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Posts posted by justagirl

  1. hey there, thanks you 2 for responding. yeah he is trying to get back with me and such. he called asking me why i broke up with him, that he was really hurt, wanted to not let me do it, etc. and so i asked him why he was mean to me and so cold towards me...he replied telling me that he was scared because he could see himself falling in love with me. nice thought, and i appreciate the response but...i dont get it. how can you treat someone you can see yourself falling in love with so bad. he knows that if he would have treated me the nice guy way things would have been different. so hes been trying to be nice but i dont feel the same about him anymore. i felt like i was being used so he wouldnt be alone and i hate feeling like that. ive been nice to him cuz well....thats me, im nice to everyone, doesnt matter how bad they've hurt me. so...im totally enjoying the single life right now. im going to do what i need to get done. im going to get through school, get myself healthy, be one of the girls for once and just have fun! when a good one comes along, it'll fit and work out. but until then...im gunna just be me for once.

  2. I told myself I wasn't going to respond...But I'm not going to stand back and watch this happen to you, friends don't do that.


    **She should have talked to you face-to-face if this was such a marriage important issue to her...not email it to you.**


    Whether she is right or wrong, the entire tone of her message is condescending. You are a family guy, family is important to you. Why is she expecting you to choose her over your family 100% of the time? That's...I'm shocked! I don't even know how to respond to that it is SO ridiculous!

    Of course you're marrying her, HOWEVER, its because of your relationship with your family that you are the person she "fell in love with." Why would she want to mold you into someone else now after a year of dating? Is she feeling threatened of the possibility that vacationing with your family is taking 'precious' time away from her? She should be excited to spend time with your family. That's pretty selfish on her part.

    Yes you are somewhat leaving your family, but not really. Its more of adding to it instead of taking away! She should be thrilled that she's becoming a part of a family that loves spending time together...nowadays that's rare.

    And spending time with family is different then living with them. You 2 aren't living with your family...you're spending quality time getting to know everyone. So her saying that she isn't expecting you 2 to live with her family is irrelevant. Just because she's spent 30 years living with her family and is dieing to get out of the house doesn't mean she has to take you away from yours or cut your family time as well.

    And what the heck is this!!!!

    "So you have to ask yourself, can you choose your wife over your mother and father?"

    That is so high school! You shouldn't HAVE to choose anyone over anyone else!

    That's frickin' ridiculous!

    She can not expect you to choose her over people who fed you, clothed you, made you into the person she claims to love and want to be with. You shouldn't have to choose! This is a union of families not a breaking of one to start another!

    You 2 seem to be on totally different pages and maybe this is her cop out....her way of trying to end it. I don't know. but its frustrating for me to read that the girl an amazing guy loves is trying to make him choose her over an unbelievable family! She should want to be a part of your family! Not take you away from it!

    for those of us who have been following the posts this is just one in a lo-ong line of questions you've had in this relationship. a relationship that seems dominated by her changing the way you live your life so she can fit you better into hers. That's not how a marriage works. it doesn't matter how old you are or how much/little experience you've had/hadn't had...its common knowledge and decency that when 2 people get married...you take both your lives and put them together...you take the person for who they are and what they are when you meet them...you love them for every fault, family issue, friend, hair and so on that they have in their life!

    you don't get into a relationship with expectations of changing your partner into something more suitable for yourself, you don't take them away from their life, friends and family! That's disrespect and far from loving!

    What compromises has she made per your requests?



  3. Haha, well...My first relationship has come and gone...and ya know..I'm really glad its over! He wasnt a very nice guy as it turns out, had his next girlfriend lined up for when he and I ended, was using me for a ride since his dad took his car, and was over 'him and i' the day after we started being 'him and i.' haha...and boys think girls are messed up. But ya know..I'm so much stronger now...I had to endure breaking up with someone which no matter how much I didnt want to be with him anymore it still hurt me terribly to hurt him. I hate hurting people...one of my faults in some eyes I suppose. I could tell it wasnt gunna work, one reason stands out the most...I was quiet around him, I actually preferred not talking! That was a big sign....haha. cuz I'm always talking. but now I know what signs show if its worth it or going to work or not. I dunno. I also realized I was looking for something in him that I had found in one of my guy friends and I finally figured out that he didnt have it and I wasnt going to get anywhere by staying with this guy and not being happy. So I've learned that the thing I wanted wont be found anywhere else, so I need to be happy with having it for the time I did with my guy friend and keep a special place for that and move on. So I'm starting to grow up I suppose....kinda sucks cuz i liked my comfort zone thing...but eh. lifes a changing! haha. so im not to sure why i wrote this. I guess its just to vent a bit and let people see that its okay to let go of things, cuz the good learning experiences will always be with you and yeah....I think I just needed to vent and didnt really have anyone to vent to who hasnt already heard my boy drama...haha. ...also im kinda blah cuz my best friend is leaving monday for military training...and im so sad! after boot camp hes 99.9999% guarenteed to go to the war...which sucks cuz i really dont want him to die. hmmm...so yeah.

