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Everything posted by trapped

  1. 1 Because either they are not interested or looks its a toss up. answer 2 lets see I have tried on-line dating no responses bars not looking for a drunk auditioned for plays to meet people they have their own little click . as for venting sorry but no I have vented to deaf ears so i know doing that doesnt help probably I should see a doctor but I am not looking to be dependent on any kind of medicine what so ever which a lot of doctors try to push. look I am a pretty inteligent guy I know that eventually the best thing is to see a doctor but I guess my fear is the meds I look at it this way I got this way with out meds I hope I can change things without the help of any kinds of drugs which i feel only masks the problem not really getting to the root of the problem.
  2. Its impossible to unravel 42 years of bs it will probably take another 42 years I should have stated this earlier but I also take care of an elderly parent who I feel is the root of all my problems unfortunately I blame her andmy father for what I am today.everyday I wake up hating what I have to do I did not ask for this job but with no one to help I feel it is my responsiblity to take care of her but I hate every minute of it this of course has to happen when I was trying to get my life in order but again another set back so with the added responsibilty i have just resolved to the fact that this is my so called life and that is what I will have to deal with for the rest of my short life. I just need to vent this wheres on me so much I just wish God would take me away from this planet. its tough when your just a piece of protoplasm walking aimlessly thru life Pleas god end this cycle before I do.
  3. As the title says I really dont see any answers but hey you never know so here goes I am a 42 yr old man who has never been with a woman never kissed a woman never have been intimate with a woman hell I have never even held a womans hand its not that I havent tried its just that everytime I ask a woman out I get rejected never fails I have tried dating services the internet you name it but nothing I know I am very shy around women and cant seem to break the cycle I have lately been having pangs of jealousy when ever I see a couple together and now with the holidays coming this time of year sucks another year alone I am by no means ugly or aiming to high its just for some reason women arent interested in me so my question is why do women complain that there are no more nice guys left but yet they have no interest in a person who would probably treat them like they should be being a virgin at this late date in my life SUCKS!!!!!!!!
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