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Posts posted by thatguy04

  1. Personally, I also wait for this girl in my class with her friend and walk with them to our next class. They enjoy my company and all, but then again, we're all good friends. If shes not really your friend, I don't know what it would look like if you tried, but it seems to work just fine for me as friends 8) , good luck to you though.

  2. Keep up the good work, if you have anything else, go on ahead and post it. If you want to see some of my poems, you can check them out under my name.

  3. Well I'm just curious, but could there be something more to this? One of my good friends (a girl) and I were talking online about what we each do for christmas. Well, I told her how my family and I usually do some xmas pictures for family and friends, and out of the blue, she asks me for one of my pictures. So I send her one online, and then she tells me I look pretty good (even hansome) in the picture. Now as said, I'm pretty sure this is nothing, but could there be something else in what she said ?

  4. Well, suicide won't help any . Look, there is always a good side to everything, or atleast a way to fix things (especially since its christmas). We all have our own problems, but we should not feel like killing ourselves for it. For one thing, look at all the gifts you got. Its pretty obvious some people are thinking about you. Suicide would just hurt them more than help you, as I also see suicide as the selfish way out. As for your parents, talk to them more, make them listen. Your brothers, call them. Talk to them. And for self image, never hate your body. Even if you really have a thing against it, there are ways around it. Feeling hairy? You can shave, wax, etc. Overall, I hope you have a good holiday break.

  5. Hmm, well besides the good looks, kind attitude towards others, and an I.Q. to match her breast size ( jk, I'd rather a person that was as smart as she is beautiful, and if she was really smart...well i won't go there if you catch my drift )

    Anyway, what I really like about a girl is what she does around a guy she likes. The hugs, the "soft words", the cuddles, the temtations, etc. All quite nice 8) .

  6. Well, the way you explain your situation, this sounds like you might just like your friend alot, this happens alot. Even some guys notice this (but then later go 'aww thats sick and gay' ) or you could be bi. Don't worry about discrimination if that is the case, as you said, the school is filled with gays, so u don't have too much to worry about anyway. And if you had to tell your friend, I'm sure she would understand, and may even be flattered in a weird way. Hope things work out for you though .

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