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Posts posted by RileyRedleg05

  1. I get so annoyed at how other guys think theres a 3-day waiting period to call a gal. Yes, it may prove to spark an interest. But if you have genuine feelings for this girl and a desire to get to know her...call her the next day. Its not desperate, its just how you feel...and does anyone really honestly get offended if you call them the next day?


    Call her!...if you like her..dont worry about trying to peak her interest, you already did when you guys hooked up. And if she isn't into you the next day..chances are, you just saved yourself 2days of waiting!

  2. Its never correct to say "noone will ever want you." The fact of the matter is, you drive your own relationship-destiny. And you leaving him behind, shows just that. And dont get bent outof shape because you aren't IN a relationship now. Sometimes the prepwork you do OUTSIDE of relationships, develops you enough to participate in one. Needless to say, yes...not going out/dating its lonely...and even annoying sometimes. But again, with the destiny thing. Just go out...and eventually someone will come along.


    But also keep in mind the company you are among. Do you really feel you need to meet a guy at a party/bar? Why not the supermarket, on the street, in a bookstore, cafe. Though alcohol is the social lubricant, its not "us" in our true form. Explore people who are not putting on a show, and find them in thier most serene, if not "normal" state of minds.


    Endstate: Don't ever believe someone who tells you how your life will go. Fact of the matter is...most of thier comments are based on thier own perceptions of themselves...keep plugging and realize there is always someone out there...but you aren't going to find him by looking.

  3. Yes...and no...


    Here's the thing..look at it from her point of view. And press the "I believe button" here! (Press now!)


    Anyways...she said you have nothing to worry about....great...then trust her. Think of it if you had an ex and you shared something. Sure he may be luring her, but if you press the issue, then you're asking her to make a decision of...


    "Me ...or the pets!" which will probably sound ridiculous to her when she thinks through this logically. She might even think ..."If he's this insecure just about the pets...then what else would set him of." (tada: introduce the doubtful significant other!)


    Of course you are really saying..."Me...or him!" ...in which case...she's identified him as a friend...and now you are saying..."He is asking me to choose between him or my friends???"


    Trust me brosef, I dont agree completely with this...but...ive had this happen to me before. Trust that what you have is unbreakable. If an ex with a cute pet could break you up...then what else will try your relationship in the future.


    You should be worried....and yes it is insecurity. We all have that...its because you care for her so much. Thats great...means you have a pulse...


    But if you've already voiced your concern about the issue, scratching the itch again will eventually leave a scar, and she'll question your trust...and write you off as a jealous boyfriend...or worse...a jealous ex!


    Enjoy the time you have together, and trust the time she spends with her pets is for the sake of spending it with her pets. And worse case scenario....why not go see the pets as well.


    Be friends with he ex. That kills them the most. Im a nice guy to my gf's ex's...1) it confuses them...2)it allows you to size em up

  4. It was one-weekend. Sure they need to spend mucho time together. But he has other friends too. Yes, Im not saying I wouldn't be upset either. But think about the fact that they spend EVERY weekend together. As long as they are spending any amount of time, it should be fine.


    Don't get wrapped up in the quantity of time spent. Its about what they do, what they talk about, and what they share while they are awake together. If the issue stems from that, then sure...he needs to do a self-evaluation. But if it was just this one time...then give him a break.


    Sometimes people just want to break a routine every once in a while.

  5. Define "Gotten with." If you mean coffee then im sure thats within reason. However, if you mean he was seen walking outside her place the next day, then year, some might consider that a tad bit early to search for a new beau.


    But...if you want "NC" ...then why do you care if she thinks about you/misses you. Maybe you want NC because you want her to feel pain over you? Cry over you? Thats not a bad thing..sometimes we want the whole "I want you back...please take me back...i can't live without you" scenario." But im not sure ive ever seen that.


    Don't worry bout her other "guys." It sucks, I know, I hated here about it too,but its her right. She does "belong" to you anymore, let her go, let her move on. If she's the one, she'll come back to you.


    It took a year, but my gf came back to me...and the hardest part about it was not "judging her."


    Dont play the NC game, unless you want it as a permanent fixture.

  6. Uhm...thats not really a prank nowadays. Its more like assault/poisoning. First come to grips with the fact that you were wrong, and apologize. If you aren't sorry for your actions, then the court will eventually read that by your demeanor, and of course, you'll be slammed hard. However, if you make leaps to present yourself well, and remorseful, things MIGHT turn out better.


    What were you thinking? Dont they egg houses or smash mailboxes anymore?

  7. Are you hoping that one of us will tell you, "go for it?"


    Cause, you just said the dude had a girlfriend. This is a helping site for people with problems...not about how you can steal a guy from an unsuspecting chick.

  8. apparently you are impervious to my use of metaphors, analogies and "really really big words!"


