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Posts posted by sensual_buttafly

  1. Hello Some of you may know my story but just wondered if there would be anymore input as im still confused as what to do, to make a long story short, Ive known this guy for 7 years we have been out in the past but nothing serious just as kids. For the past year and a half I have been madly in "lust" with him, its just getting worse now and I cant sleep. Loads of friends went clubbing the other night and me and him ended up in the backseat of a car, we kissed, held hands but it went no further (We got inturrpted!!!) Anyway so two days later my friend goes round his house and asks if I can go round to chat, but he makes loads of excuses sayin hes goin out and has things 2 do,so I thought this was to stop me going round, but yesterday I found out he hadn't slept for 2 days (due to parties)so could it be he just wasn't in the mood or is he trying to stay away from me? What should I do!!??!

  2. You cant "get" a girl to like you, liking someone involves feelings and you cant change feelings be them right or wrong so getting someone to like you is like getting all the money in the world. If somebody likes you then fair enough but if somebody doesnt like you then dont try and change yourself to suit the needs of that person otherwise you will be lying and it obviously wasnt meant to be.

    Good luck.

  3. I do think your reasons are some what reasonable but have you tried speaking to her about it? like telling her you dont find her sexually attractive anymore? I think you need to address these things with her instead of finishing the relationship and then maybe regretting it later on...and if you really do love her yes you would care about the outside but you would be some what willing to comprimise with her,its the inside that counts remember. And if she is the same person she was when you first got together and you are trying to change her then you shouldnt try and change someone to the way you want them to be you should find out what you really want and need instead of trying to get someone to adapt to your needs.

    Good luck hope this helps.

  4. I'm not quite sure what to say, all i can say is every word of everything you have wrote i can understand, ive been their ive done it and i wear the t-shirt. Although it doesnt seem like it now life does go on and it will go on, everything happens for a reason! Its like a grieving process everyday will get better and its true it does take time but in the end I believe you will have the last laugh. Smile.

  5. Well what do women go through when they have an abortion...this is a subject i would normally stay away from as me personally i cant stand people that have abortions..I have never and would never have one...I feel sorry for women who feel the need to do this..I dont think women actually grasp the fact they have a living and breathing life inside of them until its over and they cant turn back, its just an easy way out and i do believe they suffer their whole life with it..it sounds a bit drastic but its like murdering a baby, yes the baby might not be born but its still a living organism and if any women or man is foolish enough to get pregnant not wanting kids then thats their mistake for opening their legs....and they should deal with it not just take the easy way out...sorry i know my reply is harsh but its a point of view.

  6. Well Joe personally i think you do still care about her or you wouldnt be here making the effort to write down these things..but thats just my opinion..and to me she sounds like a (I apologise in advance) bleeeeeeeep! lol sorry but shes just messing with your head and trying to make you jealous i would just forget about her she sounds confused and i dont think she knows what shes wants...she messing with ppls feelings and thats wrong...she is a waste of your time mate. (Soweeeee)

  7. hahahaha babe i think thats the best advice ive ever been given thats exactly what im going to do haha no only joking and by the way its easy me saying ill just forget about him but this guy keeps me awake at night i cant just click my fingers and make these feelings disappear as much as i would like to it just doesnt work like that...and what makes it worse he lives 2 minutes away from me so i see him everyday.....oh dear what to do what to do....lol

  8. If you think you can wind your way around a grandmother..ha think again, i think talking to her grandma on the phone is a good one but i dont think she will let you see her even then she sounds strict but at the end of the day if you arent willing to wait a month for your g/f then does she really mean all that much to you?!? I know a month sounds a long time but ive been waiting a year and a half to tell some one i like them!!! Compare!

    Good luck

  9. Well if you asked her out before and she said no...it depends on why she said no...i had a similar occasion where my best friend asked me out and i said no but it was purely due to the relationship we had, we could speak about anything and i didnt want to ruin that bond between us because even if you think it wont change things it does change everything, she is your best friend so i suggest you sit down and talk to her face to face and find out whats going through her head. good luck

  10. Well i was going to say maybe he just wants time away from the relationship because when you are with eachother everyday it can become a bit tedious but then i read she picked up his cell phone.....he could be telling the truth but then again he might not be...if you keep on asking him about her and him then it might drive him away from you and then the relationship will end anyway...so maybe you two should just sit down and have a long deep talk about your relationship and what it means to both of you....everything happens for a reason and you are only 17 so i wouldnt expect you two to stay together forever, i know we all think we all say it will last but really...it doesnt work that way in reality.

  11. No he doesnt have a phone at his house, he has a mobile but its broken and i made sure of that as for a computer even if he did have one i dont think he would be able to use it, which is lucky for me because if he saw this it would definatley drive him away.....I sound so desperate lol I guess thats what luv does to ya..

  12. Well thanks for all the er....replies im still lost lol finally camaro someone who understands what im going through..lol...if i could say ill just forget all about him but you cant choose who you fall for and lucky for me ive fallen for him. oh dear what to do what to do.................

  13. Well babes I know your reply to my post wasnt great ha but hope i can give you a better reply. As far as your education goes, I dont know you so i cant tell you what i think youll be good at but i can tell you, go for what your heart is telling you, think of what you want to be doing in 10 years time wether it be any of the above or something else, I know it must be difficult but you will find the right one for you and even if you make the wrong choice!?! Well at least you will have a decent education with a decent job and you can always go back to college, i know a 50 yr old that is in college. Well men i cant answer that coz as you know i dont know what goes through males heads and yes i mean their minds! ha. As for your friends im sorry if she tried suicide shes at the bottom of the pit and the only way she can go is up, you were a true friend for saving her so dont think any different, she will see you are a good friend it justs takes time when your in that position.

    Good luck

    P.S And remember when your at the bottom the only way to go is up

  14. 13 years old and pregnant! Damn, well if your getting an abortion 2moro I think its a bit too late to ask for advice now but never the less, are you sure you want an abortion? Thats quite a step considering your parents dont even know and your only 13 so you might regret it. I hope you've thought it through. You do seem scared but then again who wouldnt be. Hope everything works out.

    Good luck x

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