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Posts posted by squirrley

  1. Hey girl,

    I speak from experience, when I was sixteen I had the same thing happen. I loved the guy with all my heart and I know that he loved me aswell and I knew it was the right decision. We stayed together for 3 years even one really rough year while he was 5 hours away at college. But I promise, the older you get the more you grow and develop as a person. I'm not saying that what you did was wrong, because I did the same thing, but I am asking you to think about this before you proceed to continue. Sex is very addictive, and you dont want the relationship to become more physical than love. My ex and I grew as one person, but then we each began to grow into individuals and our relationship began to dwindle. I still love him and would do anything for him, but we are two different people now and cant be together anymore. Sure, sex is fun especially when you are comfy with the person you are doing it with, but there needs to be more to it than fun and that love needs to be the greatest thing in your relationship.

  2. I don't want to come on to strongly by just flat out asking if he has a girlfriend. I have a friend that wants to ask him for me, but that seems so elementary to me, yet the way he's going to ask him is very down low...so i don't think he would think that I wanted to know...if that makes any sense.

  3. OK! So here's the deal. I just got out of a 3 year relationship, but i'm back in the saddle and ready to see other people. I have this one guy in mind, but he strikes me as the type to be REALLY shy. I want to ask him if he has a girlfriend, but I'm scared i'll come off to strongly on him. I think he knows i'm interested, but I can't tell if he is. Since i was in a relationship for so long, I have no clue as to how i need to approch this guy. If anyone has a solution to my problem please respond

  4. OK...My best friend of like 7 years came to me recently and told me that she thought she was pregnant. I took the news well...we discussed it and agreed to get her a pregnancy test (because if her parents found out they would go bonkers!) We took the test it came up negative. BUT here it is a month and 2 weeks after her last period and no period.

    She concieved the child with a guy she doesn't love...it was sortof a "hit and run" if you will. he doesn't know...and there is ABSOLUTLY no way we are telling him. because if he knew he would want to marry her and he's not the type guy she needs to be stuck with for the rest of her life. and where I'm from...it would more than likely be the rest of her life or until the kid was out of the house. so thats 18 years of her life gone.

    she doesn't want the baby...but i dont want to be the one to tell her to run off and have an abortion. Because..i do not think it's right, but i honestly do not know what i would do if faced with her problem.I dont know what to tell her, but i did tell her that I would be there for her no matter what SHE decides. Yet i know what i tell her will strongly influence what she does.

    I am about to run myself crazy over what to tell her, and I also don't know how to tell her to quit sleeping with different guys! She's my best friend and I dont want to hurt her...but i'm scared that that's what i'm going to have to do. If anyone can give me some advice on how to break stuff like that to her lightly...please respond!

  5. Ok...my boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years and 5 months now. We have had a great relationship...even through his first semester in college which is about 5 hours away. We have managed to still remain strong. But when he came home for chirstmas break...things got a lil rocky, we split but got back together before he left to go back. and when he first got down there he called me frequently and did like he said he was going to....but now he hardly ever calls and when he does he's with the guys and to busy to talk for very long. he says he'll call me back and he never does....last night he called and said that he'd call back later that night...well he never did so i called him, and he never answered! So i sent him an email...so far that hasn't been checked, and i've tried calling him this morning and his phone is off and the other one is busy. I dont know what to do. I really dont think that he's cheating on me, but i cant help but wonder. Anyway if anyone has any thoughts on this please help me..because i dont know what to do and i'm almost ready to tell him to buck up and be a man or get lost....please help me!

  6. Ok i'm in high school....and i dont see my self as really attractive, but i know how you feel towards the girls being total bias. They do it to me 2! I would have to agree with a person that posted a reply to you, I hang out with the guys because they really are more understanding than the girls and they dont really judge you by appearance once they get to know ya! So hang with the guys and let the other girls stare! sure it might make them more jealous b/c you have the guys....but having the guys on ur side can be 2 your advantage!

  7. OK...My boyfriend will be coming home from college in a few days, and he hasn't seen me in about 2 weeks. I want to give him something to be very thankful for this thanksgiving...but we really dont have much room for privacy...we cant have private time at my house or his and just about the only place to have much privacy is his in his pickup truck. sure we've had lots of fun in that truck, but I want it to be a lil more than parking and that's the only place we can go, that I can think of, to get some privacy. and no one mention a hotel, cuz we live in a small town and everyone would know about it in 15 minutes. We've been together for a long time now and I just really want to wow him this weekend. I have a nice lil outfit for the event, but i wanna spice it up a lil more...any suggestions would be super! Thanks!!!!!

