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  1. Three years have passed. Every year around this time I remember what you put me through. The pain you caused. I know it is better without you I just don't like it. I wanted to be with you. You have made that impossible and that I hate the most. You made it so it can never be fixed. You cheated and then had a child with her. I cant ever forget that now. I want to forgive but it is hard. I am an amazing person I have come so far I want to show you all I am worth and make you realize your mistake. Even your family knows it. they have tried to contact me but not you. You are not a man your are a child who can not live up to the promises you made and the disaster you brought about yourself. I gave a lot for nothing but pain. WHY DO I STILL CARE!!!!! ITS BEEN 3 YEARS MEMORIES LEAVE ME ALONE!!! Go haunt him for awhile!!!
  2. Its Been awhile. Why have you not contacted me? Did I mean that little to you? Is she better than me? Did you get over me that fast? You said you would always love me, is this how you show it? by never talking with me again? I gave you my heart and a chance at a great life why did you ruin it? why throw it away? Was it all a Lie? Did you ever love me? do you regret what you did at all? are you scared of me now?WHY did this have to happen? why didn't you try to fix us first? Why her? How can you be happy? Are you happy? Answer ME..........
  3. ok guys....2years NC!!!! It does help I have been divorced for 3years and it is needed to move on!!! I understand sometimes you have to talk due to kids or work but leave it at that. If you broke up there has to be a reason for it. Good luck to those who are starting out just know you are doing the right thing and contact only stirs the pot,
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