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Posts posted by DreamerPL7

  1. Really no inspiration I find that hard to believe in your situation. When your life is going down that is when your thoughts can be poured out the easiest.Write about your feelings what is going on in your life as of now. Try playing an instrument maybe or go to a loud concert and get a seat right up next to the speaker and just take some frustration out there. Go to a concert so loud you cant hear the next day just get your mind off of your problem.

  2. Haha that sounds like he shy convo you have with the person your crushing on. The awkward one about w/e is on your mind. I think he may have feelings for you but you need to find out if he has a girlfriend or you can get really hurt then go for it he seems like he likes you talk to someone he knows tell them to ask him, talk to some of your friends get some dirt and just start talking to the guy.

  3. My suggestion is find a hobby something you can do for yourself to make yourself feel better. I did that when I was down I began skateboarding for my own personal enjoyment. Another thing don't put yourself down, your 16 not 36 its not that hard to turn things around not yet at least. Also the tension with your parents, tell your dad you want to have a talk or do something together go fishing or something show him you care so he can start caring to. I know its difficult to talk to people about your problems especially your parents but keeping people out won't help it will only hurt and make you feel worse.

  4. Well I think it is possible to fall in love with a friend or have a relationship with a friend. A relationship is seemingly just a very very close friendship at least relationships should be friendships you can not just love a person you have to like them as well. But no I don't think it can be a spur of the moment thing, love just doesn't usually work that way but there are always exceptions. I think it can come and hit you all at once but it builds up. In my mind a friend that becomes more is one of the purest relationships you can have. Because you know the person and he knows you, how you act,ow you live, what your quirks are everything. So you go into with no regrets and no secrets. With the last question. That is more a matter of who you are if you only go and befriend smart intellectual types than yes you choose these people on that basis for that reason maybe even for that connection between the two. If you are like yourself and don't have a preference then no it is not based on having that special connection its just to have people who's company you enjoy.

  5. Dorry for the swears I am usually above that but right now I cant help it. Sorry to the Enotaloners that take this in a bad way but I just needed to vent some of my frustrations. If anyone wants some history I'll give it to you. The whole story goes like this. Well theres this girl in my class well practically all of my classes but not the point, well we are friends. The one up on the post I was mentally yelling at would be one of my better friends can't say best after the last week. Well they have been dating on and off a couple of times short periods of time month to two this has gone on between about a two year span. Well they began another one of these relationships and right from the start it seemed to be going bad. He never noticed her like at all. We would be talking while going to class and she would walk on the side of us she would say something occasionally but he would never respond or if he did they were like one word responses. This went on for a week. Later on he would blow her off and it would only be me and her walking to class together. Didn't bother me to much since we were friends and I didn't want to get into their business. Then this week rolls around and boy was it a pain. She started to get mad about the whole him not even noticing she existed thing, as would a lot of people in my mind. Well the week went by I was asked to find out what was wrong. I felt a little sorry for her so I did. Turns out in his mind hes not blowing her off one bit hes just acting like he normally would I took that info kind of harshly and there was a small argument but thats alright at least it was. Then comes Thursday right around the end of the day I see her and her eyeliner smeared so I know shes been crying her eyes are all red. I ask her what is wrong she doesn't want to talk about it but she says it was about the way he was treating her. This still gives me that anxious feeling. I just sat back and I wanted so bad to go over there tell her it will be ok and that hes just an idiot for the things hes done. But I couldn't bring myself to it was just to hard to do it hit me way to hard. Here she was crying for him and he didn't even notice. Well today he starts talking to people about breaking up with her that he is not being treated like he should in the relationship which is utter BS. I just wanted to deck him right then and there. I do not think he did and that makes me even angrier because if he breaks up on Monday he will break up on the girl's birthday which I can bet he does not know is coming up. That is the story](*,)

  6. I just don’t get it anymore all these stupid emotions. First off I think he is one dumb SOB for treating her like that. She cries for him he just walks away. She pleads with him he wont stay. Why doesn’t he get his head out of his Removed by moderator>and notice others are affected by the you do. Life doesn’t revolve around you it revolves around the people around you as well. If you feel like your to good for her just break up with her and let her move on. You don’t think about, her walk next to her, hug her, believe in her, see her as she walks by but you expect her to apologize to you. Why not man up and do something about it. Instead of being a stupid and making it seem like you’re the victim. Do you think your to good for her well what is it because I feel like punching you out right now. Treat people with some respect and find yourself a hole to crawl into because no one wants to be around an incoherent . You should be happy as hell to be with her, in my mind she is to good for you and you should be happy if she still regards you as a friend after how you made her feel. I have nothing to say to you and can’t even see you as a friend, if you treat people like that expect some backlash.

