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  1. Cutey, I defenitely know what you're going through, the woman I am in love with is 29, but we have such a strong connection I feel as though we are on the same level. I am in the same situation as you and I haven't the courage to say anything to her about it. Perhaps one day I will find the strength to come out with it. Anyways, the best of luck to you!
  2. I feel as though Im at the point now where I am pulling away from her, distancing myself. I am starting to act strangely around her because I don't really know how to act. She keeps asking me whats wrong and I don't know what to tell her. I have pretty much accepted the fact that it is never going to happen and I am trying to move on. By doing that, I am not acting the same around her as I usually do. I just dont know how else to deal with it. I've never been in love with someone that didn't love me back, its the most awful feeling in the world. I need to move on but I want so badly to remain close to her, how do you do that exactly?
  3. So, I finally brought up being bisexual to her and she is fine with it, in fact, I found out that she has experienced sex with two other girls. However, bad news is that she said she wasn't really in to it. Although, she said that she was close friends with the girls she did do that with and she just felt weird about it, experimenting when she was younger etc. However, and this was yesterday, I also decided to let her read my journal, as well as a poem I wrote about her, I didnt tell her the poem was about her but Im pretty sure she knew. When she asked me what it was about I just said, "someone that doesn't exist" and she said "are you sure" our eyes met and I said yes. I was afraid to come clean at this point because of what she had told me earlier about her not being into women in that way. However, at the same time, later that night we were hanging out with two of our other friends and somehow the fact that she didnt want to have children was brought up and my friend said well, you could always adopt and she said, yes, I've thought about adopting, but I'd want to do that with the right "partner". She has never referred to any relationship as being a partnership before. I dont know, maybe I am over-reading this, but maybe she is sending me mixed signals? What do you guys think?
  4. Thanks everyone, for your support, like I said, it feels good to get this off my chest. And yes, I am totally head over heals in love with her. I dont know, I suppose Im waiting for the right moment to present itself. And alcohol is out of the question because she is 2.5 yrs sober now, so, when I do get the courage to do this we will both be totally sober, which I think I'd prefer anyways.
  5. I feel that I could act on my feelings, and even if she didn't want more than friendship, I think she'd be ok with me being attracted to her, she is a very open person. Although, as you said PrincessJOA, all in due time. I don't want to act too quickly on this, I've only truly known her for a few months. Though, these few months feel like a life time, we are so connected and on so many levels, its almost scary. I'm just so glad I found this site, I feel so much better with just getting this out there and having people to discuss it with. I dont know, she levels me, she compliments who I am as a person and its so overwhelming I just dont know what to do with it.
  6. At first I thought that may be it, just an infatuation or an admiration sort of thing and I should correct myself, I have been attracted to other women before, just not to the point of which I was thinking about them sexually, which I do when it comes to her.
  7. Hello, I am new to this and I see that this is quite a common topic, its actually some what of a relief to find out that I'm not the only one dealing with this situation. So, this is more of a venting process for me, however, any comments/advice you guys have would be very much appreciated Basically, I am in love with my friend, who is also a woman...I have been acquainted with her since last spring or so, but I've only really known her since this past September. When I first met her I was very drawn to her, I purposely sat next to her in our A&P class and we shared casual conversations, found out that we were both trying to get into the Veterinary Technology program, so we had something in common, which made it very easy to talk to her. I wasn't attracted to her then. I didn't realize I was attracted to her until I was making her birthday present near the end of September. I put my heart and soul into it and it turned out to be one of the most beautiful things I've ever created and when I sat there looking at it I realized that I was in love with her. To be honest, this really freaked me out, I had never been attracted to another woman before, let alone been in love with one. As the months went by we realized just how much we have in common, we call each other our soul mates, which I really believe to be true, I just don't think she means it in the way that I do. We give each other a huge hug whenever we part, even when we know we'll see each other again later that day in school (we both got into the Vet Tech program) and every once in a while she will give me a kiss on the cheek. The point is, I'm so ridiculously in love with her and I don't know how to tell her or even if I should. I have the problem, as so many of you do, of taking the risk of losing a really great friend and is it really worth that risk? All I know is that I can't stop thinking about her, I lose sleep over her and when I finally do sleep she is there waiting for me in my dreams. I always look forward to seeing her, shes in my very soul. It's just hard to figure out if she feels the same way, sometimes I really think that she does, and other times she seems so obsessed with getting a boyfriend etc I just don't know. I feel like I'm losing my mind. Some times I will catch her looking at me, I feel her gaze and I always avoid it, I guess I am also afraid because I have never been in a relationship with a woman before. She constantly tells me how much she loves me and how much I mean to her and I always reciprocate that. I've spent the night at her house after long nights of studying for exams and she always offers for me to come and sleep in her bed with her and I always accept. I dont know, I dont know whether I should just tell her how I feel or what. I suppose if I did I can see her being more flattered than threatened by it. Im just letting the months pass hoping that she will make the first move and I dont know whether its better to wait for that moment and if that moment never comes then just never act on it at all or if I should be the one to take that leap. By the way, another spin is that I am 20 going on 21 and she just turned 29. P.S. She is one of the most beautiful people that I have ever met
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