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Posts posted by HollyBells

  1. Sounds like you might have a trustworthy look and feel to yourself. Maybe you take things too seriously or maybe you don't like to make/keep things serious at all. Ofcourse there are also girls and guys who like to comlicate or make elephants out of flies in their problems to give their lives a soap-opera appearance. Whatever da case, take it easy and be a SILENT emotional support with your gf, that should be enough to keep her happy and you on the light foot. 8)

  2. I am not very good, but I want to reply anyway...


    sounds like some sort of detailed, well worked out compromise is in order. If you both love each other than maybe you should come up with what religious concepts are ok to be taught and what are not (I suppose the existence/credibility of Christ will be a sensitive subject). I think it will be hard but possible, after all one can raise kids to be proper and all that jazz without heavily relying of higher powers, good example and such will do.

  3. I know what i want, but im not gonna put my self in a position to get hurt, she loves me but she likes this guy, it seems that she cant figuer out what she wants. quote]


    Seems like you said it and answered it yourself. I can't believe you tried to kill yourself, thats not good, but its another story. Its not right, don't let yourself be in such a relationship where she just gets to decide. Now just because she cried it doesn't mean she loves you, it does mean she cares abt you though, but those are different things you know. It is not fair to you, Don't let her have both its not right. Maybe tell her she needs to figure it out without both guys (you and that other person) so she is not biased by whoever is closer. She just needs time and space it seems, or she just needs *someone* don't be that dummy. Maybe I am wrong, I mean she said she made a mistake by breaking up with you, but than why does she still want to see that guy? Doesn't make any sense...

  4. People say things they don't mean, that includes your dad, so thats maybe why you haven't been getting along. I don't get along with my dad too much either, but I love him though. I say stupid stuff all da time, and he is not very adult abt it either, 'cause he yells back. Anyway, Mark Twain once said: "I was surpised how smart my parents got in just 2 years" Ofcourse he meant that it is him who has begun to understand them, before that I guess he thought they were stupid or something, anyway, I hope it helped...

  5. wow, my answer is not profound, and I can't even remember exactly the part in the bible where it says that, but, somewhere there is a passage that roughly reads:


    God created us to rejoice and be happy! prolly your depression is a test , and you can cope with it, because there is also a passage somewhere that reads:

    God will never put on you more than you can handle"


    anyway, hope it helps

  6. hi, I am not really gay, I wondered onto this tread accidentally, but I can try to answer the question from the familly side.


    Once between my friends a topic came up, "what would you do if one of your siblings turned out to be gay" I have two siblings, a brother and a sister, if it turns out one of them is gay, I know I will be hurt for a while, I tried to figure out with myself as to why, but I don't know. Anyway, later I realized that I will love my bro or sis all the same (they are both younger) and it really doesn't matter I guess, as long as they are happy.


    So, I think, that if your family does freak out, they will come around gradually, You yourself must not give up on them.

  7. wo! hold there! you guys are so not fair to her. I am a girl, I am waiting for marriage too, I am 18 in college. I have had plenty of bf, and I never get pass 2nd base, 'cause I think virgin also has mental meaning to it, but anyway. All the guys I've been with were not virgins and it did not gross me out at all. If you have made the decision of being a virgin you should not impose it on the other person too, or expect them to be the same. It is your desicion, and part of it, is to except the other person as they are, otherwise you are making it into something other than it really is: a gift, something that needs no return. Especially if you love the person the way you all claim to! Its just guy's psyche I guess

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