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  1. I'm beginning to lose hope in finding love. I'm 19 years old (college freshmen), and throughout my entire life, I've been dealing with unrequited love. I've dated some girls, and then I've fallen for them, but they just don't feel the same way. I feel that women like to hurt me. I'm the kind guy that everyone likes, but I can't find love. I mean I do go out and meet people. I even throw parties so I can meet girls. I am getting very frustrated. I think I'm getting so frustrated that it is turning into anger and depression. I've been thinking that I could possibly be in Hell, since everyone around me gets into relationships so easily. My roommate for example has sex with a different college girl every week. After screwing so many girls, he found one that he liked or maybe he just liked the sex, who knows? Anyway, I have animosity towards him because of what he does. My neighbor has never had a girlfriend, but then he met a girl one night, and then the next day, they were in a relationship and it was at a party that I was throwing. This one girl I dated told her one friend that she digs me, and my good friend told me that. Wow, what a lie! Obviously, I like her, and I texted her saying that I like you more than a friend. Psh, she hasn't responded, which is very typical since I have reason to believe that she is trying her hardest to avoid me. Now, you have one example of what has happened to me throughout my life. For all of you that have found that special one, that have a girlfriend that you love or a wife that you have a deep bond with, I envy you. I envy you because you have obtained what I will never obtain. Maybe, you have strength that I don't have. Maybe, I was meant to be alone. Maybe, I'm just too different. I would appreciate any advice at this point to make my life better. Being so alone makes me want to jump out a window. My parents don't understand. They keep telling me I'll find someone, but I keep telling them, "Wow, you really make it sound easy don't you." Thanks for reading.
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