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Everything posted by mordero

  1. thats kind of a full plate there buddy and not really sure what I can tell you. My question would be what did you say to her on the phone that made her think you were trying to get her to feel sorry? My next question would be why do you assume that she always interprets things the wrong way? So my advice would be to call or try to get a sit down conversation with her and don't talk about yourself....talk about her and how you feel about her and explain yourself and your actions to her like you did to us on this board and I will bet you that she will not interpret it wrong. But wtf do i know Best of luck though
  2. reinvented21: but doesn't this go along the lines of I am not stealing anything that doesn't want to be stolen? And I agree with the hurt it would cause the other guy but at times I can almost justify to myself. I really like this girl and there isn't a good way to try and block her out of my mind when I see her at work and she is so touching and flirty. Even if i vowed to not pursue it....sometimes i think she may anyways. why does the one ya want have to be the one thats taken?
  3. There is this girl I work with and we have been flirting back and forth for months now (its obvious to everyone i think) and I am considering making a move, but not sure I should b/c she is already in a relationship. But the way she acts makes me think I should: -comes in and sees me at work on her days off -complains about her bf being too protective and talking about how she doesn't think it will last -started to call me her "best friend" although we seem to use that a lot to make certain hidden comments at work but sometimes i am not sure she is interested or if she doesn't realize I am not joking around with how i act with her.....and the fact she is 18 and I am 24 but with the older guy/younger girl thing i don't think that would be a problem. Any thoughts or suggestions would be of great help!
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