    Since you're a big boy, im not going to even attempt to "break it down" for you into tiny chunks. Do some research on these topics:


    1) A minor having a child and economical concerns therein

    2) Depedants of a Dependant! (Cross reference healthcare coverage) Will you get your own healthcare plan, or are you ASSUMING daddy's will cover your lovechild

    3) independent (in regards to taxes, and healthcare) if you settle down...are you ready to carry all financial burdens for this child?

    4) If becoming independent, does car insurance now become your responsibility?

    5) Parental support! Do they know your intelligent scheme to bring life into the world.



    Next, look at your flawed logic:

    "My mom works, and so does my dad on just a slightly higher income"


    Reason for flaw: Your girlfriend wont be working while she's poppin the kid out. thereforeeee yes, you'll be relying on that extra 1.75 that your mom doesn't make. And think of this scenario lasting...oh say...a year ATLEAST. But then wait!


    Childcare!...will she stay at home...say until...the kids is two?


    If you haven't even reached the cusp of these topics, you are unfit for parenthood. Don't punish a child for your stupidity. Don't get me wrong...im sure Retail is rewarding...but the young-boyhood charm of selling warranties is going to wear-off say...when people realize extended warranties are BS! or when you hit an age unattractive to customers as naive as yourself.


    Best Buy sounds like a great job, I once worked retail when I was 18...but thats the point....I was 18...im 23 now...i get whats called "a salary!"

  9. I think the analysis is quite simple...


    You hired an idiot....



    seriously though...i dont think sex shops/adult video stores are affiliated with religion, but they seem to be rather profitable..


    uhm,....I mean, i HEAR They make money!

    You sort of get where im going with this?....if not, then just press the "I believe" button

  10. 1) be more specific.


    2) Why would you suddenly cut ties with this guy ? I can understand if you want to concentrate on this other guy....but dont you find it a bit mean to use him and then lose him?


    Why would you just go NC on anyone? Thats incredibly cruel! Explain to him why you feel that way. But dont just hurt him by making him think HE did something wrong.


    Think of it this way...if things are going okay on his end...and you suddenly cut ties...wouldnt YOU be upset?


    Don't give this guy insecurity issues if you're the one with the problems!

  11. Let me break it down brosef!


    Im a commitment sort of guy, yeah, sounds girly/metrosexual, whathave you, I want the picket fence, and the family nights, and even the occasional "honey Im home...bring the beer and is Dinner Ready?" sort of mentality.


    But then I babysat my nephew, and he was a complete terror. I love my Godson, but i'd rather speak to him when he's not running into a wall with sharp objects, or taking my laptop and using it as a baseball, or what other destructive adventure his mind can come up with.


    Essentially..if you want a kid...then babysit one...maybe for a few hours. Preferably a kid you dont see a lot, that way im sure you'll get Junior who is 1)will definitely want to be around you after his parents drop him off with a stranger and drive away ..and 2) will be on his BEST behavior!


    Lastly...Best Buy is great and all..but last time i checked..Best Buy doesn't sell pampers...so the employee discount aint gonna cut it champ!

  12. I agree with LaBoheme...but an additional question. Though yes, in love "Age doesn't matter"...but it has some relevance.


    Is this guy...say....older than 24?


    If so, then im pretty sure he shouldn't be banging high school aged chicks, which is why mom called the cops


    Im 23, and graduated college two years ago. I RARELY talk to chicks who haven't even turned 21. Its not because I dont dig younger chicks. Sure every guy has that Catholic School girl fantasy...but yeah...we dont make it a rubric for our selection of future relationships. General rule of thumb is that you have to share a field of experience. And if the age gap, especially at your age is noticeable...


    uhm..that just MIGHT be a reason for concern. Plus...this relationship seems borderline sexually driven. If you find yourself even THINKING you're being used for sex...then...gain...yeah..MIGHT be another reason for concern.


    Communicate this concern.

  13. You're not over her, its clear. But if you want to get over her, why are you so worried about what she thinks?


    1) grab the balls, and drive on



    2) realize you still want to be with her (which is pretty much why you're writing that rant) and then talk to her.


    Either case, dont blame her for your inaction. Yes...even though she did such and such...who cares...if you love her, which im sure you do, then dont keep score about who did what to who.


    You're hurting yourself, and not gaining any ground by stalking her profile. Cause lets face it, if you're reading her profile, and shedoesn't know it...then...yeah dude...you're stalking


    Im sure you're a good guy, but stop acting like you are Mr Nice Guy.

  14. So you don't like your job? Welcome to the world as 99% of us see it. Yes, its great to do things you're passionate about, but passion doesn't pay the bills. As much as I would love to symphathize with you, I can't. Im in the Army, I work 17hour days. I train and train, and every so often, the Army rewards me by taking a weekend or two from me.


    But in all honesty, though I might hate certain aspects of the job, I try to find the positive side of things, and just do it. I find the motivation to keep working as hard, or harder than the guy next to me. Its not because I love to work, but its because people aren't going to judge you by the job, but by the quality of your performance.


