. but from a girl´s point of view she´s still interested in your love, mayeb she didnt realize how good she had it and thats why she wanted to go back to you, thats why she called u and y she left so many messages...but you say that you may be over her now...well i knwo thsi is probably not teh answer you´r looking for but TALK WITH HER...a relationship is about 2 ppl not just u or not just her, and ask her why she left u and why she wants u back, ask her eveyrthing u need to know...always rememebr that trust, comunication and honestyare the KEY to a GREAT relationship!

  22. hey!...ok your gf having dreams about u might mean that she´s doubting about soemthing...usually when you have a dream its because through out the day u asked yourself a question with unconsiously about soemthing...say if u asked yourself.." why are clouds white" most likely u will dream about clouds....and teh fact that u dont dream about her means nothing bad, in fact it means good things, it means u have no doubts about her and that u r totally secure with your relationship, talk about her dreams with her...and ask her if she has doubted about soemthing....and this might be a myth but a palm reader told me that if a person dreams about kissing a person ON THE LIPS then that means separation....probbaly just a myth..but its something to keep in mind...hope i helped bye!

  23. hey...well my first time was when i was 15...he wasnt my boyfriend, and he never was...i was drunk and so was he....and yes i do sometimes regret it, but he was never mean to me or anything, after or before it happened, we were totally cool friends, but then i moved and then he moved so it was kinda diffucult for us to see each other, but i never even got to say goodbye to him...it kinda sux...but hey thats life..and i learned to move on....lets hear your story... bye!

  24. hey everyone...ok so i have a boyfriend and i love him soo much and he loves me but...he gets mad really easily...wut should i do...for example today i was talking to my girlfriend and he was there and i said to my gf " u totally copied u idiot" and he just stared at me and i was like what? and he was like "what did u just say?" i said idiot and then for like 10 min he just avoided me and i blew him a kiss and he just rolled his eyes...WHY DOES HE GET SO MAD OVER STUPID THINGS!!? and besides he was the one that said we werent gonna fight over stupidities but yet hes the one that always gets mad.....HELP!

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