  8. OK...I've posted on this site lots of times about lots of different things that come to my mind...as most of you guys know I've been with the same guy for over 2 years and we have a very happy sex life. We use condoms with spermicidal lubricant on them and afterwords, I burn down there and i have to use the bathroom bad...and sometimes it gets really painful to urinate. When we dont use a condom it doesnt hurt me (ofcourse we always finish w/ condom) I'm sorry to be so graphic but i'm just concerend. and I know all the risks of STD's but those are not to be worried about in the case of us...neither of us have ever had any other partner. So we're good to go in that area. But anyways if anyone knows what the deal is. I duno if i'm allergic or somethin else...but anyways responces would be appreciated. thanx!

  9. Hey I know whatcha mean about not knowing what to do....My first kiss was sorta akward because the guy i was kissing had a big nose...and like in the mirror said...just giggle if something weird happens..thats what we did and everything worked good. Since him I've met the man of my dreams and we love to PRACTICE kissing! To get good at it practice...use a pillow or ur hand...but just relax with her and enjoy your self. Be gental and try to stay calm. I think you were asking about a french kiss and where to put your hands. The french kiss can be weird but lots of fun...but one thing you dont need to do is stick your tongue in her mouth and never move it. because then it just feels akward for both of you. but dont like lick her face or anything! hehehe! Ok now where to put your hands...dont just flat out honk her breasts. She'll freak out especially if she's shy. but gently hold her and touch slightly but dont groap on her! You can do this thing...just try to stay calm and dont freak out! happy practicing!!!

  10. Howdy.

    Ok...My guy and I are about to begin a long distance relationship...we've been together for 2 years and everything has been just dandy until tonight...and it's possible that 2morrow he leaves for college. He up and decided to go with his guys. I was ok with that at first...but then it started bothering me because it seems like for the past week i've been being his sisters mother and like she has been going every where with is for the past week. I want to be alone with him and finally tonight would have been the night. Yet he decided to go with the guys. I got very angry and let him now how i was feeling abouit the situation and frankly i blew up. I just wanted to be alone with him one last time before he leaves yet he says he wanted to be witht his friends one last time and possibly the last time ever. Should i have gotten so mad at him? or am I just acting crazy. I tell him that he doesnt understand where i'm coming from and he just tells me the same. He leaves either tomorrow or on wednesday....but he still doesnt know...but still his sis is really starting to piss me off....

  11. Hello,

    I've posted stuff in here many times before but I don't guess I've ever thought of a question that is as serious to myself as these, and I hope that I will get many different responses so I might have something to go by! Ok here we go...

    When I was 11 I had cancer in my neck and had to undergo some radiation treatments. I'm not sure how strong they were but it still worries me in my ability to have children. I'm only 17 and I don't want a child yet...but when I do want to have one or four...i wanna know if i can forsure concieve. If there is anyone out there who has undergone radiation treatments and was still able to have children please dont hesitate to respond.

    My next question. My boyfriend of 2 years and I have been having sex for quite a while now, yet I have never had any problems. Lately my clit has been swollen and hurts even if i sit weird. Also I have some kind of, i guess bruising inside me but not quite so far that you can't see it. Sorry to be so graphic but really there is no other way to discribe it. I don't understand what is wrong with me and i want it to go away! So if anyone could help me in that department aswell please again dont hesitate to respond! Thanks yall!


  12. I know totally what you mean! My first kiss was super weird aswell! The guy i was kissing had a large nose area and that had me worried the whole night and then when he went to kiss me we totally hit face! now that I look back on it i think it was super funny but since i've got me a guy that is a great kisser and we dont hit face! haha! But yea your skills will come with practice, plus practice is the funnest way to get good! Just both of you need to relax and have fun with it, and kiss like you are the champion kisser of the world! Try not to think about it as ur learning! It'll come! Just keep up the good work!

