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  1. Not so sure, where I'm from it tends to be put in more of a positive light. Guess age plays a role in it aswell I think!
  2. Got it one! Cocky as in confident, cheeky chappy etc. Not 'cocky' in the traditional term.
  3. Thanks for breaking up with me, you've done me a massive favor! Promotion, new girl, back to my old cocky confident self..... happiest I've been in ages, cheers!
  4. 4 weeks since BU, 16 days NC.... almost over her I think, starting to see her bad qualities and starting to realise she wasnt very nice in general. Met a pretty cool girl recently and staying round hers next weekend so all worked out for the best onwards n upwards!
  5. Was day 10 of NC on Monday but replied to her text, telling her I didn't want to talk to her and threw in I was feeling great (because she asked, and I'd just been promoted at work and got free tickets to see the Arsenal match!) Deleted her reply and now back to day 4 NC... Gets easier by the day. If you feel bad about NC and it's eating you inside, think about how the other person feels, you have control over NC... they don't!
  6. Day 10... So, she dumped me 10 days ago - apparently she liked me too much, our lives didn't 'click' and she couldn't offer me what I wanted..... We were seeing eachother since Feb and she's genuinely one of the only girls I've really cared for, I've never had too much of a problem on the ladies front but there was something about this one. I made it pretty clear that I wouldn't be talking to her because that's how I deal with these sort of situations, so she's now text me about 6 times since then and I've ignored/deleted those messages and her number. Today she was asking why I was ignoring her, how I'm doing etc etc.... Should I respond or continue NC?
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