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Posts posted by unonename

  1. well i have been with my boyfriend for 1 year and 4 months almost 5 but any way when we use to not see each other for a few days and then we finally kiss i use to get butterflies in my stomach , then on thursday? he said something sweet right before i went to bed and it was hard to go to bed because i got butterflies in my stomach and i was just so happy so here is my problem i want that feeling like that more i know i love him i just want that butterflies in your belly feeling again and so how do i get it? Like i know he loves me he tells me he loves me so much taht the word has almost lost its meaning.what can i do? im not happy and he wont change it.

  2. well ok last year after my last exam i felt as though i didnt have any feelings for my boyfriend at the time. now this year a few days before my last exam i felt the same way this year with my new boyfriend.i have been with my boyfriend for almost 9 months. we have been through alot and we been fighting alot latly!! i think its cuz we were both alot stress due to he had exams one week and had them the next. i really dont wanna break up with him. but i dont know how i feel about him any more like when i went out with my friends and when i m alone sometimes i feel as though i still love him but when im with him i m just like i m dating him still?? how do u know if you dont love someone any more?

  3. ok well i test him and see what i can do and what i cant do to see what makes him jealous and what doesnt but nothings seems to make him jealous. i serously think he doesnt like me because he calls when he is in the middle of things so he gte off the phone with me. He called early tonight and his uncle was there and he was busy playing a game so for the 10mins on the phone we takled for 5 mins of it!! ugh it makes me so mad. Its like he doesnt want a girlfriend he just wants someone to show off and show people what he can get. ugh!!!!

  4. So i was dating this guy named jim for 4 months. he use to get jealous over the simplest things. like i would talk to exboyfriends and tell him i want nothing to do them and yet he got jealous and think thats why he dumped me but good for him becuase i m moved on and in a great realtionship and he's not but thats not the problem the problem actually is that my current boyfriend jack never gets jealous!. we go to differnt schools and so i was saying i would go to my schools dance and go dance with any hot guy that would dance with me and i asked jack if he cared but jack said he didnt!!! i m not actually going to the dance so none of that can happen dont worry ... anyway my problem is,does that mean he doesnt love me enough to worry?, with my ex i knew he cared because of how jealous he got.So what does it mean when he isnt jealous?

  5. hi i am dating this guy and this is the longest we have went out together without breaking up and he has cheated on me the first time so should i trust him and move on?My friends have asked him out behide my back but told me they were doing it to see if he would cheat on me again and he turned them down both times and after he cheated on me he dumped me and i asked why and he said because he didn't want to hurt me any more any way i was gonna dump him and after he dumed me like a half an hour later he was alplozaging and wanting to get back with me i have dated 2 guys in between are break ups but i always gone back with him because i love him so much i have forgive in him for the cheating part but i will never forget and my friend's wont let me forget it ether but was going back with him right or wrong? thanx so much

  6. i wished it never ended and now this girl likes him so i told her all about when i dated him and now i feel so confused cuz i have a boyfriend and i really like him too but i still have feelings for this guy that dumped me almost 2 weeks ago and i dumped him b4 that but never really got over him and now i am tryin to

  7. hey every1 i started datin this guy last year for 4months and 28days.Then he dumped me the we went back out the next day then i dumped him 1 week later cuz i thought i could go on wit out him and my friends told me to and then about 1 week later i relazied i couldn't go on wit out him.But he was a really big jerk and we kept gettin into fights and my grandfather died so my life was in a big mess this last summer.Anyway when i went back to school i seen him again and all my feelings came back and then i started datin his friend then i dated another guy then his friend again then i dumped his friend then i started datin the guy from the summer again \ \ \ and now i don't no if he likes me like when i was datin him b4 he would say he loved me every day when we would leave the internet or get off the phone and now he never calls me and he never tells my that he loves me.So i wanna know does he like me or is he just wit me because no1 else will date him? p.s love you in my grade level means i really really really like u.

    p.p.s sorry so long

  8. hi this a poem i got out of a book and it helped me through many break ups except one and i would like to share this poem with u.


