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Posts posted by EmptySoul

  1. wow. if i were u i'd be really confused too. it seems really strange that he would do the physical things that you described if he didnt like you. and if he did do those things without liking you that is rude . really, i think the only thing you can do is talk to him. explain to him how you feel about him, tell him that your friendship is important and even if he doesnt feel the same way then you will still want to be friends. if he doesnt feel the same way and just wants to stay friends, you shouldnt take it too hard. there will be others, you automatically feel close to him since he is your friend. also, if he doesnt feel the same way, or isnt clear about how he feels, it would be wise not to let him do stuff with you, because the more you do the more it will hurt. im not saying he wont feel the same way, there is a very good chance he will but it would be very easy for him to take advantage and get to do stuff with you without any committment. dangerous just follow your heart and dont take life too seriously.

  2. *you have to love yourself before anyone else can love you* love is amazing, painful, heavenly, everything, but you need to have your own life and identity. 8) you have to have that in order before love will work. if you are happy with yourself and your life, then fight for the person you love with everything you have. *if you love something, then set it free, if it returns, its meant to be* hope i helped lol

  3. 1- do u like girls stick skinny or average?

    2-what brand of cologne do you wear, or none at all?

    3-what is your favorite physical quality about a woman?

    4- do you guys really masturbate as much as everyone seems to think?

    5-what is the greatest thing a woman has ever said to you?

    6-how do you like a girl to dress?

    7-not including sports, what is your favorite thing to watch on tv?

    8-do you like the idea of getting married?

    9-sex not included, what do you most enjoy having a woman do to you/doing with a woman physically?

    10-how much time do you spend getting ready before you're going to see a woman u like? or go on a date, etc.

    thanks guys 8)

  4. the only guy ive ever loved hurt me. i hurt him. we hurt each other. we are not officially bf/gf (we would be if it wasnt for my constant "no") but we pretty much act like it and still talk all the time. i wont go out wth him because i think that once he gets me, no matter how much he loves me and tries, he still finds a reason to get out of the relationship, and most likely a reason involving a beautiful girl that he doesnt love, but still wants a run with. ive done this a lot too (with guys of course). it seems that when we stay in THIS situation, and don't totally let one have the other, we are more committed because not all is conqured. but if the only way we can stay together is by staying apart, then how can anything ever change for the better?

  5. crookster_man, thanks. i thought id heard that before, but wasnt sure. but if a girl used a tampon or like u said a guy fingered her etc, then a doctor wouldnt be able to discern one of these from having had sex, would he? (as long as the girl wasn't pregnant etc.)

  6. i kno u said guys answer this, but since no one has i decided to. 8) if you thin this girl is enjoying this or isnt uncomfortable then go for it and go under the underwear. u should prolly see how this goes and THEN think about the rest of it or it could end badly if u went further than she wanted. have fun! lol

  7. im not sexually active or planning on becoming so anytime soon, but ive been wondering, can a doctor tell if you're not a virgin by looking at you physically? i don't know why im wanting to know this lol. i just thought of it and im curious. p.s. how do you get ur status on here to go up? (im a member now, i was a novice. does it go up with ur # of posts, how long you've been registered or what?) thanks!

  8. i wrote this poem hmm maybe a year ago, so my writing is more mature now, but i just wanted to see what people think...


    different acts in different places

    just one person, a million faces

    get ahead, win all the races

    no one's real, don't ever trust

    there's no love; it's always lust

    be strong, be true, you must

    hearts get broken by the truth, the lies

    after a while, you run out of cries

    you harden your heart, the emotion just dies

    after the heartbreak you live life, have fun

    forget about love, there's never "the one"

    don't go head over heels, that's over and done

    keep the happiness so it's only skin deep

    no more "i love you's" dont take that leap

    just look for fun, not someone to keep

    theres no committmnet, there's always more than one guy

    get hurt again, you'd rather die

    no matter what, you're not gonna cry

    hide your emotions, swallow the pain

    try to remember to just play the game

    now u know how it feels, and nothing's the same

  9. thank you for the responses. honeydipped i just felt like i need to say that many times my poetry expresses what i feel for about 2 seconds lol. i have never cut myself, ever and i would never kill myself. if i am really mad i will just look at something like that, and think of what someone more frail mentally would do. i love my life tho, no matter what happens, and i am pretty much happy with myself and my appearance. i just wanted to mention this so you didnt think i was a suicidal nut. yes i felt what i wrote in my poem, i always do feel what i write, but my poem magnifies and exagerates what i feel. thanks 8)

  10. stary it sounds like you are with a very difficult person. i think you are going about things the right way, as long as you are being honest. my opinion at this moment is that if you don't love this guy or aren't pretty close to it, and things dont get better, you should end it.

