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Everything posted by foleno

  1. Not really. it was easy in the end, but as time went on I know she loved me. Man was i stupid to treat her how i did. well not bad, but she was alone in that relationship alot. so no it may get harder for you. You may just wake up and the spell is broke, but nothing can help change thier minds. Just leave them to themselve. if it ment to be it will be. Sorry I had no tips.. So what is your story. it help to share sometimes.
  2. Hey. you will get through this. While don't you share your story it helps. Hey I know it hurts. I was not fair with my ex, I sent flowers for two weeks and lot of other crazy stuff, sure it was to late, yes I even said I would change. So here I am 3 month later and it is better. sure I still want her, but i got through it and you will to.
  3. welcome to NC. whats your story. sharing sometimes helps
  4. No that is normal emailing him old letters of when he loved you. Maybe your being a door mate because your life just changed and you have not control over it. Someone else does, when that happens we have no choice, but remember. it is your life. Live it for you. Right now your lover made his feelings clear. respect them and yourself. Show self worth and keep things pleasent. also read the book by blase harris. How to get your ex back. Its very good.
  5. I did it 30 days of no contact. Wow. I only feel god because, they know what they are doing when they leave us. I have to respect that. I would take here back. I been thinking alot of what that says about me. I wonder if some one told me my story; as an out sider would i say that person does not deserve you move on. let it go. That is all I can do now. NC every one NC.
  6. starting 2 put somethings togeather. I was realizing how my behavior can be off somethings, very spacey. When we love, that cnnection needs to really be on all the time, or one day when one person is scared, they realize I have to start over. Then every little thing starts to be counted against you, until they are ready to switch. NC. y I know I cheated but she will not get that letter until the 25 and that will be 30 days of nc. I just want to be friends at least. really.
  7. Wow. she is dating the ex. Snooping seems like a way to at least get you throuhgh the no contact part, but it always hurts. Besides that time can be always better spent on improving your self. A journal, or the book seven secrets of marriage. by john Gottman, is really good. just do nc 4 one day.
  8. Hey. good. I know its hard. NC can be challenging, up u need 2 do it 4 your self. just get to days 3. one day at a time
  9. Okay. I did sned my ex the card. Actually I made my own card. I think Hall Mark might offer me a job, But I actually did not say I love you. I just wished her happyness. No I love you. Kinda short, but ya the card is out of this world. I know this sound crazy, but ya that is what i did. Its not about may be she will like it call me, blah blah. I have feelings for her, and I just wanted to express them, since I could not do that as a lover I did it as a friend. If I do not post for a while. Every one have a great holiday. Sean
  10. Hey I am proud of you. Good work not sending that email.. and doing NC. Its very hard, but it will help you get through it.
  11. Hi every one. Happy holidays. I went to the store N decide to buy a card 4 some one else. My sister, we volenteered at a homeless shelter recently, kinda because i wanted to do something nice and me and my sister have not been getting along to we. But I gave her the card with a little quote, and she was so nice to me today, it really felt good, okay but the later tonight I went back to the store and brought a card for my ex, but as I was reading the card. It happened. I relaized the life me and my ex had planed togetaher is not a reality any more, Thier really is nothing thier. I ma 26 and never loved any one B4 and thought love would conqure everything, I mean my ex cried during sex. I really know she loved me, but she is not here. I am so happy she found some one else, but we do not have a life togeather. nothing I feel or do can change that. I know i was not thier for her, but it was really because she could not be thier for her self. she would pull and i needed to regroup and think. it got so bad, that she felt totally alone, and she was. when she was gone I realized to late my feelings, and the dream is gone. I have to decide was that love or not. Do i just choose yes. What do i use as a basis. I just know I love her, but I am not in love with the idea of a dream of a life with somebody who is not a part of mine. Good luck every one sorry about the long post
  12. Hey every one. Good work for staying strong. I actually stopped myself from buying a christmas Card for my ex. I have been really wondering for a few days if I should. I was in the store but just could not do it, But i still think I might send her one. ``` Hmmm. I just think a simple card saying happy holiday. And a nice quote would be okay. Or would it. Well I think it NC 15. Will I get the 30. Wait I just looked at a calendar. it day 24 for me. So if she get the card on the 25 of Dec that will be 30 day of NC. ya. Good night every one.