  7. you don't own your life if you can die by someone else's hand or if a higher being controls the good and bad things that happen to you. No one owns their life because life is above ownership. Everyone has a life but they don't own it other things do (or people in this case). Take drug addicts the drugs own their life because they live around them they need them without the drugs they might as well die. Some women and men are owned by their looks life revolves around looking good the makeup owns them. Others are owned by their emotions or greed. I don't look at life as an ownership of something its a privilege. Or it can be looked at as a test a test of heart and soul why do good if there is no reward? In my mind life is what you make of it just like a car on credit is in your possession you can work on it add to it but it is not your own at least not technically. So is life you can add good memories, remove bad ones, believe in religion and wait for an answer for the long haul or invest in the turbocharger and commit suicide to get to the bottom of the question. What is life? Granted the last way is a bit to extreme for my tastes but if you need an answer thats a way to find it just don't leave the rest of your loved ones in the dirt by looking for it. Life, life is a pointless search for a reason.

  8. Sorry for your loss southern girl haven't posted my own thread about it yet maybe some of the ENA community remember my post about my mom and how she was sick with cancer well she died on the 16 last month. I just need you to remember one thing you had 26 years i had 15 remember that one thing, you had all that time with her. I would give a lung to have her for another 11. Cherish the time you had I cherish mine. Never feel sorry about it the fact she passed you will see her again. My mother passed 1 month ago and I have not cried a tear for one reason. She is in a better place and I know that in my heart. There are lots of pictures lots of memories and I am ok with her gone. Feeling sorry will only bring back sorrow and that is never good. Be happy take potty training the 2 year old like a new challenge. Prove to yourself you can do it and prove to your mom how responsible, loving ,and special a person she raised. Remember she had 26 years with you here to and when it all comes down to it those were the best years of her life as well.

  9. Abuser's tend to scare the life out of a person so that they are afraid to defy them. What ever way they do it through blackmail of some sort or just making you feel worthless. She probably stayed for four years because she was afraid of the guy. If she gets upset or anxious about the whole thing I really don't think it was the sex. Another thing, the whole she won't stay with me cause I am bad in bed mindset is not a good one to run with. No one is that superficial that if they love someone but the sex is bad they leave that is just stupid. Remember there are other qualities you must have that she loves about you. Your first date was not one in bed. Remember sex is not the foundation of a relationship, trust, love, and being able to communicate are. She must trust you if she told you about the abuser some people wait years to tell their partners about that kind of thing. She must love you if your still together. You just need the communication part of it down. One thing to remember about communication its also based on what not to say. If she does not like to talk about the old guy and thats in her past just let her keep it there don't bring it up and YOU need to stop thinking about it because it can just make a good thing come to an end for no reason. Who knows you might end up spending the rest of your life with this girl, and if that is what you want then forget about the superficial and start thinking about other things besides the sex. Coming home with a dozen roses and some chocolates on Thursday just because its Thursday will make her just as happy and you need to believe that.

  10. I think that its true she may not even care about that stuff and not bother remembering sorry if it hurts hearing that but I do not like the ornament thing noone is that airheaded to pack that just on accident especially the dumper. Or she may just not want to remember she may be going through the same thing may have moved on the point is throw here stuff in the trash she dumped you now you dumo here atleast memories of her. Live life a free single man and there are about 150 million women in the U.S. for you to choose from.