    Like the previous post says...blast them with sunshine. If you do everything the manager asks to the T, then im sure you'll have less problems.


    Lastly, don't feel sorry for yourself because


    1) Noone else will

    2) You're wasting time to be happy

    3) Its only going to make you less productive as a person.




    1) Keep looking for more jobs...just because you have one, dont think you can't look for another one


    2) Not liking the atmosphere, sure its a legitimate reason to quit...but just make sure its not an expectation that you have to love your job, else you'll wind up with a long resume.


    3) Educational oppuritunities exist all over. Maybe you should try and see what kind of financing options are available to you, if cost is an issue. Also why not check out programs with certifications or perhaps vocational studies.


    Make the best of what you have, and try your best to attain what you dont!

  15. Maybe because he didn't know what he was saying. Im sure you're a great gal. Im sure its unexpected for him to turn like this...but if you knew him so well wouldn't you think you would have picked up on this sort of childish behavoir? And even if you DID know him well enough, can't you think you're better off for not being in his web of games?


    I know it sucks, but in all reality, you have the upper hand in that you possess the ability to rationally participate in a relationship. Obviously he lacks this, and i dont know bout you, but I prefer to play a game with someone at the same skill level as me.


    Theres no answer for why he does this, or that...all of it is speculation, unless you ask. It'd help if you gave more specifics...


    How long did you date? How serious was the relationship? How far did you guys take it? What are your ages? Any odd behavoir before then. You can only get advice if you are specific enough for us to evaluate not only his actions, but yours as well

  16. Do you have the means to support this child? Do you want the latenight feedings?


    Im sure you love this gal, but realize that a child is not a hobby. Im sure your 5 yr relationship with you gf is great. But why not wait til you've had a few more years to establish yourself, then...THEN...think about brining a child into the world!


    Babies aren't free!

  17. Simply put...if he doesn't like doing it, nothing is really going to cause him to suddenly think...hey, "I like oral."


    However, I might suggest the idea an incentive? Possibly a quid pro quo arrangement. Use "pro" words to get him to do it. Tell him how it makes you feel, how you enjoy it.


    However, you have to take several things into consideration,


    1) Is this the farthest you have gone physically? If so, then this might be awkward for him because of the undiscovered territory.


    2) If this isn't...then...again...just remember, he just might not like it, and incentives have to be inplace.


    He thinks its gross?...dont think me rude, but are you shaven? It might help...? My girlfriend once bought something called "head" gel. Its a flavored gel that you can use as 'flavor." And does help decrease any taste/smell/ etc...


    Lastly...if you don't enjoy it...why encourage him to do it more? And yes...he can't get better unless you know exactly what you want with it. thereforeeee...keep in mind, when he doesn't make you go wild through process of trial and error...anything and everything you say during each attempt, will either encourage him more to try harder...or just make him dislike it even more.

  18. Wear a less sensitive condom. A tougher condom will prevent the nerves from being overstimulated and allow you to last longer.


    If all else fails, apply more foreplay and when she's ready, then continue with intercourse.


    And to be honest, if she aint complaining...then why are you?


    Sometimes stresses can cause us to come a lot sooner than anticipated. Stress/dietary/physical action or inaction,and even time period since last time you had sex. Unless your buddy is turning green and falling off, then why worry. If your partner ishaving issues with this, then discuss it with them, and come to a resolution that will make sex enjoyable for you both.

  19. Move on...unless he's harping on the matter, dont worry about it. Just dont do it again. Or if you want to be 100% honest, let him know exactly what you were thinking. But if he was tired, then take it at face value and realize...he was tired.


    If this occurs again, and you feel its something else, confront the issue head on. Yes, its a bit direct, but dont let things stew. Good news can wait...but Bad news only gets worse with age.



  20. At time when the monotony eases into a relationship, we do forget how important our loved ones are. Its obvious he still loves you because he's still with you, and he loves the children you BOTH created.


    The key is communication. Instead of telling him his "faults" Let him know what you are feeling. Take a stance, not an aggresive posture. Just let him know that his actions, or lack thereof, make you feel underappreciated.


    Let him know you are trying to see from his point of view why he does what he does. And then, if all else fails, seek further guidance. But the idea here is that you need to let him feel comfortable and not sound accusatory. Maybe even take a little blame for why you are in the predicament you are in...but essentially, just let him know..."I am upset..."

  21. You said it right there...


    Trust her. Thats all that matters. You have no right to tell her who she can hang out with. Even if you were able to...would you honestly feel righta bout stripping someone of that independance.


    You can tell her how you feel..but caveat it by saying..its not a suggestion for a course of action, just an observation.


    Never make her feel like she has to choose between you and her friend. That will come when you guys are stuck on a cliff and she can only save one of you. For now...just be happy she is with YOU!. If you can't accept this...then trust is not the only issue you have..and you need to work that within yourself.

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