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  1. 1. Set your boundaries from the very beginning! 2. Make sure to have great communication. If you aren't open with each other, the end result will just be a ton of hurt for both people. 3. If the love between two people is strong, it is the most amazing thing. But in the end, if there are too many differences, it won't work out. 4. Take things slowly with each other. If you jump right into the romance, you can miss the development of the essentials such as trust and friendship. 5. Trust your gut feeling, even if it's not what you want to feel, such as breaking up with your SO. That may just save you months or years of unhappiness and suffering. 6. Make sure to look out for your well-being! If you can't love yourself completely, there's no way you're going to be able to love someone else. 7. Stay true to yourself. 8. Make sure you or the person you are dating is completely over his/her ex. No rebound dating because it just doesn't help with the healing process. 9. Never expect people to be perfect. 10. People change and relationships change. Some people accept this and try to make it work, and some people accept it but decide to move on. I could go on into the hundreds...
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