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Posts posted by Stuck-On-Him

  1. Hi-

    Well You can read the whole story, but basically I dated this guy Nic for 11 months. We broke up, by his choice, cause he needed space, about 7 months ago. They say you know you love someone when all the emotion, and their love is taken away and you still care. Well that is very much the case of me. He never calls, and I give him space, and life has gotten better. I met a new guy, and hes everything a girl could ask for. Hes sweet and treates me like a princess, all the while being totally hott, and he just supports me in everything. Well I have known this guy for almost two months, and I guess you could say were dating, but I still hurt from my ex, and i cant be happy. I mean I have everything to be happy, a good guy, a good life, etc, but I just carry around this hurt. Now hes going for a good friend of mine, and i just hurt so much, and my bf is so sweet to put up with me, but what more is there to do. ive given it time, Ive prayed, and given it to God, but I feel like I have been abandonded by him. Nic seemed to just move on with life, while I am stuck all the while ruining this relationship with this perfect guy who makes me so happy, i just cant find overlall happiness


  2. Wow, I know how you feel. My ex broke my heart ,and I too recovered. Man it hurts like nothing else can. But you gott hold strong. I truley believe we meet people because they are their for a purpose, to help you throuigh somthing or to teach you something. I know how much it reopens a wound when you finnally come back into contact with that person. Because you love them, you hope for the best that could happen, but I say, what happened happened. Why would you wanna go back to her when you have finnally discovered who you are? When you truly are growing in life? As much as it hurts, you have to finally say goodbye. Keep going on in life, and maybe one day if life and God allow it, you will be strong enough to talk to her without, being drawn to her like that. until then I would just leave it as a note, and go back to living life. The problem in todays world is that people get so lost and caught up in their lover, and loose themselves. They find their identity in tthat person, and whe it ends, ythey dont know who they are. It seems to me that you have rediscovered who you are, and are moving on in life, dont let this bring back hurt and pain and the past. Remember, never waste your tears on someone who wont waste them on you.

  3. Heres what i have learned from a devastating break up...


    First my story shortened, Nic was my life, my role model, my hero. He was the only joy I had in my life, till he ended it, cause he need space. I was depressed for a long time, waited 6 months hopeing to get him back, wasted tears and tears on this boy. Where in life did that get me? NOwhere! Since then, I have realized, that bad things happen to the good people. Good people with good hearts get used, and thrown around, and taken forgranted. Our lovers know that since we are good people they can treat us like dirt and we will still love them. Thats how lofe is. Good people get hurt, cause they care. Now, how can we act upon this? Well, its alright to love, and care, but make sure you dont change your life or who you are for this boy. It is so easy to get lost in being "his girl" and his princess, that you loose morals, qand all sense of direction. If you are meant to be it will happen. if not, God either has someone better for you, meaning someone more like you or perfect for you, or God wants you two to not be together, so your hearts can change and you can be made to be compatible for each other. Either way, he knows what your wants and needs are, and he will satisfy them. Have some faith... What else is there to do?

  4. Hi, well recently I have been exploring with masturbation, and I know that a clitoral orgasm is the easiest to achieve by yourself, and my problem is, my clit is extremely sensive, almost to the point that its uncomfortable to rub, play with. And Ideas of whats up, or how to get myself to orgasm, I'v tried everything!!!

  5. Hi, well recently I have been exploring with masturbation, and I know that a clitoral orgasm is the easiest to achieve by yourself, and my problem is, my clit is extremely sensive, almost to the point that its uncomfortable to rub, play with. And Ideas of whats up, or how to get myself to orgasm, I'v tried everything!!!

  6. Hi, I know your pain. Ive been there, cried those tears, and hurt like no other. I know how much it hurts to know that you cant chaneg them, and how much you long to be their again, even though they have hurt you.I spent 7 months crying over the same guy, he wasnt abnomally hot, or sweet, but for 11 months he was mine. I loved him with everything then he leaves me. I cried and cried, some days worse then others. Its now been 7 1/2 months. I havent talked to him, though I want to so bad, but I dont. I know it wasnt my fault that he left, it was him. Dont blame yourself ever, pain is part of healing, and it sucks. Its the worst feeling ever. I know, but you have to go on with life. Live life one day at a time. If you need to cry then cry, if you need to scream, scream. Dont hide your emotions. Its alright to be upset, just dont loose focas of life. On day maybe that person you love will call you, until then, get out with friends(super hard to do) meet new people, live life. Its not bad to love that someone, but dont let them and their lost feelings, take your life downward. I hope I helped



  7. Hi, Well reading your story reminds me of mine, my bf did the same thing and is now trying to get with my good friends.Life sux, good things happen to those who dont deserve them and shit happenes to good people. Thats life. Its been 7 months since dating him, and its hard to see them together, hurts everytime, but you have to move on., Start dating this new girl more, go out dont wait for your ex, and in time you will be fine!