  11. i turn the water on so hot that it burns

    my body soaks up the pain

    i don't know what i'm hoping for

    for it to burn away the memories of his fingertips on my skin?

    or the thought of his fingertips on hers?

    just one more thing to take it's turn at crushing my injured heart

    i run the rajor up my legs

    then turn it over to stare at the glittering blade

    it would be so easy to cause great damage to myself

    with one daring stroke against my wrist

    i do not even have the strength

    as i drop the razor,

    to remind myself that i love life too much

    to sacrifice it

    even for those saving tears that i imagine being cried for me

  12. there are many people who dont like me because of the way i dress. im 14, but depending on what im wearing when they meet me, people have thought me to be about 16-17. plus, im bigger than a lot of people my age, not fatter, just like i have boobs, have started my period etc., and if me and another girl wear the same shirt, like a tight one, they say it looks good on her, but i look like a slut. CUZ I HAVE BOOBS!?? i dont want to change the way i dress, but its given me a bad rep and im tired of people hating me cuz of this. ive tried to ignore this for a long time, but its starting to get to me. also, theres some things i just act older about than most girls my age, and it seems to me that i'll have a skirt the same length or whatever as a highschool chick and no one says she looks like a slut, just me. i feel like this really isnt fair. what should i do?

  13. i write poetry too and i love the way you write. whats made you feel like that? i know its hard, but dont take life to seriously.

  14. ok it depends on how u look at this... if you are in a relationship and try to avoid arguments at all costs that is not a good sign. (that what it sounds like HE's doing) if you dont feel like hes opening up and telling you what hes feeling, maybe ask "what EXACTLY do you want from me?"" or "what are you thinking?" or just tell him how you feel about all of this. if all you do is argue...well, just remember, if a relationship is ALL work and like no fun, then its not worth it.

  15. im gonna try to make this extremely long story short lol riight.... (me=girl) girl meets guy, falls in love for the first time 8). they last for a while, but of course women are never satisfied and she thinks she spots someone better. nope, guess not, so they get back together. happens some more on the girls part, then it happens on the guys part. they take a break, go out with different people. get in a big fight, say they'll never go out again . decide, one last try, and guy dumps girl for the ex. then the guys ex now gf again dumps him for his friend. so, the original guy and girl are single. guy wants girl back. (ud think it was just cuz he got dumped, BUT the whole time he was with the other chick, he still said he loved his original girl he begs and begs for a few months the girl and guy see each other and act a lot like theyre going out, they say they love each other. the guy doesnt get another gf . the girl loves the guy, but shes been hurt by him and every other guy shes went out with since him so shes taken a vow of singleness. the girl is happy with the guy (being single tho) until she spots someone. the guy tells her it wont work, but she doesnt listen, she goes off, ditching him , gets hurt again, then comes back admitting he was right. i love him, but i always go off looking for someone more perfect, ready to completely forget him, and it never works. we've failed so many times, but i cant forget him, and nothing with another guy works! what to do, what to do.... (no i dont drink lol)

  16. yesterday my friends boyfriend told the guy that i had been hanging out with that my friend had been very unfriendly to him all day. the guy i'd been hanging out with told me, but i didnt tell my friend cuz i didnt want to make her and her bf get in a fight. well they did get in a fight, so me and my other friend told her. when my friend got everyone together, her bf denied saying that. he said that he had said "she had been acting weird" when she asked the guy id been hanging out with about it, he said that he'd just said this nasty word when really her bf didnt say that. so now my friend hates him for making her mad at her bf cuz of that. later the guy told me that her man really did call her a bitch but he took the blame for it cuz he didnt want them to get in a fight anymore. (yes i know this is confusing) i dont think this is right that he took the blame for what her bf said. now my friend hates him and all he was doing was covering his friends ass. do you think i should tell my friend that her bf really did say that? or just let her keep hating my guy?

  17. no matter what you look like, if you have confidence, you will look better. just be confident in yourself and you will do well. just dont go too far and come off as stuck up. haha. be yourself, have fun, be confident.

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