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  1. music, you really do amuse me, getting all angry at someone you don't even know. chill out and leave it. this is my life, so let me handle it the way i see fit. move on. also i think it is pretty lame that you posted a message on thursday and then decide to come back 3 days later to call me a name...haha you must really not be able to get over this.
  2. hahahahaha music is the key, your rationale amuses me. it really says something about a person when he cannot admit that he's wrong. i guess all your name-calling is a way to get back at all those girls who have wronged you, am i correct? anyways you can think what you want and keep those messages coming if they make you feel better about yourself. i mean all this catharsis must be good for someone.
  3. music is the key, i don't appreciate you calling me slutty, cheap, or loose. i don't consider myself any of those words nor did i tear off my clothes and sleep with the guy. you are quick to judge and i don't know why you assume that all girls are cheap or easy. i'm sorry if you don't seem to have any luck with women so you are quick to label them. it's a double standard...girls are easily branded sluts while guys are looked at in awe for the same type of behavior. you need to get the facts straight before you jump to conclusions. for your information, i have talked to the guy since i last posted and yes, he indeed does want to take things further. he mistakenly thought that i was disinterested and was afraid of being rejected, basically he thought that i wanted to leave things the way they were and just forget that we had even made out. well needless to say when i approached him, thus ignoring all the advice that was given to me to stay away from him, and asked him what was up between us, i got an answer and we're going out this friday. so this shows that what advice applies in one situation will not always apply in the next. everyone's situation is different, and i do thank everyone who gave me an honest and levelheaded answer. i do NOT appreciate being called cheap and i do not think that it is fair to brand all girls who find themselves in similar situations as such. guys are just as much to blame. but when's the last time you heard someone call a guy a slut? thank you, turboz, for being understanding to my situation.
  4. what if i discovered that the guy in question was sober? does this change things up a bit?
  5. actually we have known each other for awhile and have the same friends, so i can't say he's some random person b/c i would consider him a friend. he had been showing interest since the beginning, before any of this happened and was asking my friend about me. according to everyone he's this super nice great guy who wouldn't do shit like this for no reason. maybe i am naive to think that he didn't just do this just to prove something. i'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt but the fact that he hasn't called me weirds me out. though he did approach me twice to talk to me. maybe i should go and talk to him and ask him upfront.
  6. hi again, i posted a topic earlier under need a guy's opinion so i guess you could call this post an addenum to the first. in summary in my first post i asked if this guy (who was drunk) who flirted with me if he was really interested or not...well i got my question answered this past saturday. he was basically following me around this party trying to get me to admit that i had a thing for him and asking my friends if i liked anyone. later that night we started talking, next thing i know we're making out for like 2 hours. but the weird thing is that he hasn't called me since that incident and it's been 3 days. and i ran into him today and he was acting normal (though i was the uncomfortable one) but his friends are acting sort of aloof towards me which i don't understand. he's confusing me. he says he's attracted to me, thinks i'm a fun person to be with, etc., but he won't even pick up the phone to call me. i don't know if he's serious about us being together or if i was just a "good time" if you know what i mean. what do you guys think? thanks
  7. there's this guy i know thorugh mutual friends who invited me over to his place last weekend just to hang out. My friends and i went and there was a lot of alcohol there so needless to say i got a little tipsy as did everyone else. The guy in question and I flirted the entire night. He kept on grabbing me, trying to tickle me, lying on me, etc. and then when I had really way too much to drink and felt sick he was being really nice and trying to help me out. When my friends told him that they could take care of it, he refused to leave me saying that he wanted to stick around and make sure I was okay. I want to know if he's interested in me or if it was just because we had both been drinking. Do drunk guys flirt if they're interested or was it just because he was drunk? Well also the next day he called me over to his place to watch a movie, but alot of people ended up coming so it wasn't a big deal. We were both sober this time and I couldn't tell if he was interested in me or not. What do you all think? Thanks for reading and answering my post.
  8. Perhaps she's shy and is waiting for some confirmation from you. Wait it out some more, hang out with her and then see how she reacts. If it looks good, go for it good luck
  9. I like this guy and was showing him that I was interested but I wasn't getting a favorable response, basically no response whatsoever. So I decided to ignore him and try to get over my crush on him, but then he starts paying me a ton of attention and won't stop staring at me, smiling whenever he sees me, a HUGE departure from how he was acting in the beginning. What do you all think? Should I tell him I'm interested or is he just playing games with me? Is he all about the chase? Thanks for the advice.
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