  8. Hi, I have realized that in life tere are people who live to be loved and some to love. Now the problem with this is people that live to love get hurt by those that take. I know how much it hurts, my guy did it to me. It hurts like hell to know there was and is NOTHING you could have done. It was his choise. If you do take him back, he can very easily do it again, but if you dont, the baby's loss. So, what to do. I cant tell you whats the easiest option, cause its your life. But I can say I'll pray for you and your decision. If you do take him back take him backf or your kid, not for yourself. A cheating man does nto deserve anothe chance for you, but he does with the kid

    Best of luck!


  9. Curing a broken heart, well thats a toughy. I still cry after 9 months, so don't think everything will be completely healed. Heres a story....


    There was once a doctor who studied hearts. Well one day he was looking at two hearts, one was perfect, intact, with no blemishes, or bruises. The other was a mess. Chunks missing, pieces that didnt belong, with brusises, and scars.


    Well the point is, once you love or care about someone, you give them a piece of your heart. Sometimes, you get a piece of someones heart, sometimes you get hurt and it bruises your heart, or you have scars from hard times. Life is rough, love hurts. People change. What I have found is recalling the story of how me and my ex, met and special events, and happy and sad moments, what i was feeling, putting that all into a story. Like a story of me and him. I dont knwo if I will ever be strong enough to give to him, but maybe one day.

    Best of Luck


  10. Hey, Well I know how you feel. The same thing happened/is happeing with my ex bf. It really sucks, and I know you dont wanna hear this, but if she loved you she wouldnt do anything to hurt you. I know how it feels, I really do, you are so afraid to let go, cause she means so much to you. You love her, but you can still love her and let go. Letting go just means your moving on. Get out, meet new peop, start dating, thats a hard one but it will come over time, whatever you do, dont wait for her. If she is the one for you, and she really is, you will get back, whether or not you wait for her. God has someone out there for you, just wait, youll find them, or she and you will change so you two are meant for each otehr. Best of luck


    email removed

  11. Against what most people would say, I disagree. Before love, I was a happy go lucky girl, with tons of friends and a great social life. I fell in love with an amazing guy, and it ended in him leaving me. I now hurt constantly, don't liek to go out, and just over all a sadder quieter person. And its not like it was recntly it was almost 9 months ago, so love is great, and loosing love is awful, but dont loose yourself, and who you are in a guy!

  12. I'm sorry, I know how you feel, I wish I didnt, but I do. Maybe though when you cant seem to go on with life, GOd can. i mean it might sound crazy, it did when someone told me that, but I am a living miracle, I had pills in my hand, I thought no one cared or would care, but I met with someone befor ethe night I was planning on doing it. She said, I love you before leaving, and I gave God a chance, and look where I am today, it worked for me and can work for you ! Dont give up on him or on life, and if it truly is the worst it can be, then it can only get better

    I love love to talk to you via email... email removed


  13. Hi, Well I knoiw how you feel. You can read my story if you want at link removed . Well It has been over seven months, alot of tears, and tons of hurt and pain. But I found that the hurt unlike what everyone sayes, DOESNT get better over time. If you sit and mope around like I did for 5 months, you wont get better! Find an excape. Start a sport or excersise! Take your anger and pain and use it for something. I still hurt, and yes I still have my times of crying, but thats life. One day I wont, but until then, live life. Build your life back up to where it was before her, even higher, and then she'll see what shes missing. And if she doesnt, you still have a great life. I would love to chat with you via email or aol, email removed or cheerchiky004