  13. Day something of NC. just relaxing and wondering. have been reviewing the relationship. A lot of strange things to think about. Very hard to want to let go. I just happen to wonder. Thats it NC going strong. Good luck.
  14. Hey. for now you can not care how her sunday is going. Somebody more important needs your attention, he traveling from place to place, had his partner not be considerate. He even need help deciding on a new place to leave. I know its hard. And sure I am sorry if this post is out of line, but your self love needs to come first. NC
  15. Hey every one, be strong. Being strong is about today. We can not be are past hurt, or are future strength. What matters is today. The only time we can be certain are actions can make a difference. We owe it to ourselves and are past loves to have this strength, because if we fail ourselves, we will fail those we love if they ever come but. Be true to your values. The ones that say you are worth it. Those values, are what is true, regardless of emotions and low self worth. Those values are respect, regardless of loneliness. Those values are of doing what is right, even if it denies you pleasure. I promise in the long run being the best you will win out for rewarding you a beautiful life. But we must act as if we won today. NC is a good start to those values; Good night everyone.
  16. How did it go. When you guys first breck up were you strong in the beginning, nc right away. I am just wondering. I was very unavalible in my relationship, and sent flowers everyday for a week after my ex broke it off. We have no contact by her choosing. I am just trying to find someone who has had a similar break, but the ex at least changed thier mind later after a couple of months.
  17. I have been thinking of sending my ex a card, just saying have a happy holiday and maybe another sentence. But I also know this is crazy. I really believe my ex will realize she loves me, but I guess I am crazy, I do love myself and have high values. It was very easy to delete my ex phone and email. okay it was a hard couple of hours, but I really did not want her to think I was challengeing her decision to end the relationship. I might just be tricking myself, by thinking. I want her to know I still care. But she right now does not. I have been working on me, I actually nver stopped during the relationship I never let my values drop, but it also made me un availible and left her emotionally alone. Have not made a choce yet about the letter, I will keep loving me and let her be for now. i think it is day 15 maybe I am not really counting.
  18. Not bad. One more day. Keep up the good work. We are all pulling for you.
  19. [All we can do for now is to just let it go..] Great line. just remember the good stuff. Today is 12 of nc. I am not really counting. I cried alot 2day, for at least an hour, Very greatful of my family and friends, plus the holidays. I really started to notice as hard as feeling are to deal with. I will finally listen and understanding peoples feeling and really let that in to my life. It is something I have been so afraid of, and against. It destroyed my relationship, but so many new ones have come. life is amazing. and if I am every to be with my ex I want to share with her every thing she is trying to have me feel. No matter if she is afriad week, sad, feeling ugly. I will be thier. I do not know why emotions seemed so scary until now. NC has been easy 4 me because I do not have a email of phone number to call. I only have an address in my head. Well good luck everyone stay strong Sean
  20. Well here goes. day 11 i think. I am feeling I would really want to write my ex. I do not know why. I have been growing. I think, I have more clearity, and could write the all inspiring love letter, but that is for two people in love. Even though I might be she is not. I have been exersizing in everyday, but still feel sad. I know you are only as happy as you make your mind up to be but. That is were I am at. I mean I am happy, but know when I think how happy the though of being in love made me feel, but not really being able to experience it makes me wonder is that love. Hmmm. Keep on going nc.
  21. Still hoping for another chance. Always reminding myself how much I love me, and everything will be fine. I am in therapy. Boy is life odd. I really do not think of her much, just before and after sleep. I have not been feeling so good about myself lately. I keep doing wonderful things, like exersizing everyday, and eating well, say I love me evreytime I look in the mirror, but I have been feeling a lot of unhappy thoughts, sure I change them once they pop up, So here goes again. I am very happy and love myself so much. Every thing with my ex happened for a reason. Do they ever come back. Good luck everone
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