    anyway...happy late holidays and happy new year!!!!



  4. Well, of course most girls like guys

    To answer your question...

    do you girls ever feel lonely and really feel the need, an attraction, for someone of the opposite sex?


    I do. I'm sure it happens to everyone despite the lack of showing the need. Its human nature to want to be needed or to feel close/be around someone. so yeah...it sure does happen to me. and it sucks but I walk around like everything is fabulous and i dont need anyone...because I've come to learn that if you look like you want something or need someone they really arent all that interested in you. ...or thats how it happens with me anyway


    Just a thought,


  5. okay, i havent read many of the previous posts, but here is what I know


    turn ons-

    Kisses behind the ear, breathing in on ear, whispers

    running fingers along arms, back, tummy

    lightly tugging on hair (key word lightly) while kissing

    running fingers through hair

    voicing what you want and being nice about it...not demanding. haha

    back massage before anything else. (always a plus)



    so yeah...thats just my opinion




  6. If this is her first time taking them she has to get used to them. My first month I had morning sickness, bad headaches, and was just tired. So it could be shes still getting used to them. Now I feel better than ever. So she could get it back. But I agree that she should go see her gyno...he'll possibly put her on another type but if not, she'll get her drive back



  7. i love hugs, whether im hugging a girl friend of mine or one of the guys. I think its cute when guys give each other the "guy hugs." i dont consider them to be any less of a man/guy b/c they hug. like you said, girls hug all the time and no one says anything about it.

  8. I know you wrote this a really long time ago but I know how you feel. When I was a few years younger (started around 12-13 yrs old) I had the typcial crush on my older brothers friends. They saw me as the younger sister, the little sister, etc. And my brothers banned me from anything involving their friends and vise versa.

    your brother has good reasons for not wanting you to be around his friends, I understand your frustration, but trust me its genuine concern and honest reasons hes keeping you away from his friends.

    My brothers friends see me in a different light now that I'm "all grown up." I'm not the little sister anymore. I'm the possibility. I have just recently started hanging out one on one with a friend of my older brothers. and I ahve discovered the reasons my brother didnt want me to be involved with him. I respect my brother and his decision, even though I wish he would have told me before. Even though I am old enough (19 yrs old...thats old enough) to decide who i want to be around/date, etc. I told my brother about hnging out with his friend and he kinda flipped out, asked why and hasnt really said much to me the past few days. Brothers have their reasons....listen to them. So yeah, I know this probably doesnt apply to you at this moment but it will eventually again




  9. 5 things that matter to me/attract me:


    *~Funny (I love laughing and love having a good time. If he is able to laugh at himself and allows himself to have a carefree attitude sometimes than it makes life more enjoyable.)


    *~Intelligent (Has to be able to hold his own in a conversation, talk for hours on end about anything and everything. Challenges me to think about things. Has street smarts and book smarts kinda thing.)


    *~Confident (not arrogant, but knows that he has things to offer the world, the people he comes into contact with and himself. Stands up tall kinda confident)


    *~Trustworthy (there is no point to anything if you can't trust the person, whether it be their actions or words....trust is 100% important and crucial. Besides who wants to worry all the time about how much they can believe someone else's words/actions...what's the fun in that)


    *~has a passionate interest in something and is good at something are a bit of a tie for me. (He must have an interest, that's what makes people different, everyone interested in something for their own reasons. Besides he can share his interests with me and teach me about them and I can share mine with him.) (Everyone is good at something. But if he were an athlete I could go to the games, if he were a musician I could go to the music events, artist go to the art shows, etc. Even if the "good at something" is a hobby I could still be there to support him in what he is doing and learn. I see it as a way to get to know each other, experience something the other enjoys together, be there in support, etc. Fun times also, good memories)



    Things that don't matter


    *~Well off down below (honestly who cares. There's more to life than how big or small a guys Jimmie is. Besides the pee-pee does not make the man, the man makes the pee-pee) ha-ha too bad I say pee-pee like I'm 4 yrs old \


    *~Height (most guys are taller than me anyway. But even if they weren't it still wouldn't matter.)