  11. Haha from what I have read you are pretty insecure on the matter aren't you. Well in my opinion its a normal thing my brother in law openly says some girl is hot or my sister jokingly says wouldnt you be happier with her or w/e and they have been married two years now the whole relationship was a span of 9 and counting. I think its just what we as guys do and yes I am generalizing because any guy that says no I have never looked at another girl while going out with anothr girl is lying there will always be the occasional look at the girl accross from where your girlfriend sits or the cute passer by at the mall. Don't worry because cheating stems from being bored and not really being happy with the way a relationship is going if all is well then nothing happens if things go sour but love is still there again nothing will happen. Its when you lose love you turn to someone else to look for that love you have lost. even if that love is a one night thing with somebody you met at Target haha. The point is its not serious all guys do it and blood doesnt always flow to our brain first .

  12. I as a guy if I met someone that I went all out for texted her made dinner every night was so trusting to talk about my family and personal stuff would not dream of going and ruining it on something stupid like online dating while having the perfect person in front of me. I think he may just talk to people on yahoo, I chat on different websites from time to time it may just be something he does. Heck he might find something about you that weirds him out a bit be in your position and go to yahoo to talk to people for advice instead of enotalone. If I had not found e by pure accident I would probably be on yahoo to. If your still not sure try to get a friend to pose as a random IMer and talk to him on yahoo hell make a fake one and talk to him yourself if your afraid.It is better to be safe than sorry but if you really trust him just believe that its nothing and stop thinking about it.


    Just to add something in to the poster above I dont like the gf title either and I do not use it I think it makes the relationship seem like a 1 minute deal it doesnt neccesarily mean theres something weird about him not calling her his girlfriend if he uses other names to come accross in that sense like baby, honey, love-of-my-life lol if he says that you know hes hooked haha.

  13. On another note, we often end up dating people with qualities that we desire but do not have (for whatever reasons)


    Well that was the best way to sum it up I could think of haha. I think that is really true, because I really wouldnt date myself. I think that what I look for in people are my flaws and why would i want to date someone thats flawed. When you find someone that you love you find they are perfect because they have everything you lack like I would not date a girl that is a musician or a person that has no plans for the future even if the plan was a dream like being President I would be fine with that. Because I have no set future goals which I hate about myself and I am consumed by music two of me the same conversation the same ideals, morals, goals (or in this case lack there of) wouldnt make for afun friday night.

  14. Well most of you probably read my post about my mom and how she is sick and my dad and all well i just came home to find they rushed he to the hospital and i need some help or just something to cheer me up a little. Cause i can not find it in me at the moment. I feel like praying on a rosary even though i dont believe in prayer in that sense.

  15. Here is the thing though i dont need to copei already have with the disease and the chance of her death. With me i dont fear death i fear painful death but not death in itself. With my father he fears being alone more than anything else and well hes 52 the dating scene is not to open to him. He is fearful after her there is nothing and i guess thats where the whole i think he will try suicide approach comes in. I only fear one andthat is not knowing but in this case I know its bad i know bad things can and probably will happen seemy dad's fear is seeping into me now but he cant cope with being alone. He keeps himself in a bubble only helping my mom and not looking past that to try to keep here alive as long as possible and i respect his devotion but he pushes me and my sister who is 26 away from him in the process i have tried to talk he just blows me off or doesnt take it to heart.I can deal with that but i dont want him to become so isolated whenshe dies he crumbles. I will try tokeep everything you all said in mind thanks for all the replys and thank you for giving me a placeto have some people to help me get through.

