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Posts posted by Ninja88

  1. ok this is what happened......me and this girl had been dating a while and I have fallen deeply in love with her. Well we broke up and I was starting to get her back. She actually checked me out the other day and I know that that was what she was doing because she told me. She also told me that I was hot! Now obviously one comes to the conclusion that she is falling for me again right? Well I asked her back out on Sunday and she told me that she has not quite fallen in love with me completely yet. Well today she told me that she is going out with this other guy and she also told me that she still thinks I am hot! I am in complete and total misery! This guy has stolen from me the most important human being I know from me! What do I do??????? I was so close to getting her back! What can I do and what does all this mean????

  2. Go after her......do not let these infidels steal her. Do not be a coward! be the man you are and take her for yourself, if they fight you, defend yourself, if they do not, good! Stand up for yourself and take what is yours my friend!

  3. She is depressed at times, I do not know whats wrong with her. Every time I call her beutiful, or cute she says "No I'm not..." and when I tell her that she can sing good, she says "No I can't..." It hurts me to see her in such conditions....another thing is, we are not at the same school yet so we cannot see each other on a regular basis, only like once a week sometimes not even that. I know I can get through all this but how and how can I help her?

  4. She may POSSIBLY like you. She may just be covering up her feelings so that she can get to know you. Just take it easy and slow and do NOT assume anything or you might get hurt. Just play along with her "game"

  5. I hate to break it to you but divorce is the only way out of this one. You apparently married the wrong dude. Just tell him how you feel. Let him have his woman and find another man who will love you for who you are and will not do these things to you. I hope you find the right one.

  6. I have gone through this as well. All you have to do is suck up your courage and walk up to her and talk. You will be nervouse and shy but after you have been talking for a while it all disappears.


    Good Luck and I hope you get her!

  7. I fell in love with this girl and I got to know her. I finally asked her out and she said that she has been liking a guy for a long time. She said that she was waiting for him to ask her out. She said she was getting tired of waiting. I told her that I would wait. Then she said that I was sweet. I have been waiting for a while and its not that I am getting impatient its just that I am SOOO confused I mean she LOVES it when I flirt with her a talk to her, yet she claims to love someone else. PLease someone help....

  8. I have given up on these two girls and I wanted to just wait for someone instead of actually looking for one, so I did that...... I found on this game on the internet right? Then we started talking in the message thing and we got to know each other and the strange thing is....... I am in love with her and I do not even know what she looks like!!!!! She told me she lived in Portugal so that means if me and her start dating it would be a long distance relationship, but I could live with that. I gave her my email address and asked her for a picture of her and her email address. But I am SOOO confused: I love her and I do not know what she looks like!!!!!!!



    What does this mean and what should I do?

  9. Do not kill yourself. You see everyone has a purpose and to kill yourself would not be the right thing. You need to discover that purpose and do it. It may not be your time to die. Please do not kill yourself just try to find your purpose. And about there being a point to living........... you must discover why YOU were put here. I mean if there was no point to your exsistence you would not be here. So just try to get help. Think about all that you would leave, friends, family, etc. They would be hurt so much. Just live life while you can!

  10. I have fallen in and out of love with two girls over and over again switching back and forth and I do not know which one I should go after One of the girls is my ex girlfriend who only broke up with me because some friends told her that it was best on account that we did not know each other and we were too different. My ex still likes me though, but I have not heard from her in a long time I think she is on vacation. My ex also told me she would call me after she got ungrounded but she was only grounded a month and its been a month and she still has not called me what should I do about that? the other girl is one that I had asked before by writing her a note but she said no and now she appears to like me. What should I do? and which girl is the right one?

  11. Hey guys can you help a kid in troube? I am 15 you know that stage in life where you gotta get a girl. well I am trying to get this girl that said no to me once already and I think she likes me. I do not know what to do at all. Should I keep trying???? if so what should I do? I know she likes me because I always catch her staring at me and when I look at her she looks away. I think she even smiled at me once or twice when I was noyt looking. I had asked her out like 2 or 3 months ago but she was already taken. Now she is single. Like I said I am 15 and she is either 14 or 15 because she is going into ninth grade but she may have faied a grade but I do not think so. I am afraid to ask her to date me or even to talk to her for that matter. What should I do???????? Oh yes and might I add that she is a BIG flirt and does not stay single very long. I am starting to get discouraged and I REALLY NEED HELP!!!!!!! I know that I truly love her but even though I am always catching her looking at me and sometimes smiling at me I am always worried that she is looking at or smilling at someone else. I would REALLY appreciate help!!!!!!!

  12. Hey, do not feel bad I just broke up with my girlfriend as well. Except mine may not be as hopeless as yours you see when I broke up she called me on the phone and said that some people said that it would be best that we just broke up, now her being the "believe everything" type she took it as straight counsel and did what they said. She also said that we were two different people (meaning we have nothing in common) and that we did not know each other enough. Now I do not think she lied because she liked me after that I could tell because her eyes still lit up when she saw me and she also smiled at me every time she saw me but what bothers me the most is that the last time she made contact with me like 4 weeks ago she said she was grounded and I have not heard from her since. She might have found someone else already. I do not want to give up on her but I am going to give up and find someone else. In fact I have found another girl. But anyways my advice to you is to move. Just like that other guy said: "whats done is done" I have taken that advice and I think you should too. I mean there are others........ 8)

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