    *~Nice butt (can't really tell what the buns look like in the jeans. and as long as they are able to sit on it that's all that matters)




    I'm in the middle on the physically fit, weight and good looking ones.


    Physically fit guys (not beastly built, skinny, etc) are more attractive to me because I see them as they take care of themselves and as a motivation for me to hit the gym harder. I'm not saying they have to be all muscle no body fat, because I like the little tummies and such, I think it's cute. I don't know it's hard to explain my view on it. I know I'm going to get ridiculed for this response.


    Weight ties in with physically fit.


    Good looks, they matter to an extent. Being able to look at someone while talking to them is important, I believe. Someone who is pleasing to your own individual eye is important. I'm not talking Abercrombie, Hollister; chip in dales handsome so no jumping down my throat calling me superficial. I'm talking about the clean, sweet look, nice smile, nice eyes; approachable appearance is what matters to me.



    So yeah, that's my stuff



  10. Their laugh. it shows they are having fun and know how to have a good time.

    Definitely their personality, confident, smart, interesting, sweet...all the good stuff.

    If they have goals, and respect themselves, their family/friends and women...very appealing/attractive.

  11. Thanks Mahlina. I totally understand what you are saying.


    If it helps any, I'm planning on becoming a kindergarten teacher...so I'm getting my teaching credentials. So if I go out of state, I'd still have to come back and get california state standard teaching things completed. I plan on living in cali and teaching here.

  12. Alright, well last semester I started taking specific classes which worked for the J.C I'm at and also transferrable undergraduate for the 4-year I want to go to. Well, I went to apply for the 4 year and they arent accepting anyone for fall 05 because of budget cuts/state deficit reasons. They are only accepting graduate and Master applicants. So I have been trying to figure out what to do with all of that, whether to stay at my J.C another year get as many classes done for as cheap as possible and than transfer, go to a different 4 yer requiring me to take as many as 16 classes before being able to transfer, etc.

    Well tonight I check my mail and I have an email from Cornell in Iowa. I'm part of the international Honors Society at my school now and its a widely accepted/prestigious thing apparently. So cornell sends me this email saying they are interested and they think I'd be a good student for Cornell. Well thats great...I'm flattered...but I don't know if I want to move out of state. Actually I don't want to go out of state. I love southern cali. I wanted to stay here, go to school here, live here, etc. So i'm confused as what to do. I am done with my 2-years at J.C this may...so I have obviously been planing and such so for all this to happen now sucks. Yeah going out of state gives me a chance to start over, make new friends, live in a new environment, etc....but I lvoe it here, I have my family in my house or close by, I get along with most of the people I work with, I am finally getting moved up...still not totally respected by managers but they don't always act like managers so whatever, and its just ugh...I don't want to have to change lifestyles, homes, jobs, etc.

    I jsut dont know what to do..I guess I'm venting, had a stinky day/night and I just don't need anything else on my little overfilled plate. So any comments advice, etc. is fine...just no downing me for not wanting to move outta state...I'd consider it, but it doesnt mean I'd be happy to do it.




  13. Staring out over the hill past the people, trees and sounds


    Remembering long conversations and warm happiness I once found.


    The library and past behind me and the horizon and future lying ahead


    Everything that once was wonderful is now cast aside and dead


    The telephone ringing fills my body with hope and undying pain


    Knowing it won't be your number on the screen, it just isn't the same


    Waking up in the morning missing the laughter and sound of your voice


    Knowing that all this hurt and emptiness was caused by your choice


    The people on the phone smile the way I once did


    Sharing stories, warmth and giddiness like high school kids


    Butterflies fly past my head, they have forever left my tummy


    Missing the feelings you gave me that made me always so sunny


    Remembering the fun we had and all the promises that were spoken


    Knowing the ones that meant the most are now in pieces and broken


    Thinking of what life could have been like if we had kept in touch


    The life would have been the fantasy I needed, so very much


    Staring out over the campus as the telephone rings away


    Knowing the screen won't ever read, "Your dreams come true today."








