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Posts posted by sandyv

  1. Hey Boss, STOP RIGHT THERE, don't dare do anything right now.


    Take it from a girl like me... I was so in love, I got tossed to the side of the road like roadkill and thought of jumping off the highest bridge I could find.... but in the interim I found this site.... and it has been very theraputic... have a drink or two, or whatever calms you down and know we have all been through this...


    most people here have said things similar as you and me too...


    Take care of your basic needs, try to talk to friends, family... anyone who can help you right now... enotalone is good.... I had no one else when my relationship ended that I could talk to.....


    Talk to me or anyone here, we DO CARE....

  2. As sad and confused as I've been, I've been getting lots of male attention, come-ons etc..... its does help the ego a little especially when my ex left me lying on the side of the road like roadkill?


    Also any way alot of the interested guys know that my relationship with Jack has ended... I guess that has lots to do with it.


    Very strange days indeed

  3. Thanks Scout and Okie for your replys..... its just awful how the dumper can actually make themselves justified for hurting someone else.......


    In a way thinking about his attitude helps me, cause I never ever did anything but love him.


    Yep NC is the ONLY option. Its not right that I'm actually questioning myself about what could I HAVE DONE WRONG

  4. As sad as it is girl Nadine, take it from one who knows.... he isn't worth your time, you are a good person, don't let him f...K you around, i've being going through this for 2 months and its horrible, get on with your life, you are a good person, screw him.... I've made a mess of things over love for my ex... don't make the same mistake girl....

  5. Yeah I know iAMteddy..... but its a very small limited area..... no where to go around here..... I don't understand how he can say what he did, but ya know I'm totally heartbroken,,,, I guess NC is totally broken in this case........ I feel like jumping off my balcony, only i live on the ground floor..... lol



    He hates me....

  6. My ex Jack is something else...... we broke up about 2 months ago bc he cheated on me with his ex from 9 years ago..... (he never even gave me advanced consideration on this point)


    But I'm not without blame, I was leaving the bar today and had to walk by his place, I left some expensive jewellery there, and being slightly buzzed it was at the time important to me... so I stopped in......


    I cannot believe how defensive he was, he blamed ME for the breakup saying I didn't care enough, was not understanding... I'm so upset, hurt etc....


    How it ended after about 10 minutes was he left me at his place, and went for a beer at the bar.... I left.... I cannnot believe how heartless he is.... trying to put it all on my shoulders...; can't stop crying

  7. Yeah this one also says it all


    BTW It is by the Rolling Stones, a hidden gem on one of their older albums..



    I can almost hear you sigh

    I can almost hear you cry

    On every crowded street

    All the places we would meet

    What will I do without you

    They say that life goes on

    I'm feeling sorry for myself

    I can't believe you're gone

    You acted much too calm

    You turned on all the charm

    You had a cold look in your eyes

    I can feel your tongue on mine

    Silky smooth like wine

    I'm living with those memories

    That's all that's left of you and me

    I can almost hear you sigh

    Almost hear you cry

    When you made sweet love to me

    And you turned on all the charm

    Acted much too calm

    You had a cold look in your eyes

    Did it mean nothng

    Was it all in vain

    Was I just your fool

    Or was the pleasure pain

    Have you set me free

    Or will I wake up

    In the morning

    And find out it's been a bad dream

    Come on, I beg you

    I want to be your main man

    I can almost hear you sigh

    Almost hear you cry

    When you make sweet love to me

    Almost see your smile

    It stretched half a mile

    You had a stone cold look in your eyes

  8. Yeah this song is from way back.... but I heard it the week after I lost Jack: .... so much meaning there for me:



    When I come home you telephone

    To say you're waiting for me

    I ask you why - I hear you cry,

    But you're still waiting for me


    Someday you'll be shedding your tears

    To cry over me

    Someday I'll be losing this fear


    Now I'm alone, you telephone

    To tell me you don't need me

    I ask you why, you tell me lies

    And say the truth would hurt me


    Someday you'll be shedding your tears

    To cry over me

    Someday I'll be losing this fear


    Oh, Oh . . . someday


    Down in the street where lovers meet

    That's where I'm waiting for you

    In the streets where lovers meet

    I'm still waiting for you


    Someday you'll be shedding your tears

    And then you'll cry over me [cry over me]

    Someday I'll be losing this fear


    Someday you'll be shedding your tears

    And then you'll cry over me [cry over me]

    Someday I'll be losing this fear

  9. Captain, I have followed your posts, yet never giving you my point of view. I see that you are very much in love with this woman.... but just like RedQueen says.. you most definitely have to deal with things, rather than make yourself insane debating back and forth in your head about whats going on... dontcha think?


    From following your posts I really don't think you are making any progress whatsoever... sorry to be blunt, but I do believe you may be beating a very, very dead horse.....


    Try to deal with things and move on....... nothings apparently going to change from what you have written for a very long time.....




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