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Cynical Rants

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Everything posted by Cynical Rants

  1. Yes eratya what you said I can relate to very much so I appreciate your comment, and as I can see by visiting this message board, I'm not alone in my situation.
  2. Nate, I'm very sorry to hear about your situation, and I must say you and I are in very similar situations. I know how you feel, almost empty inside, but I've helped others through it before, it does get better. I'm hurting right now as well due to a very recent breakup, but I know I'll be okay eventually, as will you. If the Military is your true dream, then follow it, and the best of luck to you my friend.
  3. Thanks for your advice, and I've decided that I'm going to let her be, if she comes back then I will take it from there, but until then, I'm single. Once again thank you to everyone who gave their advice, and I'm open to even more if anyone feels they have something to add.
  4. Hello all, this is my first post, and I hate to start it off on such a negative topic, but I figure with the topic I present I've come to the right place. I was just dumped by my girlfriend of 8 months, and I must admit it's the most heartbreaking experience to date in my short existence (I'm 18 ). I've had a few flings and different "experiences" with other girls, but nothing ever serious until her. She approached me initially in our High School, citing an interest, after 2 months of getting to know eachother better we began to date. And things were great, I was never this happy before, she told me we would be together forever, nothing could change that. To put it quite simply, she was the best part of my life. I even opted to attend a local college instead of going away just to be with her (she's now a senior in my former high school, I'm currently a freshman in college). Then just around 7 months into the relationship things began to go downhill, she began to tell me I was too controlling. I admitted that yes I could be a little bit overbearing at times and she promised me I could trust her, so I believed her and pretty much eliminated the way I was acting. Not too long after she kissed my friend one night when I wasn't around, it was a short kiss and she told me right after it happened, but still it hurt like nothing else. When I asked her why it happened she said "I don't know, I was just confused". I accepted what happened after we talked for several hours she apologized and I decided we could work it out. 2 weeks passed and everything seemed fine, then, this past Thursday she called me on the phone and told me things didn't feel the same. I pleaded with her that we could work it out, but to no avail. My last words to her before hanging up the phone were "If you ever decide you still love me, you know where to reach me, have a nice life, I love you, bye" I should also add that she said she wanted "more space, free time, time with friends, etc." In that time period I wrote her 2 emails, one was rather short, while the other was long, citing how much I missed her and how much she meant to me. I didn't talk to her until yesterday (Sunday) when I IM'd (Instant Messaged) her and asked if I could call her and talk to her. I did, and everything was awkward, I did 95% of the talking, telling her how much I loved her and how I could never find another girl like her, she didn't respond. I asked her if we could ever get back together, her answer "I don't know", I told her we could try to work it out, her response "I don't see it as working out right now" So now I'm contemplating several things, mainly whether I want to try and get her back or to just forget her. It's obvious she wants some space, some time away from me, and I want to give her that. One of my plans was to not talk to her at all this week, then on this upcoming Friday leave one of my classes early and get to her house before she gets home, and as she arrives I'd be waiting there with flowers, a teddy bear and something I have written her. I know it sounds corny, but I've always been taught something you love is worth fighting for. I'm also just considering letting her go, not talking to her and seeing if she eventually makes her way back to me. If not, I would move on, though I must say it'd be rather hard to do, I don't picture myself with anyone else. I've been a wreck ever since she left me, I don't know what to do, and I hope somebody can offer me some good advice or comforting words, I could sure use some right now. Thanks for listening everybody.
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