  14. Here's my story, something I wrote!


    Overcoming Life, One Step At a Time

    I remember the day, like it was yesterday, in fact. It was a beautiful day in the city known for its busyness, and lack of concern for finding love, New York. After enjoying a beautiful day filled with the many excitements of the Amish town, Intercourse, we sat down to a lovely buffet. Just me and him, sitting together, talking about the normal gossip and activities that occurred that day. Delighting in the company of one another. That was the start of everything, the changing of my life. Those words that were spoken reformed my outlook on everything. It was like a Cinderella story filled with romance, all the while being up-to-date, and "cool". "I have learned to care about you, and I wanted to know if you would be my girlfriend?" he said as he anxiously awaited my response. Exploding with joy, I immediately said "OF COURSE!" trying to hold in the excitement and happiness while my heart beaded with joy. Those next five days in New York were amazing. Nic and I were inseperatable, growing to care about one another in a way most will never know. As the trip ended, and the initial joy began to fade, I wondered if it was going to be like all the other junior high relationships. But I knew it was different. Something about the way he looked at me, his eyes, a pathway into his heart, gave me confidence, that everything was okay. Just being around him, reassured me that life does have meaning and I do have potential to succeed. Because of him, his love for life, I found true happiness. Found peace with life and actually became an overall happier person. I grew self-confidence, self-worth, and over time this accumulated bringing me to where I am today. The plane ride home was a time I would never forget. I remember just lying in his arms without a worry in the world. The only tangible souvenir I have of that unforgettable 6-hour trip is the battered and utterly hideous plane blanket that has been the receiver of so many tears and so much sorrow. Getting back to school, with the pressures or life, and of parents, didn't change how I felt towards him. We were constantly talking on the phone, don't believe me check the phone bill, and my affection for him somewhere took a turn for the better and grew, with lots of time and effort into love. The real obstacle was the meeting of the parents. Surprisingly, he passed the test that was thought to be unpassable. With "yes and no sirs" he passed the "Dad Test" with flying colors. The day I looked at him and saw in him the many qualities of my father, was the day I knew I loved him. As a little girl, looking up to her father, I had always hoped to meet a guy just like my daddy to marry and love me. For that time, Nic was the guy. The guy I put my trust in, the guy that made my heart beat faster every time I was with him. I felt security with him, like he was superman and would protect me from everything. We shared everything together, laughs, tears, religion, as well as love. He was there when I needed to cry, and he was there when the world had failed me. Of course, being my role model, Nic never failed anything. His quirks and flaws were hidden; I was blinded by a sense of love. My focus on life became to hear those three words, "I love you." My self worth became based on his approval, and his opinion. Being the guy he is, Nic never tore me down, although, he had many opportunities. He always brought up the good qualities in me when I felt worthless. He always told me how beautiful I was and how much I had going for me. Never a hurtful word came out of his mouth, knowing that just one could crush my soul. Never having someone to love me like this, I reached for more and more. Wanting, craving, his attention, all of his attention. Wanting to spend every last second with him, that was my mistake. I now realize that when you love something so much, you try and hold it so close so that it will never leave you, but as all good things are, too much leads to disaster. That's when it happened, those words, cutting through my heart. Ripping it into pieces, shattering my dream and leaving me in ruins. No on has ever hurt me so much. All I could do for days was cry and hope. Innumerable amounts of tears fell for the love was gone, and broken and shattered, I was left. I thought there was no where to go, because the last 11 months, Nic was there when I cried. And now I was crying because of him. He needed space and as much as I respected that, man it hurt. I tried turning to suicide, but was later talked out of it. Friends all bailed on me, and I was left all alone with a broken heart and a shattered self-image. I didn't eat for days, and couldn't stand the thought that it really might be over. That after all we had overcome, this was the final roadblock, one that could not, would not be conquered. As the months passed, I found God. I re-established who I was, excluding Nic, and I found one true friend. They say the hurt of a break-up gets better over time, I must disagree. It's been over six months now, the pain is still great, but without God, I don't know how I would have made it this far. I'll go on with life and one day the pain will leave, but my love for him will always be there and somehow I will be a better person because of it. I will overcome this hurt, I will find happiness, and hopefully, I will find love. Life is a test, one that most can not over come. But I will, I will!



    Well I called him today, all if well with him, and Life is going horrible, I feel like I can only turn to him for support, but I dont wanna burden him. Should I tell him about whats going on, I know he still cares, I just dont know if it makes me soujd like im despertae and I need him!! Please help me, and tell me whta you think of my writing above.

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