    I always have too much time to think while doing my homework in the car between classes...but I suppose it is a good thing

  14. Okay...interesting


    Read his other posts on the subject for more background...that's what I do to help respond to people...last post in another topic I believe says she is 30.


    Posted: Wed Aug 18, 2004 10:41 am Post subject: In response to "Is her past enough to end the relationship?"



    Junior Member

    Joined: 04 May 2003

    Posts: 186



    I'm engaged to a girl ...- although she's 30.


    Never said she needed a tranquilizer pill, I'm not saying she's insane...just insecure and immature.


    1. Who cares if the family is sarcastic, its their way of joking around...everyone has their own qualities of showing care or fun...she needs to learn to live with the jokes.

    Example: my mom didn't leave my dad because his parents make fun of her and teased her because she was the "good girl" and things like that. She learned to laugh along with them and learned to joke back.


    2. The family is not ridiculing, they are having fun. They obviously love their sons very much and their sons' significant others. So they feel comfortable enough to treat the girls the way they treat the rest of the family. So the boys bring the girls around...let them. It's their right. One girlfriend should not be high schoolish and refuse to go to family events just because the other, younger girlfriend is there.

    Example: My middle brother's fiancé used to despise my oldest brothers girlfriend. But she still came over for family events, movie nights at our house with everyone, etc. and now they can all hang out over here no problem and even go on double dates with my brother and his girlfriend...she learned to get to know her, she learned to care about her and realized that if they are both going to be in the family than she is going to have to start getting along with her.


    3. Ha-ha...he never said HiS fiancé rubs the other girl the wrong way...he said

    my brother has a girlfriend who my fiancé says "rubs her the wrong way".
    So he stated it perfectly clear.


    4. Where in the post does it show Cali's brothers girlfriend is showing off? Oh, you're probably referring to the showing affection for her boyfriend and the way she dresses. Well, if that is showing off than the whole world is just a bunch of show-offs.


    Caliboy loves his fiancé very much; there is not one time in that post that he says anything about breaking up or not loving her. He doesn't want to break up...which is the reason why he is here asking for advice on how to fix the problem so they can live happily together as one big family.


    That's cute how you ended the post



    Very...matter of fact.


    But anyway back to the real reason Caliboy posted on this site...FOR HELP!!

    Talk to her, figure out why she is really acting this way. Can she honestly be that disturbed by a 19 year old? Or she is a tad jealous and doesn't want to be, understandable, but she should be able to get over it if she really wants you and your family to be happy.




  15. First of all, the post above this is a bit off. Re-read what caliboy wrote and rethink your response. His family likes her...she doesnt like them!


    And caliboy, your fiance needs to grow up!!! She needs to be thanking your family for making the person she supposedly loves the way he is instead of forcing you to choose. Its pretty interesting how she is insecure about someone 11 years younger than she is, maybe it goes deeper. Sounds more like a control issue...her getting what she wants without letting you get what you want as well. I've read many things you've written about this relationship and it sounds like more negative than positive. Maybe you should go back and rethink why she acts as immature and insecure as she does....if she really is 30 years old...she needs to grow up and act her age. If she acts this immature and insecure just being in a relationship now...how will she act with all the pressures of marriage? Marriage is so much hard work, its much more difficult than learning to like your fiance's brothers girlfriend.




  16. It isnt a matter of giving it up or making people change. It is the simple question of why has sex become an extracurricular activity instead of something that is cherished. I personally think it is disgusting when people brag about how many people they've been with. I think of it as this: if you got that person in bed that easily chances are they've been with many others, meaning you've not only slept with that person, but with all the other people that they slept with...contracting whatever diseases or body fluids they had. And I'm not saying that that person is easy, but if they didnt mind a one night stand...it has to get you thinking of why it came so easily to them. But that is just my opinion.

    I've often wondered why people throw sex around, why viriginity is looked down on, and why people brag about things that probably should remain private. But we'll never know why people do the things they do and why they act on pure animal desires for a few moments of physical satisfaction only to end up unsatisfied in not recieving anymore.

    Anyway, just my thoughts


    Always remember I'm



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