  13. Hey!

    Being a girl...I know what her reaction might possibly be if she's cool with you getting hard when yall kiss. She'll prolly think it's funny at first, or atleast i did. My boyfriend of 2 years now got hard one time while wearing a swim suit after we had only been together for about 2 weeks and b/c he was wearing a swim suit there really wasn't any way he could hide it. But I just laughed it off and let him know that i was perfectly ok with it and i was happy to know that atleast i knew he liked me! Also another thought that came to my mide was "hey atleast he's hung" HAHA! so I hope that ur girlfriend will be understanding and like the other people said- if she's mature enough she really wont think much of it and at most just think it's a lil funny!

  14. I've been dating my boyfriend for almost two years and I love him with all my heart. He's my best friend and I honestly dont know what I'd do without his love and support. We confide souly in eachother in every way emotionally and physically. My orgasms are really great most of the time, but sometimes sex is painful and I can't orgasm and sometimes i can get aroused really quickly and keep it going the whole time and other times it sorta fades off for me.....but other times i have incredible orgasms. I don't know what to do and i dont know if there is something wrong with me and I know it's not him, but i want to be able to with stand my aroused state. Ok well anyway to make a long story short i want to extend my orgasms and try to extend my aroused feeling so if anyone has any tips please post a reply!!!

  15. haha..I agree with the lady's it happens to the best of us! BUT you need to realize that if your not comfortable farting around your boyfriend then yall need to get a lil more comfy with each other and maybe not do the whole sex thing. I know it can be embarrassing to do that but if he loves you he will play it off or laugh it off, you just need to relax and go with the flow! have fun!

  16. Ok...I'm pretty pleased with myself in just about every way, and my boyfriend tells me I don't need to change anything, but I'd like to change my stomach for me. I have one problem though..I had to have my thyroid gland removed when i was eleven. (thyroid controlls your metabolism) I'd like to know if by having to take thyroid medicine which controls my metabolism now, would taking diet pills effect my medication??But if there is anyone who has a clue about medical stuff or just knows an easy method to loose a few pounds let me know. I work out and i do leg lifts but i still would like to drop just a few more pounds.


  17. My boyfriend and I have been dating for a long time now but I can't talk to my mom about getting me on the pill. We use condoms but sometimes we dont have one and still have sex, when we do that we don't go until the very end if you know what i mean, yet tonight there was some "pre-come" on the tip of his *beep* yet we continued to have sex. Could this be a problem????

  18. Since i was 13 once, i know how she prolly feels on the whole oral situation....in they eyes of a 13 year old girl it is "EWWWW THATS GROSS!!!" Plus, oral can lead to sex, believe me, i speak from experience, i'm 18 but thats also much older than 13, just take it slow your totally even passing up touching or anything like that, but even then you need to watch yourself cuz you dont wanna mess with her daddy!

  19. I have two friends both of which used to be good friends of mine, but lately they have been hanging around with one another and have both become very well.....they enjoy the sexual company of other guys. Also they treat me and my best friend like crap. I can't stand them and I'm ready to tell them off, but the school I go to is so small that if they are mad at me everyone is thereforeeeeee I dont know what to do about them.

  20. I know you prolly dont want to hear this....but you need to get rid of her. If she's cheated once, she'll cheat again. You seem like a really nice guy who diserves someone who will treat you right. I know that it's hard and you don't want to loose her, especially after three years of loving her. You shouldn't feel guilty for her mistake, and you need to make her realize that she's the one at fault NOT YOU! You aren't the one who cheated, SHE did and she needs to know that you want someone who won't treat you they way she has. I hope I could help, and I know it's hard but if you pray and confide in your friends, you'll find a girl who will love you more than you could ever imagine! Well I hope I was any help!

  21. My boyfriend just graduated high school and will be going to college in the fall. I want him to go and I want what is best for him, but he's also going to be living 6 hours away. We've been dating for a year and ten months and I trust him with my life, he's my best friend, my lover, and I know he would never do anything to hurt me.

    My only problem is next year i'll be a Senior and the people at my school are real meanies and he's the only person my age that has ever supported and believed in me. I love him so much, but I don't want him to go. We are still as strong as ever, but I tend to want to fight with him more and I'm mean to him! I wanna stop bein so mean but i like his comforting ways....It sounds stupid but I suppose I'm just doing it for his attention, i wanna know if there's any way i can stop doing like i'm doing!!!

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