  16. Well here is my issue my mom has cancer like bad liver, brain,kidney,breast, melanoma. Well shes taking medication and chemo and radiation and im playing it as normal life cause i know she wants it that way she tries to make it seem that way, but i know it is not. Well here it is today my Mom told me to take some pics of our yard cause it snowed and she wanted show my grandma she lives in another country sooo ya. Well im really forgetful that is not a joke i forgot my coat in 4 degree weather after coming out of a store lol. So i forget and i remember at night. My dad comes in and starts talking about how shes getting worse and she can go at any moment. Im sitting there thinking thanks for the info but it doesnt help he does this all the time. Well he scares me sometimes i mean i know its bad i can see that but like the docs say its going alright and he still is on the edge. It makes me angry like i dont want to think of her as my sick mom i want here to be just my mom. She did everything in our house i mean everything she was amazing stillis just cant do all the stuff she used to. Well i picked up the slack on my end i knew i couldnt dump it on my dad and does he do yells at me for helping. I get mad at him and stop helping him. Next day he yells for not helping. Well today he comes in and yells at me for not taken the pics i said i forgot im sorry ill do it tomorrow first thing ill make sure. Well then he goes into this crying tone ive only seen him cry twice once when my mom was in the hospital and once when he got super super mad at me. Well he says i dont think we have much time left with here it could be a week a month or a year. Well i dont know if thats supposed to make me feel better about anything. I am trying to keep my hopes up but it keeps getting harder. Im not only afraid about my mom but my dad. I mean if my mom died i could take it it would be hard but i could take it and its not that i dont love her. It is just i know for how much she did if there is a god shes straight into heaven. Its just once i had this dream its kinda wat i think would happen its like a coffin and im standin there with my dad and he breaks down. Cries and cries and cries and ijust stand there and feel like crying but i cant it doesnt come out i just stand and look. Dude im about to cry right now from writing it down. I feel like if she died it would be such a blow he would contemplate suicide thats how bad it is. Cause he thinks the worst always and that makes me angry i tell him to have hope and hes like there is to litle to have. ](*,) thats how i feel i need advice please.

  17. A purpose there is no purpose let me rephrase that life doesnt have a purpose it is pointless in a sense from religion's point of view. If God loves us so much why are we not in Heaven at this very moment. If people are miserable, homeless, abused, tortured mentally and physically is life hell. Or does this world even exist. That is my view my idea. It is you all dont exist, maybe your not real at all. If I cut you I dont know if you bleed if i touch you I dont know if you can feel. Is any of this real am I in a coma is there such a thing as a coma. Haha another point if you have ever done something wrong has it gone and hurt you some other way because you felt guilty. I have had an expirience like that in my life its still happening now. I keep questioning my faith my beliefs and i feel guilty about questioning. God being the great guy that he is comes andhits me right in the face. I find out my mom has cancer lung, liver, breast, melanoma, and brain cancer and all i can do is laugh at myself, not literally but in my mind I just laugh at my misfortune seeing as i brought it upon myself.

  18. thats pretty good advice thanks for some help i actually went to a football game today and met up with her and tried both of your advice it actually helped a bit till my friend told her i liked her but she still seemed pretty interested waiting to see what happens next. Lets hope i dont hit a road block on my way

  19. From what i see its not she doesnt like you she may adore the hell out of you but she doesnt think her guy friends or friends in general will except you and her together or she is just shy when your around. Which can both be a good and bad thing in the sense that she feels you need to be alone so she can express herself or shes embaressed, my guess she needs to be alone to express feelings for you or since she had a crush on you before and you didnt talk much same scenario so i suggest to progress for a few weeks the sae way you were going. Then see how it goes if you really like this girl ask her out she said she likes you so your bound to get a yes and if not persist.

  20. ok well first post wohoo w/e so i have a weird sort of problem atleast i think it is. Now im not to old 14 1/2 w/e but i always felt like i was way way more mature then everyone else i know i guess i have feelings and ideas others my age have not reached yet so here goes.


    Well i have had a crush on this one girl since i have moved to my new house, gunna be three years in like a week. No one really knew until about a month ago when i told my friend, people close to me knew but they were cool about it and didnt say a word. So after i told him he started making a big deal about it and now hes acting stupid again the maturity thing and screaming it out plainly put being an about the whole thing.


    Well my problem is mainly this hes being annoying talking to her about the whole thing and i know she has no clue who the hell i am dont blame her for that im pretty shy when it comes to talking to her so thats mainly my fault.


    Well i want to know should i try striking up a conversation or somethin try to get her to notice me atleast. I feel like i could walk through hell for this girl to notice who i am and i know we would be pretty good together have alot of the same intrests and stuff. But my "friend" made it harder by telling her, when you have a crush you do not want the crush to know about it. So now im lost she is really beutiful in my eyes and im average to put it plainly on the looks factor lets go like 9 and 5 is the best way people would probably see me and her. I dont know how to go about this i am pretty shy so now im totally stuck ](*,) WHAT DO I DO!!!! hnx for reading if you got through the whole thing at least if you did and please help me out.

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