    She stands alone

    She stands alone, both tall and true

    The perfect picture of solitude

    The soul of a woman encased in bark

    With limbs that move in a majestic arc

    Alone she's faced the storms of life

    The wind and rain, disease and strife

    Others gave up, but no, not she

    And there she stands for all to see

    She's had her share of troubles and woes

    But she made it though, and still she grows

    Like her I too know grief and pain

    I've faced the wind; I've felt the rain

    And like her too, I still stand tall

    Though life may beat me, I will not fall

    It may throw punches, I may take a blow

    But in the end I too shall grow

    Each storm increases my strength

    And beneath this skin, my soul's to thank

    The elm and I, we know what to do

    We count on ourselves, and make it through.

  9. ok i am datin this guy i really like and iam really happy with him but why do i feel like sumthing is missin is it cause my friends r leavin me behide alot or is it that my grandfather died 3 months ago or is it that i don't have alot of my family around any more? plzz help i feel so lonely and i need sum1 to talk to

  10. ok i dated this guy for 4 months and 28 days. there r more stuff about our relationship in other forms i did. any way he dumped me and then the next day he said that it was the worst thing he ever done and then a week later i dumped him because my friends said he was a @$$ so this guy #1 any way in Sept i thought i would try and move on so i started datin one of his friends(not close friend)any way when me and he his friend broke up i relized i still love that guy#1.and then i started datin this other guy and i still really liked guy#1 so i broke up wit him but i never told any1 that i like guy #1 and i told guy#1 i was so over him even tho deep down i wasn't and i was tellin ppl i was over him bcuz i thought if i said it enough i would b over him but it didn't happen so i told all my friends i still cared for him and missed him so.So 1 of my friends told him and asked him out but the problem was i was datin his friend again so i dumped his friend and i started datin guy #1 agian what i wonderin is did i do that right thing or not and my parnets don't like guy #1.

  11. i liked this guy he told me alot about him and his family problems and then a few days went by and the feelings i once had for him r gone and he likes me alot and i want to break up wit him but i don't want to hurt him or anything like that. So my Question is how do i break up wit him wit out hurtin him.

  12. hi i am scared that i should of never broke up wit my boyfriend.i have still have feelings for him and he likes my friend and i have a boyfriend and i really like my boyfriend but i miss my ex boyfriend alot and its been 3 months since *I* dumped him.And don't really no if i like my new boyfriend but i am pretty sure i do.but my ex doesn't have feelings for me iam pretty sure and when i see my ex all my feelings come back and i was shy when i dated him and when i see him now i get all shy around him.i don't no what to do i am tryin to move on and forget about him but its hard when i go to the same school as him and see him almost every day and talk to him alot on tghe internet.

  13. hi last year in grade 7 (i no i am kinda young but i don't act my age i act older then my 13 year old friends)any way i started datin this guy in febuary 2003 and then everything was goin great.Then in August 2003 he dumped me i loved him so much then the day after he dumped we started goin back out because he said he made a big mistake in dumping me and then a week later i dumped him cry (big mistake).The reason why i dumped him is cause my friends told me to.Then a few weeks after i dumped him we had fights and things.Then when i started school again in September i got a new boyfriend and then when i seen my ex boyfriend all the feelings i had for him came a rushing back but when i was single again i told all my friends about my feelings for that same guy from Febuary and one of friends told him and he emailed and told me that he would date me if i dyed my hair black and if i wore more makeup.Well when i got the email i was so mad and sad.Any way he told me the next day the only reason he said that was so that i wouldn't like him any more.i got over it then i started datin the guy from september and i still have feelings for that guy in Febuary what do i do?

  14. Hi i was datin this guy for almost 5 months then he dumped me then we got back together and he said it was one of the worst things he ever did was dump me. a week after he dumped me i dumped him cuase my friends said he was an ass and so after that i was still having feelings for him and he found out after his friend dumped me that i still liked him.Then he sent me an email sayin that he'll go out wit me if i die my hair black and wear makeup . so i wanna know do i wear makeup or do i forget about him and if i forget aboout him how do i do that? i found out he said those things so i wouldn't like him any more

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