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Everything posted by Cat76

  1. Sounds like we are all doing ok today. I agree Pace, fridays make everything better. Bring on the weekend
  2. This is the furthest I've got. Go me!!! I had a serious wobble yesterday (FB is evil), see my Oh cr*p post. But I'm ok and I'm glad I didn't do anything silly. Hope everybody else is ok
  3. Thanks...its good to get it out on here. I don't want to contact him or anything like that. I know it's all for the best. I'm just wobbling through the day...wobble wobble wobble...LOL I'm glad your having a good day today
  4. Day 15 I feel a bit weird today. Not sure why. I'm not exactly missing the ex, just missing someone been around. I'm ok, just having a little wobble. Normality will be resumed soon
  5. Hiya, don't do it! Your doing really well, post on here instead. You just have to take it one day at a time and do be too hard on yourself if you have a bad day or moment
  6. I've got my books out to do some revision for my exam next week So I'm keeping busy. Not thinking about the ex that much. I wish I had found out about this NC thing years ago. It's a great way to get over it.
  7. Don't worry, you'll get lots of encouragement and support. It does get easier
  8. Hello Peeps, how are we all? I've been far to jolly for the past few days Day 13 for me and I'm not going to break NC anytime soon. Although it is his bday on the 16th. I'm undecided as to whether I should sent a message. I've met someone online (never done that before) and we are just chatting and getting to know each other at the moment. But it's a nice distraction and he seems pleasant. We spookily have lots in common. Only problem is that he is 6ft6 tall and I'm a teeny weeny 5ft3. Anybody have any experiences of going out with someone eally tall. I know it shouldn't be an issue, but you have to think about the logisitcs of these things...LOL LOL LOL
  9. Day 12, I think. I have to keep going back to my previous posts to remind myself. It's a horrible day outside where I live, rainy and windy. But thats ok I got an email from the ex mother in law (she wanted to keep in touch with me). Apprently the ex is ill again (he has an ongoing medical issue, nothing serious, just effects his energy and it means he sleeps a lot), and I just thought what an idiot complaining about being a a bit tired/exhausted. Believe me he is a lazy g*t as well (he has the perfect illness for him...LOL). There is a ex military guy who has been in the news, who had both his legs injured in Iraq. He was told that he would never walk again, but he did and is completing the London Marathon (2 miles a day). Now that is impressive. Grrr, vent, grrrr I feel much better now
  10. Morning peeps (well it is morning here), day 12 for me. I think I've conquered the multiple of 5 theory (see my previous posts). I have no desire to contact the ex...YAY How are we all doing? I'm ok, feeling good
  11. I was on here all the time when I first split with the ex, and read every post looking for answers or suggestions. But as time has gone on I've not been on as much and when I have, it is to genuinely try and help other people or just be encouraging. Everybody says it, but it just takes time. There is no magic button that can be pressed. I felt like you at first..one day I was fine and then the next I was in the depths of despair. I get through by thinking everyday that I don't have any contact, specifically him not contacting me, that if he can't be bothered then neither can I and it makes me more determind to make a success of my life. Believe me, if I can get to this stage, so can you And if you need to talk, rant, vent, there will be always someone to listen.
  12. Day 11 Where is everybody? Are you all out enjoying the weather, its lovely and sunny in my part of the world. I'm thinking of sitting outside to do my revision for an exam. I hope we are all doing ok.
  13. Um, I'm ok. Started to realise I'm not thinking about him as much and when I do, it doesn't give me butterflies. In my heart of hearts I know I'm better off without him. Maybe this is the start of really getting over him. We shall see
  14. Morning peeps. Day 8 for me and I'm feeling good. Do I miss him? Yes, but not as much as yesterday. Do I still think about him? Yes, but not as often as yesterday. Do I care? Not really, he's an idiot and not worth my time
  15. Hiya, I'm ok. I thought me and the ex parted on good terms (eventually), but obviously not. He's just not interested. I'm not bitter, just going to move on. I got an email from his mother (yes I have LC with the ex mother in law - how funny). Haven't replied yet, but I will, it's not her fault her son is a idiot..LOL. I feel good today because I was chatting to someone I met on line and I sent some pics from a photoshoot I did last year and he asked me if I was a model... I have self confidence and self esteem issues so I thought he was talking a load of rubbish, but it was nice to hear. Maybe one day I will put my pic on here on! It's not weird to think they've stopped caring. To be honest I've kind of convinced myself that my ex doesn't care and it makes it a little easier to deal with the fact I'm never going to see him or hear from him again. But thats just the position I'm in. It may be different for you, like you said you parted on good terms, you never know whats going to happen. Do you want to hear from you ex?
  16. Answer to qut81 Very good advice. For me, the longer it goes on where my ex doesn't contact me makes me more determind. Why would we want someone in our life that ignores us? It just makes me feel indifferent. I know it is hard, but your remembering what your ex was like when you were in a relationship and both made the effort. For whatever reason it ended, when it ends NEITHER of you have to make the effort anymore. You won't believe it now, but you can and will find someone else, but just concentrate on looking after yourself at the moment. You got to 30 days and you will get there and past it again. Stay strong hun
  17. Day 7 Feeling ok today. I'm feeling quite determind at the moment. Hope everybody else is ok
  18. Day 7. Not feeling great this morning, nothing to do with the split or ex, I just think I'm catching a cold and I'm fishing for sympathy... Hope everybody else is ok today
  19. No worries, your journey and the way you deal with it is very inspirational. I'm in a position where I want to know if my ex is ok. He had some medical procedures this month related to his illness. But if he wanted me to know about it, then I guess he would contact me (he hasn't), so I'm going to just leave him to it. It's hard when all we want to do is reach out and be supportive as they have done with us, but it was in a different context of relationship status. I have a hard time STOPPING caring about what happens to him. Keep being strong
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