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Everything posted by broken2wice

  1. I'm not saying that there is no chance of getting back together with her. There will always be that chance there. I am saying, however, that you can't wait around for her to make her decision. I did for over a month and it was the worst month of my life. You need to start healing and moving on for now. I know it hard to move on, but giving her space is actually the best thing you could do to get her back. I'm just advising you not to chase her because I did that for a few weeks and it wound up making things worse. You need to distance yourself from her for a while. It helps to clean up your perspective on things. It sucks, but space and no contact with them is really the best thing for this situation. good luck my man...
  2. It sucks to see or hear about them with other people. Trust me I know this first hand. When my break-up first started it was really hard to know what she was doing and no be able to be there for her. The best thing is to do is not have anything to do with her. I know is sucks but it really is the best thing for you. Now I haven't talked to my ex in 3 weeks and instead of freaking out because she was goign to this club..or hanging out with this person..there is only question marks in my head. I don't know what she is doing on any given night now so I dont flip out as much as if I did. Not knowing what they are up to or who they are seeing is hard becasue you want to know..but it IS actually easier then sitting home and thinking about EXACTLY who they are with. You have to try and push her out of your mind. You can IM me if you like....
  3. I'm sorry to say this, but I think kuhl282000 is right on a lot of points. I know it's not what you want to hear and it might make you angry when you hear people tell you this, but it is true. I have had 2 relationships end in my lifetime (i'm 23) and both times it was because they needed space. That 'space' is really code for they want to meeet someone else. It sucks because it's so hard to think that the person you loved so much wanting to be with someone else, but somehow they are able to do it. When I broke up with my girlfriend of 3 years everyone told me to move on and taht I shouldn't wait for her because she isnt going to change her mind. That was the LAST thing I wanted to hear and I would actually get pissed off at the people telling me that. I thought my situation was different and that after a few weeks she would realize that she is making a mistake and come back. Well, that never happened and it has been 2 months. I realize now that the people that were telling me to move on and forget about her were just trying to help me. I didn't want to believe them because giving up and moving on is the hardest thing to do in the world. My advice to you is to cut contact. Don't make her a cd for her vacation and don't call her. Let her know that you are trying to move on with your life and that you cannot wait around for her forever. You have definitely given her some time to think about things and she is still feeling the same way. Talking to her isnt going to help her decision and if you cut contact you can at least begin the healing process. It is really bad to let her string you a long like she has been. You must be strong. It sucks..but thats the only advice I can honestly give. Keep us posted...good luck
  4. Man, I know how you feel and all I can say is I am sorry. I am going through a very similar situation right now and I know how much it sucks. my gf of 2 years told me a month ago that she wanted space, was feeling weird, blah blah blah. Basically her space was hanging out with a guy she knew and I suspect they are 'involved' with each other now. I dotn think it will develop into anything serious but the fact of it is...they say one thing and they are really doing something else. You may of wanted to believe that she just needed space but as turns out there were other intentios. There is pretty much nothing you can do. This is the second time I have been through this and both times I heard similar stories only to find that they are seeing somebody else. Its horrible to hear and you try to deny that it is happening sometimes, but the best thing to do is try and forget and move on. Maybe one day she will realize how stupid she has been and want to come back to you....maybe not. The only thing you should focus on is building yourself up to the point where you can think with your head and not your heart. Right now you are so overwhelmed with your emotions that its hard to make rational decisions. Cut contact with her and start to heal and you will see that your outlook will slowly begin to change. Good luck man, keep me posted...I hope you feel better...
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