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Everything posted by Capricorn3

  1. Right now I have no idea what season we are in - the past two weeks have covered every kind of weather you can think of and right now it feels like I'm living in a sauna? Swinging from heat, storms, torrential rain, floods, strong winds ripping up trees, back to heat. It's horrendous. Only thing missing so far is snow. Gawd.
  2. Can you guys send some snow my way please? The weather on this end has gone mad, really mad - much like the rest of the world right now, lol.
  3. Wow, all that rain I was enjoying ...... has turned into "wild weather conditions, with heavy rains, wild winds and flooding up and down the entire east coast. Hazardous surf conditions, coastal communities on high alert with "beaches being eaten away", with coastal erosion." My local beach has disappeared and changed completely. 10-15ft waves. Quite terrifying. Never seen anything like this before. 😧😱
  4. I hope Santa brings me a wheelbarrow load of chocolate for Christmas. I think I've been a good girl, at least good enough to deserve a chocolate. I mean, I am not asking for, nor want diamonds and fancy jewellery. Just a ginormous wheelbarrow load of chocolate! Wonder if my wish will come true....hmmmmm. 🤔 🎅
  5. Rain, rain, and more rain for days on end and more expected. Loving it!
  6. Good Lord, I finally did it! Now all can see my daily frustration, lol. Thanks Wiseman.
  7. Thanks Wiseman. I've tried that a million times and for the life of me I can't find, or see, my old avatar anywhere. No matter what I try, what I do, I have zero success. I know, I know ..... I have a pea brain, lol.
  8. Geez, I keep hearing Christmas Carols all over the place and it reminds me that it's Christmas in just a few weeks. I am so NOT in the zone yet. At all. So not in the mood.
  9. Went to the dentist today and it really sucked big time. The older I get, the worse it gets. Ugh.
  10. Yeah, it really sucks. We've been travelling overseas regularly almost our entire lives so suddenly being cut-off from travel makes me feel like ..... huh?? lol
  11. I'm really really missing overseas travel a lot lately. Miss visiting friends and family scattered all over the world. Gah.
  12. Wish I could rep all those posts but I have to spread the love around.
  13. Wow Vic, that pic is mind blowing!! Hope you're safe and no damage to your home. My wish came true with the weather - FINALLY have some grey skies, cool winds and even a little sprinkle of rain. Very happy
  14. No change here. Always the same - blue skies, sunny, no clouds. I long for grey skies, cold, rain, fog, just anything else other than blue, lol.
  15. Thanks Hermes. Unfortunately for me it's all downhill. No more up hill, lol.
  16. Yep, tell me about it. My life (my body) really kinda sucks big time these days. Ugh.
  17. We have no idea how much we take our health for granted until we lose it.
  18. Looks like a postcard for the past week. Sun, blue skies and not a cloud in sight. Going to the beach for my daily walk and look for shells.
  19. ^ Dale, your pictures are incredibly beautiful! Stunning and breath-taking. Makes me long to visit the UK again!
  20. Quite a number of my most favourite and coolest members are on a roll lately with really awesome posts. Wish I could rep all these posts. Total respect to you.
  21. Feel like crap today. Everything aches and pains. From head to toe. Pain in places I never knew I had. Feels like my body is giving up on me.
  22. Rain, rain, rain, and more rain. Bucketing down. Apparently (on the news), it's the most rainfall we've had in one day over the past 25 years. Jeepers!
  23. Fascinating how people keep replying to the "one hit wonder" threads for pages and pages, lol. They have left the building several weeks ago and ain't coming back.
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