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Posts posted by matt_20

  1. The only problem I see is that your low self esteem maybe a problem once you visit each other.


    I was in a 'online relationship' for 9 months too. I am in the US and she was in the UK. I had really low self esteem too and when I got back from visitiing her... I was really down and depressed, I had the most amazing time of my life, but I was back, without her.. for who knows how long it would be. I would get mad and irritated at the littlest things.


    Anyway, we broke up... a month or so later, she had enough of the pressure, she wanted to come to me madly.. and also that i couldn't handle my own pressure...


    Anyway, look into ways to improve your own self esteem while you still can. Without it hurting your relationship. I wish I had really tried to improve my self esteem while still in my relationship. Now, I've done it.. working on it.. feeling better, but we are not 'together'... Help yourself and that will help your relationship in the end. One must be happy with themselves in order to be happy with someone else.


    About age difference, I am 19, she was 25, she did still live at home though so that always helped as she was still dependant somewhat on the parents.

  2. yumenekoi - I'm sorry to hear about how you feel.


    I can get you my advice, I have been in a long distance relationship too. It is still rocky right now, we broke up a month or so ago and this 'just friends' thing hasn't gone well... for me basically because.. my feelings for her, which she also feels for me.


    Anyway, enough of me talking. Hear is my advice.


    Have you guys ever taken a good break from each other? A week or two at least?


    I would also recommend that you fix yourself. You said you had some sort of a problem, not sure exactly what it is. But, I would say, improve yourself, make yourself happy yourself. In two ways this will help you. It is much more appealing for a guy or girl to be taking care of themselves, caring for themselves.. somehow let him know you're happy right now, you're moving onto maybe, not sure how far you go with that. But, make it seem like you're strong willed and show him this. If that doesn't work, and you have really worked on it, you should end up being happy with yourself in the end.


    Hope this helps...

  3. I once looked at porn myself but no longer do. I guess it has been more than a year now since I have even just looked at it... wow, never thought about that, heh.


    From the day I met my girlfriend (now ex-girlfriend), I went several months without even masturbating. That was quite an accomplishment in itself. I ended up starting to do it... thinking about her, you don't need any sort of porn to watch... just an imagination. Btw, we were also long distance. After a about 6 months fromt he start of our relationship, we both came to terms with ourselves sexual desires for each other, we told each other... how we had done these things in the past, imagining one another. We began to do things on the internet such as yourself.


    I remember how after we started doing things... I went from masturbating every couple of weeks to every few days.


    Anyway, moral of the story, it does NOT require porn. Just a good imagination.

  4. I used to be totally afraid of looking into peoples eyes myself. I worked on it though, I tried looking into eyes of anyone, say the person at the checkout or professors. It really helps.


    I remember I was afraid that when I met my girlfriend (we had a long distance relationship), I would be so afraid to look into her eyes, as she knew how my life wasl, etc... anyway, never have i been so able to look into someones eyes as hers. It was a real shocker for me, being able to do that, and I know she loved it. It really does show trust, understanding, etc...

  5. Yes, you should talk to him. But please remember just as a real relationship, in an internet relationship, you both have your own real lives. I was in an internet relationship for 9-10 months. I wasin the US, she was in the UK. It was my first real relationship, as with hers. We love each other.. although our relationship has ended now, I still very muich for her and she knows very much that nothign would make me happier in life than to get back with her.


    The problem though was what ended it, she is a great person.. except I was a little possesive of her and would get mad or upset with her if she was unabhle to get online or was going to do something. That leads to way to much pressure on yourself and them.


    Don't get too possesive, I hope he is being honest with you. Made he went to the forum and left his computer idle...


    Good luck

  6. I don't know, this is a really good question.


    I am a guy, I am only 19 mind you. I had a girlfriend for 9 months... we did break up... we slept together but never had sex. We both wanted to at different times but always thought it would be a better idea not to, because of difficulties already in our relationship. In terms of, we want to be together and don't want anything to get in the way.


    I think some guys... do it to maybe tell there friends, I slept with so-so.. blah blah blah..

  7. Hmm... kind of one of those internet nightmares. I know that in my relationship, we were always sure it was one another and we took steps to help each other out, webcams, etc... That helped with intimacy too.


    Anyway, back to your problem. Really, this goes a lot deeper than just this thing. She has lied. Yes, physical appearance isn't hte only thing. But, she lied on this, what more has she lied about... like you said, lots of things. I know its hard, but tell her... The person you were made up to like isn't her.


    One other note, obviously, she has little self confidence about her own self appearance. Do you want to be with someone like that?


    I hope i didn't sound to negative here...

  8. Yes, you will find soon that in High School, none of the cliques and little groups mean anything... I think some notice this their senior year (I did) and others notice it as they graduate. Although, some never really notice, heh.

  9. Ok, I met this guy online, and we really got to know each other ( or so I thought), he asked me to take a few umm, nude pics of myself (which I stupidly did). A few days later I saw those pictures on a tripod website. Well Needless to say I was very embarrassed, Tripod have removed the website. Why was I so stupid? Has this ever happened to anyone? all I can say is that I learned my lesson and after reading my letter I hope yall can learn from my mistakes.


    That is really awful to hear... there are always those people that help the internet in being the scumfest of the world.

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